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齐善忠,山东章丘人,民盟盟员,教授,中国科学院博士,自然地理学专业博士生导师,硕士生导师。承担本科生课程《综合自然地理学》(54 学时)与《水土保持原理》(36 学时);研究生课程《地理科学发展前沿专题研究》(36 学时)与《土地利用变化专题》(36 学时)。 近年来,主持国家社会科学基金、国家重点实验室开放基金、山东省重点实验室开放基金、山东省高等学校科技计划等项目 8 项,参与国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、山东省自然科学基金等项目 4 项,已在《AMBIO》、《Environmental Research》、《Regional Environmental Change》、《Natural Hazards》、《Environmental Monitoring and Assessment》、《Water and Environment Journal》、《Environmental Earth Sciences》、《Landscape Research》、《Journal of Coastal Research》、《生态学杂志》、《人民黄河》等刊物发表学术论文 80 余篇;编著出版著作 1 部。 主持和参与科研项目 1、 国家社会科学基金(17BGL134):城市化背景下北方岩溶区土地利用的生态风险及管理研究,2017.6—2021.11,主持,在研。 2、 浙江农林大学省部共建亚热带森林培育国家重点实验室开放基金(KF201706):基于 RS 与 GIS 的亚热带森林生态系统服务功能评价及空间异质性研究,2018.4—2021.4,主持,结题。 3、 北京金筠城城市规划咨询有限公司委托项目:聊茌东都市区范围识别及空间结构分析 2017.10—2018.10,主持,结题。 4、 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31870702):城市森林景观格局的水环境效应及其尺度特征,2019.1—2022.12,参加(第二位),在研。 5、 山东省社会科学规划重大委托项目(20AWTJ07):黄河三角洲生态保护研究,(2020.12-2021.12),子课题负责人,在研。 6、 山东省高等学校科技计划项目(J12LH04):城市化引起的济南岩溶区山地景观变化及环境影响,2012.6—2015.6,主持,结题。 7、 山东省水利科学研究院项目(201103):多层位水文遥测系统在济南市泉水监测与保护, 2013.6-2014.4,主持,结题. 8、 山东省水土保持与环境保育重点实验室开放基金项目(STKF201001):沂蒙山区土地利用变化及对环境的影响研究,2011-2012,主持,结题。 著作论文 齐善忠,郑昭佩. 生物界中的秩序与人为干扰——生态素养初探,北京:科学出版社,2021。 获奖情况 1、 2018 年:自然资源学课程内容体系,山东师范大学第八届教学成果奖三等奖,第 2 位。 2、 2018 年:山东师范大学 2017 年度研究生优秀教学奖。 3、 2014 年:黄河三角洲湿地生态价值与保护研究,山东省科学技术进步奖二等奖,第 2 位。 4、 2014 年:恢复生态学教材体系建设,山东师大第七届校级教学成果奖二等奖,第 2 位。 5、 2013 年:山东师范大学 2012-2013 学年优秀教学奖。 6、 2013 年:中国地理学会第十二届全国青年地理科技奖。 7、 2013 年:黄河三角洲土地利用变化及对环境的影响研究,山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖,第 1 位 8、 2012 年:城市化引起的济南岩溶区山地景观变化及环境影响研究,山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖,第1 位





查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Huang Zhilei, Qi Shanzhong. Frequent occurrence of urban flash floods in North China: an urgent and attention getting issue. Disaster Advances 2021, 14(3), 54-55 (Corresponding author) 2. Li Xiaoyu, Guo Jiamei, Qi Shanzhong. Forestland landscape change induced spatiotemporal dynamics of subtropical urban forest ecosystem services value in forested region of China: a case of Hangzhou city. Environmental Research 2021, 193, 110618 (Corresponding author) 3. Qi Shanzhong, Guo Jiamei, Jia Rong, Sheng Wenfei. Land use change induced ecological risk in the urbanized karst region of North China: a case study of Jinan city. Environmental Earth Sciences 2020, 79(12), 280 4. Li Xiaoyu , Liu Lijuan, Xie Jiangbo, Wang Zhongyuan, Yang Shuya, Zhang Zhenyu, Qi Shanzhong, Li Yan. Optimizing the quantity and spatial patterns of farmland shelter forests increases cotton productivity in arid lands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 2020, 292, 106832 5. Guo Jiamei , Heng Fuxin, Huang Zhilei, Qi Shanzhong. Marine hazards from 2000 to 2016 in Zhejiang province of the subtropical region,South China. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020, 1654(1), 12124 (Corresponding author) 6. Guo Jiamei, Jia Rong, Qi Shanzhong. Geomorphological indicators of environmental disturbance in the karst mountainous region of Jinan City, North China. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020, 780(4), 042047 7. Zhang Junlong, Song Jinxi, Cheng Lei, Zheng Hongxing, Wang Yetang, Huai Baojuan, Sun Weijun, Qi Shanzhong, Zhao Panpan, Wang Yuqi, Li Qi. Baseflow estimation for catchments in the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Environmental Management 2019, 233, 264-270 8. Zhang Xuexia, Sheng Wenfei,Qi Shanzhong. Hazards and reflection on Fangshan District extreme rainstorm of July 21, 2012, the urban mountainous region of Beijing, North China. Natural Hazards 2018, 2018, 94(3), 1459-1461(Corresponding author) 9. Li Xiaoyu, Liu Lijuan, Qi Shanzhong. Forest fire hazard during 2000—2016 in Zhejiang province of the typical subtropical region, China. Natural Hazards 2018, 94(2), 975-977 (Corresponding author) 10. Li Xiaoyu, Liu Lijuan, Qi Shanzhong. Land-use change induced environmental hazards in the Sangonghe Oasis of Xinjiang, arid northwestern China. Disaster Advances 2018, 11(6),36-37(Corresponding author) 11. 刘海丽,齐善忠,刘丽娟,李小玉 基于地统计的新疆阜康绿洲地下水埋深空间异质性研究,生态学杂志,2018,37(5):1484-1489(通信作者) 12. Zhang Xuexia, Sheng Wenfei, Qi Shanzhong. Grassland environmental hazards of the Gannan region in Gansu province of China, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Disaster Advances 2018, 11(2), 36-37(Corresponding author) 13. Sheng Wenfei, Qi Shanzhong,Wang Yetang. Ecological risk from urbanization in the karst mountainous region of North China. Disaster Advances 2017, 10(12),36 (Corresponding author) 14. An Guo, Qi Shanzhong. Poor planning of underground pipe network responsible for occurrence of urban inland inundation hazards in China. Disaster Advances 2017, 10(11), 32-33 (Corresponding author) 15. Qi Shanzhong, Liu Haili, Sun Weijun. Questionable risk-based dilemma for flood hazards in modern rural region of China. Disaster Advances 2017, 10(9), 44 16. Qi Shanzhong, Sun Weijun, Wang Yetang. Potential risk from environmental hazard of agricultural land pollution: a human health issue in China. Disaster Advances 2017, 10(7), 46-47 17. Qi Shanzhong, Liu Haili. Natural and anthropogenic hazards in the Yellow River Delta, China. Natural Hazards2017, 85(3), 1907-1911 18. Shi Tongguang, Qi Shanzhong, Meng Fei, Xie Xingzhen. Land use change and landscape response in the Yellow River Delta of China: a case of Dongying City. Environmental Earth Sciences 2016, 75(7), 547 (Corresponding author) 19. Zheng Zhaopei, Qi Shanzhong, Xu Yuetong. A new type of human-made disaster from the frequent school bus accidents in China. Natural Hazards 2013, 67(2), 975-977 (Corresponding author) 20. Qi Shanzhong, Zheng Zhaopei. Environmental hazards from population pressure in the Jinta Oasis, arid northwestern China. Natural Hazards 2013, 65(1), 985-989 21. Zheng Zhaopei, Qi Shanzhong, Xu Yuetong. Questionable frequent occurrence of urban flood hazards in modern cities of China. Natural Hazards 2013, 65(1), 1009-1010 (Corresponding author) 22. Xu Yuetong, Qi Shanzhong, Wang Guangwei, Shang Guiduo. Urbanization induced landscape change of urban hills in Jinan City, karst geological region of North China. Landscape Research 2012, 37(6), 721-726 (Corresponding author) 23. Yu Xingxiu, Qi Shanzhong, Xu Yuetong. Soil erosion hazard in the Yimeng mountainous region, North China. Natural Hazards 2012, 64(2), 1963-1967 (Corresponding author)


