郑昭佩,山东邹城市人,中共党员,教授,2002 年毕业于中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,获博士学位。2004 年起招收自然地理学硕士研究生,2012 年起招收学科教学(地理)专业硕士生。主讲《自然地理学》、《自然资源学》和《地理科学导论》等课程,主持、完成多项校级教改项目,获校级教学成果奖 3 项。2006 年取得国家注册环评工程师资质,长期从事环境影响评价和生态环境规划等服务社会的工作。
近年来,参与国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金项多项,在国内外期刊上发表论文 60 余篇。
1、郑昭佩编著. 地理学思想史,北京:科学出版社,2009.
3、郑昭佩著. 自然资源学基础,青岛:中国海洋大学出版社,2013.
郑昭佩,刘作新. 土壤质量及其评价,应用生态学报. 2003,14(1):131-134
郑昭佩,宋德香,刘作新. 长期灌溉施肥对半干旱区褐土氮、磷、钾库的影响 II. 对褐土农田土壤氮库的影响,生态学杂志,2004,23(5):19-24.
Zhaopei Zheng, Shanzhong Qi. Potential flood hazard due to urban expansion in the karst mountainous region of North China[J],Regional Environmental Change, 2011,(11):439-440.
Zhaopei Zheng, Shanzhong Qi,Yuetong Xu. Questionable frequent occurrence of urban flood hazards in modern cities of China[J],Natural Hazards,2013,65(1):1009-1010.
Zheng Zhaopei,Qi Shanzhong. A new type of human-made disaster from the frequent school bus accidents in China[J],Natural Hazards,2013, 67(2):975–977.
Qi Shanzhong,Zhang Zulu,Zheng Zhaopei,Gong Qiaoyu and Zhang Yan. Saltwater Intrusion in the Laizhou Gulf, Shandong Province, China:Causes and Its Impact on Coastal Areas[J], Ambio, 2006,35(7):1-2.
Zhiwen Song, Zhaopei Zheng, Jie Li, Xianfeng Sun, Xianyuan Han, Wei Wang, Min Xu. Seasonal and annual performance of a full-scale constructed wetland system for sewage treatment in China[J],Ecological Engineering, 2006, (26):272-282.
Shanzhong Qi,Zhaopei Zheng. Environmental hazards from population pressure in the Jinta Oasis, arid northwestern China, Natural Hazards,2013,65(1):985-989.