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性别:男,出生年月:1962.09,民族:汉,政治面貌:九三学社社员,籍贯:云南 最高学历:博士研究生 最高学历专业名称:材料物理 教育背景 1979.09-1983.07,就读于中南大学,金属物理(全日制),获得学士学位  1983.09-1986.06,就读于中国科学院金属研究所,金属物理(全日制),获得硕士学位  1994.09-1997.06,就读于比利时Antwerp大学,材料物理(全日制),获得博士学位 工作履历 1986.06-1994.08,四川大学,讲师,固体(材料)物理专业 1997.07-1998.11,比利时Antwerp大学物理系电镜实验室,博士后研究员,材料物理 1998.12-2000.09,德国Juelich国家研究中电镜实验室,德国国家自然科学基金GFD博士后研究员,材料物理 2000.08-2003.08,荷兰Delft理工大学国家高分辨电镜中心,核心成员,材料物理 2003.08-2007.01,荷兰Delft理工大学国家高分辨电镜中心,永久研究员,材料物理 2005.10-2007.01,中国科学院物理研究所,特聘研究员,博导,材料物理 2006.11-至今,湖南大学,教授,博导,材料物理


陈江华教授在电子显微学和材料科学多个领域从事过研究工作,有较丰富的国内外学术活动经验,在电子显微学及应用和铝合金研究方面做出过较好的研究成果。在Science,Nature Materials,Acta Materialia等二十多种著名期刊发表论文。特别是在轿车车身用铝合金板材的研究方面取得突出成果;在大分子测量用纳米孔器件制造方面有重要创新;关于透射电镜理论和方法的工作被国际综述文章和著名教科书引用。陈江华教授领导的研究团队拥有世界先进的电镜设备与技术,包括三台透射和两台扫描电镜,可以实现纳米电子衍射、波函数重构和高分辨HAADF STEM等最先进的结构分析技术,目前承担着自然科学基金和国防基础等国家科研任务。 具体研究方向明细: (1)研究铝、铜、钛合金和钢铁材料组织结构与性能和工艺的关系; (2)利用和发展超高分辨电子显微分析方法,对国家重点发展的高性能材料的相结构和成分、形貌、取向、分布等开展系统和深入的定量研究,通过上述基础问题的研究,促进国家材料发展中重大关键科学问题的解决; (3)现代电子显微学新方法和理论基础的研究,发展具有特色的波函数重构技术;


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学术成果 近年来,陈江华教授发表学术论文100余篇,授权发明专利11项: 发表论文明细 1) J.H. Chen*,E.Costan, M.A.van Huis, Q.Xu and H.W.Zandbergen. Atomic Pillar-Based Nanoprecipitates Strengthen AlMgSi Alloys. Science, 2006, 312(5772): 416–419. 2) A.J. Storm, J.H. Chen, X.S. Ling, H.W. Zandbergen and C. Dekker. Fabrication of solid-state nanopores with single nanometer precision. Nature materials, 2003, 2: 537-541. 3) J.H. Chen, Van Dyck, D. Accurate multislice theory for elastic electron scattering in transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 1997, 70(1-2): 29-44. 4) J.H. Chen*, H.W. Zandbergen and D.Van Dyck. Atomic imaging in aberration-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 2004, 98(2-4): 81-97. 5) W.Q. Ming, J.H. Chen*. Validities of three multislice algorithms for quantitative low-energy transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 2013, 134: 135-143. 6) C.Y. Tang, J.H. Chen*, H.W. Zandbergen and F.H.Li. Image deconvolution in spherical aberration-corrected field-emission HRTEM images. Ultramicroscopy, 2006, 106(6): 539-546. 7) J.H. Chen, D. Van Dyck, M. Op de Beeck and J. Van Landuyt. Computational comparisons between the conventional multislice method and the third-order multislice method for calculating high-energy electron diffraction and imaging. Ultramicroscopy, 1997, 69(4): 219-240. 8) S. Van Aert, J.H. Chen, D. VanDyck. Linear versus non-linear structural information limit in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy, 2010, 110(11), 1404–1410. 9) S. Van Aert, A. J. den Dekker, A. van den Bos, D. Van Dyck and J. H. Chen. Maximum likelihood estimation of structure parameters from high resolution electron microscopy images. Part II: a practical example. Ultramicroscopy, 2005, 104(2): 107-125. 10) T. Hu, J.H. Chen*, J.Z. Liu, Z.R. Liu, C.L. Wu. The crystallographic and morphological evolution of the strengthening precipitates in Cu–Ni–Si alloys. Acta Materialia, 2013, 61: 1210–1219. 11) S.B. Wang, J.H. Chen*, M.J. Yin, Z.R. Liu, D.W. Yuan, J.Z. Liu, C.H. Liu, C.L. Wu. Double-atomic-wall-based dynamic precipitates of the early-stage S-phase in AlCuMg alloys. Acta Materialia, 2012, 60: 6573-6580. 12) Z.R. Liu, J.H. Chen*, S.B. Wang, D.W. Ding, M.J. Yin, C.L. Wu. The structure and the properties of S-phase in Al-Cu-Mg alloys. Acta Materialia, 2011, 59: 7396-7405. 13) W.L. Chen, C.L. Wu, Z.R. Liu, S. Ni, Y. Hong, Y. Zhang, J.H. Chen*. Phase transformations in the nitrocarburizing surface of carbon steels revisited by microstructure and property characterizations. Acta Materialia, 2013, 61: 3963–3972. 14) M. A. van Huis, J.H. Chen, H. W. Zandbergen and M. H. F. Sluiter. Stability and phase transformations of late precipitate phases in Mg-Si-Al alloys. Acta Materialia, 2006, 54:2945-2955. 15) M. A. van Huis, J.H. Chen, M. H. F. Sluiter and H. W. Zandbergen. Phase stability and structural features of matrix-embedded hardening precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys in the early stages of evolution. Acta Materialia, 2007, 55(6): 2183-2199. 16) C.H. Liu, Y.X. Lai , J.H. Chen*, G.H. Tao , L.M. Liu , P.P. Ma, C.L. Wu.Natural-aging-induced reversal of the precipitation pathways in an Al–Mg–Si alloy. Scripta Materialia, 2016, 115: 150-154. 17) C.H. Liu, J.H. Chen*, C. Li, C.L. Wu, D.Z. Li, Y.Y. Li. Multiple silicon nanotwins formed on the eutectic silicon particles in Al-Si alloys. Scripta Materialia, 2011, 64: 339-342. 18) J.Z. Liu, J.H. Chen*, X.B. Yang, S. Ren, C.L. Wu, H.Y. Xu and J Zou. Revisiting the precipitation sequence in Al–Zn–Mg-based alloys by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Scripta Materialia, 2010, 63: 1061–1064. 19) Q.H. Fang, J.H. Chen, P.H. Wen and Y.W. Liu. Misfit dislocations in an annular strained film grown on a cylindrical nanopore surface. Scripta Materialia, 2009, 60: 395–398. 20) C.H. Liu, J. Chen, Y.X. Lai, D.H. Zhu, Y. Gu, J.H. Chen*. Enhancing electrical conductivity and strength in Al alloys by modification of conventional thermo-mechanical process. Materials and Design, 2015, 87: 1-5. 21) C.H. Liu, X.L. Li, S.H. Wang, J.H. Chen*, Q. Teng, J. Chen. A tuning nano-precipitation approach for achieving enhanced strength and good ductility in Al alloys. Materials and Design, 2014, 54: 144-148. 22) P. Xie, C.L. Wu, Y. Chen , J.H. Chen, X.B. Yang, S.Y. Duan, N. Yan, X.A. Zhang, J.Y. Fang. A nanotwinned surface layer generated by high strain-rate deformation in a TRIP steel. Materials and Design, 2015, 80: 144-151 23) J.Z. Liu, J.H. Chen*, Z. R. Liu, C. L. Wu. Fine precipitation scenarios of AlZnMg(Cu) alloys revealed by advanced atomic-resolution electron microscopy study Part II: Fine precipitation scenarios in AlZnMg(Cu) alloys. Materials Characterization, 2015, 99: 142–149. 24) J.Z. Liu, J.H. Chen*, D. W. Yuan, C. L. Wu, J. Zhu, Z. Y. Cheng. Fine precipitation scenarios of AlZnMg(Cu) alloys revealed by advanced atomic-resolution electron microscopy study Part I: Structure determination of the precipitates in AlZnMg(Cu) alloys. Materials Characterization, 2015, 99: 277-286. 25) X.Q. Zhao, M.J. Shi, J.H. Chen*, S. B. Wang, C.H. Liu, C.L. Wu. A facile electron microscopy method for measuring precipitate volume fractions in AlCuMg alloys. Materials Characterization, 2012, 69: 31-36. 26) X.B. Yang, J.H. Chen, J.Z. Liu*, P. Liu, F. Qin, Y.L. Cheng, C.L. Wu. Spherical constituent particles formed by a multistage solution treatment in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys. Material Characterization, 2013, 83: 79-88. 27) Nengping Jin, Hui Zhang, Yi Han, Wenxiang Wu, Jianghua Chen. Hot deformation behavior of 7150 aluminum alloy during compression at elevated temperature. Materials Characterization, 2009, 60(6): 530-536. 28) J.H. Chen, Y. M. Wang, X. J. Luo, L. Y. Ding and X. L. Cheng. An improved multislice method for calculating high-energy electron diffraction and imaging under conditions of inclined illumination. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 1995, 71(1): 33-37. 29) J.H. Chen; Bernaerts, D.; Jin Won Seo; Van Tendeloo, G. Voidites in polycrystalline natural diamond. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 1998, 77(3): 135-140. 30) J.H. Chen, G. Van Tendeloo. Microstructure of tough polycrystalline natural diamond. Journal of Electron Microscopy, 1999, 48(2), 121-129. 31) J.H. Chen, C.L. Jia, K. Urban and C.L. Chen. Unusual lattice distortion in a Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin film on a LaAlO3 substrate. Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 81(7): 1291-1293. 32) J.H. Chen, D. Van Dyck and M. Op de Beeck. Multislice Method for Large Beam Tilt with Application to HOLZ Effects in Triclinic. Acta Crystallographica, 1997, 53(53): 576-589. 33) J.H. Chen, M. Op de Beeck, and D. Van Dyck. Can the Multislice Method Be Used To Calculate HOLZ Reflections in High-Energy Electron Diffraction and Imaging? Microscopy Microanalysis Microstructures, 2003, 5(2): 197-201. 34) J.H. Chen, D. Van Dyck, M. Op de Beeck and J. Van Landuyt.Modification of the multislice method for calculating coherent STEM images. Physica Status Solidi (a), 1995, 150(1): 13-22. 35) J.H. Chen, Y. M. Wang and Q. B. Yang. Simulation and reconstruction of high-resolution electron microscopy images, A chapter in the book Progress in Transmission Electron Microscopy, ed. Ye H. Q. and Wang Y. M. (Science publish, Beijing 2003) (ISBN 7-03-011895-2), 278-298. 36) C.Y. Cai, J.H. Chen*. An accurate multislice method for low-energy transmission electron microscopy. Micron, 2012, 43:374-379. 37) F. Lin, Y. Liu, X. Y. Zhong, J.H. Chen*. An improved image alignment procedure for high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Micron, 2010, 41(4): 367-372. 38) X.B. Yang, J.H. Chen*, J.Z. Liu, F. Qin, J. Xie, C.L. Wu. A high-strength AlZnMg alloy hardened by the T-phase precipitates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 610: 69-73. 39) L.H. Liu, J.H. Chen*, T.W. Fan, Z.R. Liu, Y. Zhang, D.W. Yuan. The possibilities to lower the stacking fault energies of aluminum materials investigated by first-principles energy calculations. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 108: 136-146. 40) C. L. Wu, X. Z. Liao, J.H. Chen*. The formation of symmetric SiC bi-nanowires with a Y-shaped junction. Nanotechnology, 2010, 21(40): 405303-405310. 41) Y. Ding, J.H. Chen*, J.M. He, M. Liu, C.R. Ma, C.L. Chen. Interface structures and strain relaxation mechanisms of ferroelectric BaTiO3/SrTiO3 multilayers on (001) MgO substrates. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2013, 383: 19-24. 42) S.H. Wang, C.H. Liu, J.H. Chen*, X.L. Li, D.H. Zhu, G. H. Tao. Hierarchical nanostructures strengthen Al-Mg-Si alloys processed by deformation and aging. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2013, 585: 233-242. 43) Houwen Chen, Jianghua Chen*, Rong Wang. A structural study of the Fe/ZSM-5 catalyst by through-focus exit-wavefunction reconstruction in HRTEM. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2009, 120: 472-476. 44) Z. Gao, J.H. Chen*, S.Y. Duan, X.B. Yang, C.L. Wu. The complex precipitation sequences of AlCuLiMg alloys characterized in relation with thermal-ageing processes. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2016, 29(1): 94-103. 45) M.J. Yin, J.H. Chen*, S. B. Wang, Z.R. Liu, L.M. Cha, S.Y. Duan, C.L. Wu. Temperature-dependent growth of the S-phase precipitates in relation with the Guinier-Preston-Bagaryatsky(GPB) zones in AlCuMg alloys. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2016, 26(1): 1-11. 46) J.Z. Liu, S.S. Yang, S.B. Wang, J.H. Chen, C.L. Wu. The influence of Cu/Mg atomic ratios on precipitation scenarios and mechanical properties of Al-Cu-Mg alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014, 613: 139-142. 47) Z. Gao, J.Z. Liu, J.H. Chen, S.Y. Duan, Z.R. Liu, W.Q. Ming, C.L. Wu. Formation mechanism of precipitate T1 in AlCuLi alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 624: 22-26. 48) C. Li, J. H. Chen, X. Wu, S. van der Zwaag. Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and properties with compression of metastable β-titanium alloy. Metal Science and Heat Treatment, 2014, 56: 245-252. 49) C. Li, J.H. Chen, X. Wu, Zwaag van der S, A comparative study of the microstructure and mechanical properties of α+β titanium alloys, Metal Science and Heat Treatment, 2014, 56: 374-380. 50) G.H. Tao, C.H. Liu, J.H. Chen, Y.X. Lai, P.P. Ma, L.M. Liu. The influence of Mg/Si ratio on the negative natural aging effect in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 642: 241-248. 51) L. Liu, J. H. Chen, S.B. Wang, C.H. Liu, S.S. Yang, C.L. Wu. The effect of Si on precipitation in Al–Cu–Mg alloy with a high Cu/Mg ratio. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2014, 606: 187-195. 52) C. Li, J.H. Chen, X. Wu, S vander Zwaag. Effect of strain rate on stress-induced martensitic formation and the compressive properties of Ti-V-(Cr,Fe)-Al alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2013, 573: 111-118. 53) H.C. Long, J.H. Chen, C.H. Liu, D.Z. Li, Y.Y. Li. The negative effect of solution treatment on the age hardening of A356 alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2013, 566: 112-118. 54) C. Li, X. Wu, J.H. Chen, S. van der Zwaag. Influence of α morphology and volume fraction on the stress-induced martensitic transformation in Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011, 528: 5854-5860. 55) F.L. Jiang, H. Zhang, L.X. Li, J.H. Chen, The kinetics of dynamic and static softening during multistage hot deformation of 7150 aluminum alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 552: 269–275. 56) Xudong Huang, Hui Zhang, Yi Han, Wenxiang Wu, Jiang hua Chen. Hot deformation behavior of 2026 aluminum alloy during compression at elevated temperature. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010, 527: 485-490. 57) X.H. Chen, X.L. Wu, J.G. Zou, J..L. Liu, J.H. Chen, Dispersion of functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes in multi-walled carbon nanotubes/liquid crystal nanocomposites and their thermal properties, Materials Science and Engineering B, 2011, 176: 425–430. 58) X.H. Chen, J.F. Wang, M. Lin, W.B. Zhong, T. Feng, X.H. Chen, J.H. Chen, F. Xue.Mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with amino-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008, 492 : 236–242. 59) W.L. Chen, C.L. Wu, J.H. Chen, A.G. He. An electron microscopy study of the vein-like grain boundary microstructure in nitrocarburized low carbon steels. Journal of materials science and technology, 2013, 29: 669-672. 60) C. Li, J.H. Chen, X. Wu, W. Wang, S. van der Zwaag. Tuning the stress induced martensitic formation in titanium alloys by alloy design. Journal of Materials Science, 2012, 47: 4093-4100. 61) X.Z. Xiong, C.J. Tu, D. Chen, J.Q. Zhang, J.H. Chen. Arc erosion wear characteristics and mechanisms of pure carbon strip against copper under arcing conditions. Tribology Letters, 2014, 53: 293-301. 62)A.J. Storm, J.H. Chen, H. W. Zandbergen, and C. Dekker. Translocation of double-strand DNA through a silicon oxide nanopore. Physical Review E, 2005, 71(5): 122-133. 63) M. A. van Huis,M. H. F. Sluiter, J.H. Chen, and H. W. Zandbergen. Concurrent substitutional and displacive phase transformations in Al-Mg-Si nanoclusters. Physical Review B, 2007,76(17): 174113(1-6). 64) A.J. Storm, C. Storm, J.H. Chen, H.W. Zandbergen, J. F. Joanny and C. Dekker. Fast DNA translocation through a solid-state nanopore. Nano Letters, 2005, 5(7): 1193-1197. 65) A.J. Storm, J.H. Chen, X.S. Ling, H.W. Zandbergen, and C. Dekker. Electron-beam-induced deformations of SiO2 nanostructures. Journal of Applied Physics, 2005, 98: 014307(1-8). 66) D.W. Yuan, Z.R. Liu, J.H. Chen. Catalytic activitay of Pd ensembles over Au(111) surface for CO oxidation: A first-principles study. J. Chem. Phys., 2011, 134:054704-054711. 67) X.L. Wu, X.H. Chen, J..F. Wang, J.L. Liu, Z.F. Fan, X.H. Chen, J.H. Chen, Functionalization of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes with Thermotropic Liquid-Crystalline Polymer and Thermal Properties of Composites. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(2): 891–897. 68) X.B. Yang, J.Z. Liu, J.H. Chen, C.Y. Wan, L. Fang, P. Liu, C.L. Wu. Relationship between the strengthening effect and the morphology of precipitates in Al-7.4Zn-1.7Mg-2.0Cu (wt. %) alloy. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2014, 27: 1070-1077. 69) D. Van Dyck and J.H. Chen. Towards an exit wave in closed analytical form. Acta Crystallographica Section A, 1999, 55: 212-215. 70) D. Van Dyck and J.H. Chen. A simple theory for dynamical electron diffraction in crystals. Solid state communication, 1999, 109(8): 501-505. 71) Y.M. Wang and J.H. Chen. A convergence criterion for the real-space image simulation method. Philosophical Magazine A, 1988, 58(5): 817-824. 72) Y.M. Wang, J.H. Chen and T. B. Hu. A New Development in The Real-Space High-Resolution Electron Microscope Simulation Method. Acta Physica Sinica, 1989, 38:1521-1526. 73) Y.M. Wang, T. B. Hu, J.H. Chen and X. B. Zeng. A New Method for Simulating High-Resolution Electron Microscope Images from Non-periodic Objects. Acta Physica Sinica, 1990, 39:1407-1412. 74) T. J. Nijdam, L. P. H. Jeurgens, J.H. Chen and W. G. Sloof. Controlled oxidation of NiCoCrAlY bond coatings at high and low partial oxygen pressures. Oxidation of Metals, 2005, 64: 355-377. 75) Premendra, J. H. Chen, F. D. Tichelaar, H. Terryn, J. H. W. de Wit, and L. Katgerman. Optical and Microscopic study of the evolution of surface layer on recycled aluminium along the rolling mills. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2007, 201(8): 4561-4570. 76) P. Klaver and J.H. Chen. Density Functional Theory study of alloy element interstitials in Al. Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design, 2005, 10(3): 155-162. 77) Q.H. Fang, Y.W. Liu, and J.H. Chen. Misfit dislocation dipoles and critical parameters of buried strained nanoscale inhomogeneity. Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 92(92): 121923-121923-3. 78) Y.X. Chen, Q.L. Tang, J.H. Chen. Dendritic and epitaxial growths of ZnO particle–rod and rod–rod nanostructures with quasi-one-dimensional and two-dimensional configurations. Materials. Letters, 2008, 62(25): 4115-4117. 79) Y.X. Chen, X.Q Zhao, B Sha, J.H Chen. Stacking fault directed growth of thin ZnO nanobelt. Materials. Letters., 2008, 62: 2369-2371. 80) Q.L. Tang, Y.X. Chen, J.H. Chen, J. Li, Y. Xu, D. Wu, Y.H. Sun. Drug delivery from hydrophobic-modified mesoporous silicas: Control via modification level and site-selective modification. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2010: 183(1): 76-83. 81) Y.X. Chen, B. Qu, Y.A. Barnakov, Q.L. Tang, J.H. Chen. Microstructure studies of ZnO nanoneedles, Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics, 2009, 20(20): 328-333. 82) X.H. Chen, J.F. Wang, W.B. Zhong, T. Feng, X.G. Yang, J.H. Chen. A Scalable Route to Highly Functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on a Large Scale. Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics, 2008, 209(8): 846-853. 83) H. Zhang X.D. Huang, J.H. Chen, Microstructural evolution of 2026 aluminum alloy during hot compression and subsequent heat treatment. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011, 21: 955-961. 84) H. Zhang,N.P. Jin, J.H. Chen, Hot deformation behavior of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr aluminum alloys during compression at elevated temperature, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011, 21: 437-442. 85) B. Zou, Z.Q. Chen, C. H. Liu and J.H. Chen. Vacancy–Mg complexes and their evolution in early stages of aging of Al–Mg based alloys. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 298(15): 50-55. 86) B. Zou, Z.Q. Chen, C. H. Liu and J.H. Chen. Microstructure evolution of heavily deformed AA5083 Al–M g alloy studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 296(296): 154-157. 87)李祥亮, 陈江华*,刘春辉, 冯佳妮, 王时豪. T6和T78时效工艺对Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金显微结构和性能的影响. 金属学报, 49(2013): 243-250. 88)顾媛,陈江华,刘春辉,朱东晖,刘力梅,陶冠辉.预变形对Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金时效硬化和显微结构的影响.金属学报, 11(2015): 1400-1406. 89)陈江华*,刘春辉. Al-Mg-Si-(Cu) 合金纳米析出相结构演变. 中国有色金属学报,21(2011):1-9. 90)黄昌军, 刘春辉, 陈江华*, 冯佳妮,桑益, 廖元飞, 陈刚. Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金时效状态对疲劳过程及断裂特征的影响. 中国有色金属学报, 23(2013): 35-43. 91)朱东晖,陈江华,刘春辉,郑雄,赖玉香,陶冠辉,顾媛.焊后热处理对Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金激光焊接接头力学性能的影响.中国有色金属学报, 9(2015): 2342-2349. 92)尹美杰,陈江华,刘春辉.中断时效处理对AA2024铝合金力学性能和显微结构的影响.中国有色金属学报, 12(2015): 3271-3281. 93)朱东晖, 陈江华, 刘春辉, 黄昌军, 王时豪, 陈敬, 顾媛. 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