1. 顾文涛. (2013). Experimental Analysis and Quantitative Modeling of Speech Prosody (语音韵律的实验分析与建模). 北京: 世界图书出版公司.
2. 顾文涛. (1999). 用于最佳文本选择的改进贪婪算法. 上海交通大学学报, 33(1): 96-100.【EI】
3. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2004). Automatic extraction of tone command parameters for the model of F0 contour generation for Standard Chinese. IEICE Trans. Information & Systems E87-D(5): 1079-1085.【SCI】
4. Fujisaki, H., Wang, C., Ohno, S., and Gu, W.* (2005). Analysis and synthesis of fundamental frequency contours of Standard Chinese using the command-response model. Speech Communication 47(1-2): 59-70.【SCI】
5. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2006). Modeling the effects of emphasis and question on fundamental frequency contours of Cantonese utterances. IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing 14(4): 1155-1170.【SCI】
6. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2007). Analysis of tones in Cantonese speech based on the command-response model. Phonetica 64(1): 29-62.【SSCI, SCI】
7. 顾文涛, 藤崎博也. (2008). 汉语韵律结构——基于听感的韵律层级与基于F0曲线生成模型的语调构成之比较. 中国语音学报, 1: 188-195.
8. Gu, W. and Lee, T. (2009). Effects of tone and emphatic focus on F0 contours of Cantonese speech: A comparison with Standard Chinese. 中国语音学报, 2: 133-147.
9. 章婷, 顾文涛*. (2011). 汉语情感语音的语料设计与韵律研究. 南京师范大学文学院学报, 3: 33-44.【CSSCI】
10. 卢琰, Aubergé, V., Rilliard, A., 顾文涛. (2013). 普通话态度语音的感知实验研究. 南京师范大学文学院学报, 3: 169-174.【CSSCI】
11. 顾文涛, 刘薛园, 広瀬啓吉. (2014). 普通话作为二语的节奏模式的实验研究. 南京师范大学文学院学报, 3: 169-175.【CSSCI扩展版】
12. 许蓓蓓, 池建新, 顾文涛. (2015). 中国人学习日语的声调偏误分析. 日本学研究, 7: 90-96.
13. 顾文涛. (2016). 香港粤语人群的普通话声调语调偏误特征. 南京师范大学文学院学报, 2: 123-132.【CSSCI扩展版】
14. Chen, Q., Gu, W.*, and Scheepers, C. (2016). Effects of text segmentation on silent reading of Chinese regulated poems: Evidence from eye movements. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 44(2): 265-286.【SSCI】
15. Gu, W. (2016). Institute of Linguistic Science and Technology at Nanjing Normal University. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 44(2): 458-462.【SSCI】
16. 顾文涛. (2016). 母语为粤语和英语的普通话学习者的话语基频偏误特征. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 56(11): 1166-1172.【EI】
17. 李善鹏, 顾文涛*. (2016). 普通话塞擦音的声学特性研究. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 56(11): 1202-1208.【EI】
18. 范萍, 顾文涛*. (2017). 汉语礼貌及粗鲁话语的韵律知觉特征. Experimental Linguistics 6(1): 69-73.
19. 朱瑶, 顾文涛*. (2017). 人工耳蜗植入儿童对汉语陈述与疑问语气的感知. Experimental Linguistics 6(3): 83-87.
20. 范佳露, 顾文涛, 华建英. (2018). 视障学生语调情绪识别特征的研究. 中国特殊教育, 3: 31-36.【CSSCI】
21. 龚大伟, 范萍, 邱畅, 董文文, 顾文涛, 章文斌. (2018). 丘脑底核脑深部电刺激术治疗帕金森病早期语音声学研究. 中华神经外科杂志, 4: 369-373.【CSCD】
22. 刘磊, 顾文涛*. (2018). 香港粤语人群普通话轻声偏误的实验分析. 南京师范大学文学院学报, 4: 116-123.【CSSCI扩展版】
23. 范萍, 顾文涛*, 刘卫国. (2018). 汉语帕金森症患者的语音声学特征分析. 中国语音学报, 9: 19-25.
24. 耿浦洋, 顾文涛*. (2018). 不同性取向男性发音人的普通话语音特征. 中国语音学报, 9: 26-31.
25. 刘磊, 顾文涛*. (2019). 香港粤语背景人群普通话双音节词重音习得研究. Experimental Linguistics 8(2): 80-87.
26. Li, S., Gu, W.*, Liu, L., and Tang, P. (2020). The role of voice quality in Mandarin sarcastic speech: An acoustic and electroglottographic study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 63(8): 2578-2588.【SSCI, SCI】
27. 耿浦洋, 顾文涛*. (2020). 汉语男性话者性取向与语音基频关系的感知实验初探. 南京师范大学文学院学报, 3: 20-26.【CSSCI扩展版】
28. 耿浦洋, 顾文涛, 曹文. (2020). 汉语态度语音的韵律、嗓音和调音运动特征. 语言研究集刊, 26: 322-341.【CSSCI集刊】
29. Geng, P. and Gu, W.* (2021). Acoustic and perceptual characteristics of Mandarin speech in gay and heterosexual male speakers. Language and Speech.【SSCI】
30. 王睿来, Albin, A., 许伟, 李焕哲, 顾文涛. (2021). 感情表出系感動詞/a/に表出される中国語感情音声の音響的特徴: 基本6感情と中立の比較から. ことばの科学研究, 22: 75-96.
31. 杨金焕, 郑荔, 顾文涛, 胡涵, 冯晨, 盛欐. (2021). 自闭症儿童汉语名词词汇发展特征研究. 中国特殊教育, 5: 42-50.【CSSCI】
32. 寇东晓, 顾文涛*. (2021). 定向遗忘的编码加工机制. 心理科学进展, 29(9): 1599-1606.【CSSCI】
33. 管海涛, 顾文涛*. (2021). 学龄前人工耳蜗植入儿童语音情绪感知研究. 中国听力语言康复科学杂志, 19(4): 274-277.
34. 范萍, 顾文涛*, 刘卫国*. (2021). 统一帕金森病评定量表评估无言语障碍帕金森病患者的语音声学特征. 听力学及言语疾病杂志, 30(3): 262-265.【CSCD】
35. 胡涵, 顾文涛*, 丁馨, 朱瑶. (2021). 人工耳蜗植入儿童在噪声环境及耳语条件下的汉语声调感知. 南京师范大学文学院学报, 3: 116-125.
36. 黄蔚雯, 任姝童, 顾文涛*. (2021). 汉语自闭症谱系障碍儿童对塞音送气和声调的范畴感知. 中国语音学报, 15: 109-118.
37. 胡涵, 顾文涛*. (2022). 个体依恋风格对亲密话语韵律及嗓音特征的影响. 声学学报, 47(2): 276-286.【EI】
38. Yang J., Gu, W.*, and Feng, C. (2022). Evaluating interactive language for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in different contexts. Children 9: 787.【SCI】
39. Fujisaki, H., Gu, W., and Ohno, S. (2007). Physiological and physical bases of the command-response model for generating fundamental frequency contours in tone languages: Implications for the phonology of tones. In: M.-J.Solé, P. Beddor, and M. Ohala (eds.), Experimental Approaches to Phonology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 228-245.
40. Gu, W. (Ed.) (2012). Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages. ISCA Online Archive.
41. Gu, W. and Fujisaki, H. (2013). Data acquisition and prosodic analysis for Mandarin attitudinal speech. In: G. Peng and F. Shi (eds.), East Flows the Great River: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. William S.-Y. Wang’s 80th Birthday. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 483-500.
42. Gu, W., Fan, P., and Liu, W. (2018). Acoustic analysis of Mandarin speech in Parkinson’s disease with the effects of levodopa. In: Q. Fang et al. (Eds.), Studies on Speech Production (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 10733, Springer), pp. 211-224.【EI】
43. Shih, C., Gu, W., and van Santen, J.P.H. (1998). Efficient adaptation of TTS duration model to new speakers. Proc. ESCA/COCOSDA The 3rd International Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Jenolan Caves, Australia.
44. Shih, C., Gu, W., and van Santen, J.P.H. (1998). Efficient adaptation of TTS duration model to new speakers. Proc. ICSLP 1998, vol. 2, pp. 25-28, Sydney, Australia.
45. Gu, W., Shih, C., and van Santen, J.P.H. (1999). An efficient speaker adaptation method for TTS duration model. Proc. Eurospeech 1999, pp. 1839-1842, Budapest, Hungary.
46. Zhao, F., Raghavan, P., Gupta, S. K., Lu, Z., and Gu, W. (2000). Automatic speech recognition in Mandarin for embedded platforms. Proc. ICSLP 2000, vol. 2, pp. 815-818, Beijing, China.【EI】
47. Gu, W. and Hirose, K. (2003). Acoustic model selection and voice quality assessment for HMM-based Mandarin speech synthesis. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2003, pp. 2457-2460, Geneva, Switzerland.【EI】
48. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2003). A method for automatic extraction of F0 contour generation process model parameters for Mandarin. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding 2003, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.【EI】
49. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2004). A method for automatic tone command parameter extraction for the model of F0 contour generation for Mandarin. Proc. Speech Prosody 2004, pp. 435-438, Nara, Japan.
50. Fujisaki, H., Ohno, S., and Gu, W. (2004). Physiological and physical mechanisms for fundamental frequency control in some tone languages and a command-response model for generation of their F0 contours. Proc. TAL 2004, pp. 61-64, Beijing, China.
51. Gu, W., Fujisaki, H., and Hirose, K. (2004). Analysis of fundamental frequency contours of Cantonese based on a command-response model. Proc. 5th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop, pp. 227-228, Pittsburgh, PA.
52. Fujisaki, H., Gu, W., and Hirose, K. (2004). The command-response model for the generation of F0 contours of Cantonese utterances. Proc. ICSP 2004, pp. 655-658, Beijing, China.【EI】
53. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2004). Analysis of F0 contours of Cantonese utterances based on the command-response model. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2004, pp. 781-784, Jeju Island, Korea.【EI】
54. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2004). Analysis and synthesis of Cantonese F0 contours based on the command-response model. Proc. ISCSLP 2004, pp. 185-188, Hong Kong.【EI】
55. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2004). Analysis of Shanghainese F0 contours based on the command-response model. Proc. ISCSLP 2004, pp. 81-84, Hong Kong.【EI】
56. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2005). Identification and synthesis of Cantonese tones based on the command-response model for F0 contour generation. Proc. ICASSP 2005, pp. 289-292, Philadelphia, PA.【EI】
57. Sun, Q., Hirose, K., Gu, W., and Minematsu, N. (2005). Generation of fundamental frequency contours for Mandarin speech synthesis based on tone nucleus model. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2005, pp. 3265-3268, Lisbon, Portugal.【EI】
58. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2005). Analysis of the effects of word emphasis and echo question on F0 contours of Cantonese utterances. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2005, pp. 1825-1828, Lisbon, Portugal.【EI】
59. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2006). Modeling the tones in Suzhou and Wujiang dialects on the basis of the command-response model for the process of F0 contour generation. Proc. TAL 2006, pp. 67-70, La Rochelle, France.
60. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2006). A comparative study between intonation question and particle question in Cantonese on their realization of F0 contours. Proc. TAL 2006, pp. 63-66, La Rochelle, France.
61. Fujisaki, H. and Gu, W. (2006). Phonological representation of tone systems of some tone languages based on the command-response model for F0 contour generation. Proc. TAL 2006, pp. 59-62, La Rochelle, France.
62. Sun, Q., Hirose, K., Gu, W., and Minematsu, N. (2006). Rule-basedgeneration of phrase components in two-step synthesis off undamental frequency contours of Mandarin. Proc. Speech Prosody 2006, pp. 561-564, Dresden, Germany.
63. Wang, X., Gu, W., Hirose, K., Sun, Q., and Minematsu, N. (2006). Comparison of tonal co-articulation between intra- and inter- word disyllables in Mandarin. Proc. Speech Prosody 2006, pp. 157-160, Dresden, Germany.
64. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2006). The effect of paralinguistic emphasis on F0 contours of Cantonese speech. Proc. Speech Prosody 2006, pp. 430-433, Dresden, Germany.
65. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2006). A general approach for automatic extraction of tone commands in the command-response model for tone languages. Proc. Speech Prosody 2006, pp. 153-156, Dresden, Germany.
66. Ng, R.W.-M., Lee, T., and Gu, W. (2006). Towards automatic parameter extraction of command-responsemodel for Cantonese. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2006, pp. 2358-2361, Pittsburgh, PA.【EI】
67. Gu, W., Hirose, K., and Fujisaki, H. (2006). Comparison of perceived prosodic boundaries and global characteristics of voice fundamental frequency contours in Mandarin speech. Proc. ISCSLP 2006 (Q. Huo et al., Eds.: LNAI 4274, Springer), pp. 31-42, Singapore.【EI】
68. Gu, W. and Lee, T. (2007). Effects of focus on prosody of Cantonese speech: A comparison of surface feature analysis and model-based analysis. Proc. ParaLing’07, pp. 59-64, Saarbrücken, Germany.
69. Gu, W. and Lee, T. (2007). Effects of tonal context and focus on Cantonese F0. Proc. 16th ICPhS, pp. 1033-1036, Saarbrücken, Germany.
70. Gu, W. and Lee, T. (2007). Quantitative analysis of F0 contours of emotional speech of Mandarin. Proc. 16th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop, pp. 228-233, Bonn, Germany.
71. Hirano, H., Hirose, K., Kawai, G., Gu, W., and Minematsu, N. (2007). F0 models show Chinese speakers of Japanese insert intonational boundaries and drop pitch. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2007, pp. 1885-1888, Antwerp, Belgium.【EI】
72. Gu, W., Ho, R. S.-C., and Lee, T. (2007). Modeling tones in Hakka on the basis of the command-response model. Proc. Interspeech 2007, pp. 2633-2636, Antwerp, Belgium.【EI】
73. Gu, W., Lee, T., and Ching, P.C. (2008). Prosodic variation in Cantonese-English code-mixed speech. Proc. ISCSLP 2008, pp. 342-345, Kunming, China.【EI】
74. Gu, W., Zhang, T., and Fujisaki, H. (2011). Prosodic analysis and perception of Mandarin utterances conveying attitudes. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2011, pp. 1069-1072, Florence, Italy.【EI】
75. Lu, Y., Aubergé, V., Rilliard, A., and Gu, W. (2012). Prosodic cross-linguistic perception of social affects in Mandarin Chinese by native, French and Vietnamese listeners. Proc. International Conference of Gruppo di Studio sulla Comunicazione Parlata, pp. 141-145, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
76. Wang, T., Ding, H., and Gu, W. (2012). Perceptual study for emotional speech of Mandarin Chinese. Proc. Speech Prosody 2012, pp. 653-656, Shanghai, China.【EI】
77. Gu, W., Wang, F., and Liang, D. (2013). Prosody of Mandarin affective speech by mentally retarded children. Proc. WASSS 2013, Grenoble, France.
78. Luo, D., Gu, W., and Tsurutani, C. (2013). The roles of prosodic features in evaluating the naturalness of Mandarin L2 speech. Proc. Oriental COCOSDA, KIIT Gurgaon, India.
79. Chen, Q. and Gu, W. (2014). Effects of text segmentation on silent reading of Chinese. Proc. TAL 2014, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
80. Gu, W. and Hirose, K. (2014). Rhythmic patterns in native and nonnative Mandarin speech. Proc. Speech Prosody 2014, pp. 592-596, Dublin, Ireland.【EI】
81. Gu, W., Tsurutani, C., and Zhang, T. (2014). Prosodic characteristics in Mandarin polite speech by native and non-native speakers, AILA World Congress 2014, Brisbane, Australia.
82. Gu, W., Zhang, T., and Tsurutani, C. (2014). Segmental and tonal errors in L2 Mandarin speech produced by Australian English learners. Proc. Australian International Speech Science and Technology Conference 2014, pp. 50-53, Christchurch, New Zealand.
83. Tang, P. and Gu, W. (2015). Perceptual experiment and acoustic analysis of Chinese attitudes: A preliminary study. Proc. ICPhS 2015, Glasgow, UK.
84. Gu, W. (2015). Tone, intonation and emphatic stress in L2 Mandarin speech by English and Cantonese learners. Proc. ICPhS 2015, Glasgow, UK.
85. Gu, W. and Liu, L. (2015). Declarative and interrogative Mandarin intonation by native speakers and Cantonese L2 learners. Proc. SLaTE 2015, pp. 41-46, Leipzig, Germany.
86. Li, S. and Gu, W. (2015). Acoustic analysis of Mandarin affricates. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2015, pp. 1680-1684, Dresden, Germany.【EI】
87. Gu, W., Tang, P., Hirose, K., and Aubergé, V. (2015). Crosslinguistic comparison on the perception of Mandarin attitudinal speech. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2015, pp. 1334-1338, Dresden, Germany.【EI】
88. Tang, P., Liu, L., Li, S., and Gu, W. (2015). Cross-linguistic perception of Chinese attitudes praising and blaming. Proc. Oriental COCOSDA 2015, pp. 113-117, Shanghai, China.【EI】
89. Prom-on, S., Xu, Y., Gu, W., Arvaniti, A., Nam, H., and Whalen, D. H. (2016). The common prosody platform (CPP) — where theories of prosody can be directly compared. Proc. Speech Prosody 2016, pp. 1-5, Boston, MA.【EI】
90. Li, X., Kager, R., and Gu, W. (2016). Surface vs. underlying listening strategies for cross-language listeners in the perception of sandhied tones in the Nanjing dialect. Proc. TAL 2016, pp. 33-37, Buffalo, NY.
91. Liu, L., Huang, N., and Gu, W. (2016). Mandarin neutral tone by native speakers and Cantonese L2 learners. Proc. ISCSLP 2016, Tianjin, China.【EI】
92. Luo, D., Gu, W., Luo, R., and Wang, L. (2016). Investigation of the effects of automatic scoring technology on human raters’ performances in L2 speech proficiency assessment. Proc. ISCSLP 2016, Tianjin, China.【EI】
93. Fan, P. and Gu, W. (2016). Prosodic cues in polite and rude Mandarin speech. Proc. ISCSLP 2016, Tianjin, China.【EI】
94. Gu, W., Yin, J., and Mahshie, J. (2016). Categorical perception in two pairs of Mandarin tones among bimodal cochlear implanted children. Proc. ISCSLP 2016, Tianjin, China.【EI】
95. Fujisaki, H., Ohno, S., and Gu, W. (2016). A framework for systematic studies of attitudes in speech. The 5th Joint Meeting of ASA & ASJ, Hawaii. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140(4), pp. 3400.
96. Pettorino, M., Gu, W., Półrola, P., and Fan, P. (2017). Rhythmic characteristics of Parkinsonian speech: A study on Mandarin and Polish. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2017, pp. 3172-3176, Stockholm, Sweden.【EI】
97. Gu, W., Yin, J., and Mahshie, J. (2017). Production of sustained vowels and categorical perception of tones in Mandarin among cochlear-implanted children. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2017, pp. 1869-1873, Stockholm, Sweden.【EI】
98. Fan, P., Gu, W., Gong, D., and Zhang, W. (2018). Fundamental frequency characteristics of parkinsonian speech after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation. Proc. Speech Prosody 2018, pp. 754-758, Poznań, Poland.【EI】
99. Geng, P., Gu, W., and Fujisaki, H. (2018). Acoustic and perceptual characteristics of Mandarin speech in homosexual and heterosexual male speakers. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2018, pp. 1726-1730, Hyderabad, India.【EI】
100. Liu, L., Zhai, X., and Gu, W. (2018). Comparing Mandarin lexical stress produced by native speakers and L2 learners in Hong Kong. Proc. ISCSLP 2018, Taipei.【EI】
101. Li, S. and Gu, W. (2019). Multimodal perception of praising and blaming speech in Mandarin between the interlocutors with friendly or hostile relationships. Proc. ICPhS 2019, pp. 3533-3537, Melbourne, Australia.
102. Fernández, C. H., Xu, C., Wang, S., and Gu, W. (2019). Perception of politeness in Mandarin speech by Spanish learners of Mandarin. Proc. ICPhS 2019, pp. 2301-2305, Melbourne, Australia.
103. Ding, X. and Gu, W. (2019). Cochlear-implanted children’s perception of Mandarin tones in normal speech and whispered speech. Proc. International Congress on Acoustics 2019, pp. 1731-1738, Aachen, Germany.
104. Guan, H. and Gu, W. (2019). Vocal emotion recognition in Mandarin-speaking cochlear implanted children. Proc. International Congress on Acoustics 2019, pp. 1752-1758, Aachen, Germany.
105. Liu, L., Jian, M., Gu, W. (2019). Prosodic characteristics of Mandarin declarative and interrogative utterances in parkinson’s disease. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2019, pp. 3870-3874, Graz, Austria.【EI】
106. Gutnyk, A., Niebuhr, O., and Gu, W. (2019). Differences in gender-specific charismatic speech across countries and languages. Proc. International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech: Breathing, Pausing, and Voice, pp. 27-29, Sønderborg, Denmark.
107. Geng, P., Gu, W., Johnson, K., and Erickson, D. (2020). Acoustic-prosodic and articulatory characteristics of the Mandarin speech conveying dominance or submissiveness. Proc. Speech Prosody 2020, pp. 424-428, Tokyo, Japan.【EI】
108. Xu, C. and Gu, W. (2020). Prosodic characteristics of genuine and mock (im)polite Mandarin utterances. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2020, pp. 4153-4157, Shanghai, China.【EI】
109. Gutnyk, A., Niebuhr, O., and Gu. W. (2020). The role of audience gender in giving product presentations. Proc. International Seminar on Speech Production 2020, Providence, RI.
110. Erickson, D., Niebuhr, O., Gu, W., Huang, T., and Geng, P. (2020). The MARRYS cap: A new method for analyzing and teaching the importance of jaw movements in speech production. Proc. International Seminar on Speech Production 2020, Providence, RI.
111. Li, S. and Gu. W. (2021). Prosodic profiles of the Mandarin speech conveying ironic compliment. Proc. ISCSLP 2021, Hong Kong.【EI】
112. Gutnyk, A., Niebuhr, O., and Gu. W. (2021). Speaker charisma analyzed through the cultural lens. Proc. ISCSLP 2021, Hong Kong.【EI】
113. Shi, R., Gu, W., and Chai, X. (2021). Prosodic Manifestations at a hierarchy of prosodic boundaries in non-native speakers of Mandarin with differing language backgrounds. Proc. Tone and Intonation, Sønderborg, Denmark.
114. Zeng, L., Liu, Z., and Gu, W. (2021). Prosodic focus-marking in declarative utterances in Thai learners of Mandarin at different proficiency levels. Proc. Tone and Intonation, Sønderborg, Denmark.
115. Xu, W., Ge, C., Gu, W., and Mok, P. (2021). The production of lexical tones with phonation contrasts in Kunshan Wu Chinese by school-age children. Proc. Tone and Intonation, Sønderborg, Denmark.
116. Wang, X. and Gu, W. (2022). Effects of gender and language proficiency on phonetic accommodation in Chinese EFL learners. Proc. Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.【EI】
117. Li, X. and Gu, W. (2022). Phonological representation of tone sandhi in Nanjing Mandarin. Proc. Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.【EI】
118. Ge, C., Xu, W., Gu, W., and Mok, P. (2022). An electroglottographic study of phonation types in tones of Suzhou Wu Chinese. Proc. Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. 【EI】
119. Xu, W., Ge, C., Gu, W., and Mok, P. (2022). A preliminary analysis on children’s phonation contrast in Kunshan Wu Chinese tones. Proc. Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. 【EI】