Yu Y#, …Miao L*. 2022. Disintegrating the impact of climate change on maize yield from human management practices in China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.109235.
Li C#, Miao L*, et al, 2022. Slightly enhanced drought in the Yellow River Basin under future warming scenarios. Atmospheric Research, 280 (2022): 106423.
Shang Y#, Miao L*, 2022. A Hybrid Ultra-short-term and Short-term Wind Speed Forecasting Method based on CEEMDAN and GA-BPNN. Weather and Forecasting, 37(4), 415-428.
Miao L*, He Yu, et al., 2022. Double effect of urbanization on vegetation growth in China's 35 cities during 2000-2020. Remote Sensing, 14(14), 3312.
Zhang J#, Miao L*, 2022. Spatial agglomeration of drought-affected area detected in northern China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 1-17.
Miao L*, Zhang J, Kattel G, Liu R, 2022, Increased Exposure of China’s Cropland to Droughts under 1.5° C and 2° C Global Warming, Atmosphere, 13(7), 1035.
Shan Y, Miao L, et al., 2022. Revealing bias of cloud radiative effect in WRF simulation: bias quantification and source attribution, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD036319.
Wang G, Ma X, Hagan D, Schalie R, Kattel G, UllahW, ... Miao L & Liu Y. 2022. Towards Consistent Soil Moisture Records from China’s FengYun-3 Microwave Observations. Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1225.
Chen T, Dolman H, Sun Z, Zeng N, Gao H, Miao L, ... & Chen X, 2022. Land management explains the contrasting greening pattern across China–Russia border based on Paired Land Use Experiment approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2021JG006659.
Chuai X, Xia M, Xiang A, Miao L, Zuo T, 2022. Vegetation coverage and carbon sequestration changes in China’s forest projects area, Global Ecology and Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02257.
Chuai X, Xia M, Ye X, Zeng Q, Lu J, Zhang F, Miao L, Zhou Y. 2022. Carbon neutrality check in spatial and the response to land use analysis in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 97, 106893.
Somnath B, Kaushal R G, Kshitij D, Raquel M, Miao L, Balamurugan G, G.V. Ramanaa, 2022. Assessment of shelter location-allocation for muti-hazard emergency evacuation, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103435.
Wei X, Wang G, Feng D, Duan Z, Hagan D, Tao L, Miao L, Su B, Jiang T. Deep-Learning-Based Harmonization and Super-Resolution of Near-Surface Air Temperature from CMIP6 Models (1850–2100), International Journal of Climatology.
李纯#,姜彤*,王艳君,缪丽娟等. 基于CMIP6模式的黄河上游地区未来气温模拟预估.冰川冻土,2022,44(1),171-178.
Zhang H#, Zhang X, Shang Y, Kattel G, Miao L*(通讯作者), 2021. Continuously vegetation greening over Inner Mongolia for the past three decades, Remote Sensing. 13(13), 2446.
Yu Z, Jin X, Miao L, Yang X, 2021. A historical reconstruction of cropland in China from 1900 to 2016. Earth System Science Data Discussions, 1-25.
Chen L#, Wang G, Miao L, Raj G, Li S, Amankwah S, Zhan M. 2021. Future drought in CMIP6 projections and the socioeconomic impacts in China. International Journal of Climatology.
张之颖#,张辉,章静,缪丽娟*,2021.1965-2013 年中国用水量的时空演变 [J]. 水利水运工程学报,(2): 11-20.
Li S#, Miao L*, Jiang Z, Wang G, Kaushal R, Zhang J, Zhang H, Zhang F, 2020, Projected drought conditions in Northwest China with CMIP6 models, Advances in Climate Change Research, 11(3), 210-217. (被ACCR评为年度最具贡献论文)
Miao L, Sun Z, Ren Y, Schierhorn F, Daniel M*, 2020. Higher precipitation resulted in the grasslands greening on the Mongolian Plateau despite higher grazing intensity, Land Degradation and Development.32(2), 792-802.
Miao L, Li S, Zhang F*, Chen T, Shan Y, Zhang Y, 2020. Future drought in the dryland Asia under 1.5℃ and 2℃warming scenario. Earth’s Future. 8(6), e2019EF001337.
Xiao H#, Zhang F*, Miao L, San Liang X, Wu K, Liu R, 2020. Long-term trends in Arctic surface temperature and potential causality over the last 100 years. Climate Dynamics, 55(5), 1443-1456.
Lei Y#, Zhang F*, Miao L, Yu Q, Duan M, Fraedrich K, Yu Z, 2020. Potential impacts of future reduced aerosols on internal dynamics characteristics of precipitation based on model simulations over southern China. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 545, 123808.
Xiao H#, Zhang F*, He Q, Liu P, Yan F, Miao L, Yang Z, 2019. Classification of ice crystal habits observed from airborne Cloud Particle Imager by deep transfer learning. Earth and Space Science, 6(10), 1877-1886.
Miao L, Ren Y, Sun Z, Daniel M*, 2019. Are overgrazing and climate change threatening the steppes of the Mongolian Plateau, IAMO Annuals. (德英双语发表)
Liu C#, Li W, Miao L*, Lei Yadong, Yang Quan, Zhang Feng, 2019. Future haze events in Beijing, China, when climate warms by 1.5 and 2.0 ℃, International Journal of Climatology. DOI:10.1002/joc.6421.
Gnyawali K#, Zhang Y*, Wang G, Miao L, Pradhan A, Adhikari B, Xiao L, 2019. Mapping the susceptibility of rainfall and earthquake triggered landslides along China–Nepal highways. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment.
Zhang F, Ren H, Miao L*, Lei Y, Duan M, 2019. Simulation of daily precipitation from CMIP5 in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. SOLA.
鄢玲艳#, 缪丽娟*, 吴靖云, 敖文瀚, 姜文浩, 黄译萱, 2019. 城市化背景下国家级江北新区生态环境调查研究,环境污染与整治.
Miao L*, Sun Z, Cui X, 2018. Wake up “boiling frogs”: a study on animal husbandry under climate change in Northern China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77(12): 466.
Ma M*, Wang H, Jia P, Liu R, Hong Z, Labriola L, Miao L, 2018. Investigation of inducements and defenses of flash floods and urban waterlogging in Fuzhou, China, from 1950 to 2010. Natural Hazards, 91(2), 803-818.
黄译萱#, 缪丽娟*, 姜文浩, 吴海玲, 吴靖芸, 敖文瀚, 鄢玲艳, 2018. 1985—2014 年南京江北新区土地利用格局变化及其归因. 安徽农业科学, (26), 22.
Miao L, Mueller D, Cui X*, 2017. Changes in vegetation phenology on the Mongolian plateau and their climatic determinants, Plos One, 12(12):e0190313.
Yang W, Luan Y, Liu X, Yu X, Miao L, Cui X*, 2017. A new global anthropogenic heat estimation based on high-resolution nighttime light data. Nature Scientific Data 4: 1-11.
Miao L, Zhu F, Sun Z, Moore J, Cui X, 2016. China’s Land-Use Changes during the Past 300 Years: A Historical Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13, 847: 1-16.
魏希文, 崔雪锋, 缪丽娟. 2016. 基于分层分区法的中国历史耕地数据的网格化重建. 地理学报, 71(7): 1144-1156.
Miao L, Moore J, Zeng F, Lei J, Ding J, He B, Cui X, 2015. Footprint of research in desertification management in China, Land Degradation and Development, 26(5): 450-457.
Miao L, Ye P, He B, Chen L, Cui X, 2015. Future Climate Impact on the Desertification in the Dry Land Asia Using AVHRR GIMMS NDVI3g Data. Remote Sensing, 7(4): 3863-3877.
Miao L, Fraser F, Sun Z, Sneath D, He B, Cui X, 2015. Climate impact on vegetation and animal husbandry on the Mongolian plateau: A comparative analysis, Natural Hazards, 80(2): 727-73.
Miao L, Jiang C, Xue B, Liu Q, He B, Nath R, Cui X, 2015. Vegetation dynamics and factor analysis in arid and semi-arid Inner Mongolia. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73(5), 2343-2352.
Miao L, He B, Cui X, Wu Z, 2015. Carbon sequestration from China’s afforestation projects. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(7), 5491-5499.
Miao L, Liu Q, Fraser R, He B, Cui X, 2015. Shifts in vegetation growth in response to multiple impacts on the Mongolian Plateau from 1982 to 2011, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 87:50-59.
Cui X, Jin X, Zhou Y, He B, Miao L, Zhu F, Yang X, Lin Y, Han J, Wang H, Chen A, Huang L, 2015. Land-use changes in China: Historical Reconstruction over the Past 300 Years and Future Projection, World Scientific, 1-10.
缪丽娟, 蒋冲, 何斌, 刘强, 朱枫, 崔雪锋*. 2014. 近10年来蒙古高原植被覆盖变化对气候的响应. 生态学报, 34(5): 1295-1301.
缪丽娟,何斌, 崔雪锋*等. 2014. 中国退耕还林工程是否有助于劳动力结构调整. 中国人口. 资源与环境, 1.
曹雪, 金晓斌*, 王金朔, 缪丽娟, 周寅康. 2014. 近300年中国耕地数据集重建与耕地变化分析. 地理学报, 7(69):896-906.
Miao L, Luan Y, Luo X, Liu Q, Moore J, Nath R, He B, Zhu F, Cui X, 2013. Analysis of the Phenology in the Mongolian Plateau by Inter-Comparison of Global Vegetation Datasets. Remote Sensing, 5(10): 5193-5208.
Miao L, Zhu Feng, He B, Ferrat M, Liu Q, Cao X, Cui X, 2013. Synthesis of China’s land use in the past 300 years. Global and Planetary Change, 100: 224-233.
缪丽娟, 徐霞, 兰玉芳, 崔雪锋等. 2013, 退耕还林(退牧还草)工程对中国北方农牧交错带人文环境影响评价—以太仆寺旗为例. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 1: 011.
缪丽娟, 刘强, 何斌, 崔雪锋*. 库尔勒城市化进程对土地利用格局变化的影响. 干旱区资源与环境, 2012, 26(010): 162-168.
朱枫, 崔雪锋*, 缪丽娟. 中国历史时期土地利用数据集的重建方法述评. 地理科学进展, 2012, 31(12): 1563-1573.
缪丽娟, 崔雪锋*, 栾一博, 何斌等. 2011. 北京上海近20年城市化过程中土地利用变化异同点探析. 气象科学, 31(4): 398-404.