2017.09-2021.03 University of Bern, Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research & Institute of Geography, Climate Sciences (博士, summa cum laude/ Highest Honor Degree), 导师: Prof. Martin Grosjean
2014.09-2017.06 中国科学技术大学 环境科学与工程专业(工学硕士) 导师: 周鑫
2010.09-2014.06 华中农业大学 环境科学专业(理学学士)
2012.04-2013.04 华中科技大学 英语专业(辅修)
(1)(主要参与)瑞士国家科学基金会(SNSF)项目: Exploring VNIR/SWIR Hyperspectral Imaging of Varved Lake Sediments: Methods and Applications in Paleoclimatology and Paleoecology (200021_172586), 2017-2021
(2) (参与)European Union project: Hypox—In situ monitoring of oxygen depletion in hypoxic ecosystems of coastal and open seas and land-locked water bodies. (EC grant 226213)
(3)(参与)国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划): 末次冰消期以来中国中东部极端气候环境事件与农业起源发展和人类适应研究(2015CB953802) 第二课题, 已结题
(4)(参与)国家优秀青年科学基金项目: 全新世环境演化(41822707)
(5)(参与)国家自然科学基金地球科学项目: 近海泥质沉积记录的晚全新世东亚夏季风演化及我国东部南北降水差异(41472149), 资助年限: 2015-2018
2017.09-2021.07 University of Bern (伯尔尼大学), 科研助理
环境地球化学; 湖泊沉积和环境演化; 全球变化和人类活动影响; 第四纪地质; 高光谱成像技术
(1)Tu Luyao. Sedimentary phosphorus dynamics in response to lake trophy and mixing regime changes during the Late-Glacial, Holocene and the Anthropocene: three case studies from deep lakes in Switzerland. Ph.D. Thesis (博士学位论文), 2021. University of Bern, Bern.
(2)Tu, L.*, Gilli, A., Lotter, A. F., Vogel, H., Moyle, M., Boyle, J. F., & Grosjean, M., 2021. The nexus among long-term changes in lake primary productivity, deep-water anoxia, and internal phosphorus loading, explored through analysis of a 15,000-year varved sediment record. Global and planetary change, 207, 103643
(3)Tu, L.*, Zander, P., Szidat, S., Lloren, R., & Grosjean, M., 2020. The influences of historic lake trophy and mixing regime changes on long-term phosphorus fraction retention in sediments of deep eutrophic lakes: a case study from Lake Burgäschi, Switzerland. Biogeosciences, 17(10), 2715-2729.
(4)Tu, L.*, Jarosch, K. A., Schneider, T., & Grosjean, M., 2019. Phosphorus fractions in sediments and their relevance for historical lake eutrophication in the Ponte Tresa basin (Lake Lugano, Switzerland) since 1959. Science of the Total Environment, 685, 806-817.
(5)Tu, L., Zhou, X., Cheng, W., Liu, X., Yang, W., & Wang, Y., 2017. Holocene East Asian winter monsoon changes reconstructed by sensitive grain size of sediments from Chinese coastal seas: A review. Quaternary International, 440, 82-90.
(6)涂路遥, 周鑫, 刘毅, 程文瀚, 孙立广, 2015. 近海泥质沉积物敏感粒径作为冬季风强度指标的再研究:与器测数据的对比. 第四纪研究, 35, 1393-1401.