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3. Yang, Y., & Piper, D. J., 2021. Alongflow variability of the Labrador Current during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 267, 107110.
4. Yang, Y., Xu, M., Jia, J.J., Gao, J.H., Zhao, Y.F., Zhou, L., Wang. Y.P., 2021. Geographical response of sedimentary–ecological environment to human activities in the East China Sea during the past 33 years. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 262, 107578.
5. Yang, Y., Maselli, V., Normandeau, A., Piper, D.J.W., Li, M. Z., Campbell, D. C., Gregory, T., Gao, S., 2020. Latitudinal response of storm activity to abrupt climate change during the last 6,500 years. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089859.
6. Yang, Y., Jia, J.J., Zhou, L., Gao, J.H., Gao, W.H., Shi, B.W., Li, Z.H., Wang. Y.P., Gao, S., 2020. Quantitative reconstruction of Holocene sediment sources contributing to the central Jiangsu coast, China: new insights into source-to-sink processes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(11), 2463-2477.
7. Yang, Y., Zhou, L., Normandeau, A., Jia, J.J., Yin, Q.J., Wang. Y.P., Shi, B.W., Gao, S., 2020. Exploring records of typhoon variability in eastern China over the last 2000 years. Geological Society of America Bulletin,132 (11-12),2243-2252.
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12. Yang, Y., Wang, Y. P., Li, C. Y., Gao, S., Shi, B. W., Zhou, L., Wang, D. D., Li, G. C., Dai, C., 2016. On the variability of near-bed floc size due to complex interactions between turbulence, SSC, settling velocity, effective density and the fractal dimension of flocs. Geo-Marine Letters, 36, 135-149.
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