博士 英语教育 香港大学
硕士 外国语言学与应用语言学 北京师范大学
学士 英语语言文学 北京师范大学
英语议论文和叙事文写作、 学术论文写作、 质性研究方法、 精读
Rong, X., (2014). Understanding teacher identity construction: case studies of English teachers in China. Lambert Academic Publishing.
主持人 2015-2016 首都师范大学青年教改项目 培养学生的批判性思维—将任务型教学引入研究论文写作课
Rong, X., (2013). Teacher identity reconstruction: Responding to curriculum reform. Research Studies in Education, 11, 2-22.
戎晓燕, 2011年 《CASIO电子辞典在常规课堂教学中的使用探究——清华附中研究报告》, 《高中英语课堂教学改革的创新研究》(王蔷主编)上海:外语教育出版社。
Rong, X. Responding to the Curriculum Reform: How They Think and What They Do —a Case Study of an EFL Teacher, 13th Asia TEFL International Conference, 6-8 November, 2015, Nanjing, China.
Rong, X. What can we do facing the new curriculum: Two EFL teachers’ reconstruction of teacher identity through discourse, American Association for Applied Linguistics 2013 Conference, March 16-19, 2013, Dallas, Texas, United States.
Rong, X. Reconstruction of teacher identity: responding to the curriculum reform, AARE-APERA 2012 Conference, 2-6 December 2012, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Rong, X. Responding to the Curriculum Reform: How they think and what they do------A case study of Two EFL teachers, Tenth Asia TEFL International Conference, October 4-6, 2012, Delhi NCR, India.
Rong, X. Teachers’ empowerment through curriculum reform: A case study of EFL teachers in China, Postgraduate Research Conference (PRC), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, December 3, 2011, Hong Kong.
戎晓燕,《教师身份认同研究》,全国第三届外语教育与教师教育研讨会, 2009年12月10-12日 重庆。