Baizhao Ren﹟*, Weuzhen Yu﹟, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*. Responses of photosynthetic characteristics and leaf senescence in summer maize to simultaneous stresses of waterlogging and shading. The Crop Journal, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2022.06.003
(2) Jingyi Shao﹟, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*, Xiangyu Zhao*, Baizhao Ren*. Combined effects of high temperature and waterlogging on yield and stem development of summer maize. The Crop Journal, 2022,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2022.08.005
(3) Juan Hu﹟, Baizhao Ren﹟, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*. Poor development of spike differentiation triggered by lower photosynthesis and carbon partitioning reduces summer maize yield after waterlogging. The Crop Journal, 2022, 10(2): 478-489.
(4) Baizhao Ren﹟, Zhentao Ma﹟, Bin Zhao, Peng Liu, Jiwang Zhang*. Influences of split application and nitrification inhibitor on nitrogen losses, grain yield, and net income for summer maize production. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 982373.
(5) Juan Hu﹟, Baizhao Ren﹟, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*.6-Benzyladenine increasing subsequent waterlogging-induced waterlogging tolerance of summer maize by increasing hormone signal transduction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2022, 1509(1): 89-112.
(6) Juan Hu﹟, Baizhao Ren﹟, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*. Phosphoproteomic and physiological analysis revealed 6-benzyladenine improved the operation of photosynthetic apparatus in waterlogged summer maize. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2022, 193: 104679.
(7) Baizhao Ren﹟, Zhentao Ma﹟, Bin Zhao, Peng Liu, Jiwang Zhang*. Nitrapyrin mitigates nitrous oxide emissions, and improves maize yield and nitrogen efficiency under waterlogged field. Plants, 2022, 11, 1983.
(8) Baizhao Ren﹟, Yanqing Guo﹟, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*. Effects of urea-ammonium nitrate solution on yield, N2O emission, and nitrogen efficiency of summer maize under integration of water and fertilizer. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 700331.
(9) Baizhao Ren﹟*, Juan Hu﹟, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*. Responses of nitrogen efficiency and antioxidant system of summer maize to waterlogging stress under different tillage. PeerJ, 2021, 9.
(10) Baizhao Ren﹟, Juan Hu﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Effects of urea mixed with nitrapyrin on leaf photosynthetic and senescence characteristics of summer maize (Zea mays L.) waterlogged in the field. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2020, 19(6): 1586-1595.
(11) Baizhao Ren﹟, Juan Hu﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Spraying exogenous synthetic cytokinin 6-benzyladenine following the waterlogging improves grain growth of waterlogged maize in the field. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 2019, 205: 616-624.
(12) Baizhao Ren﹟, Xia Li﹟, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*. Soil physical properties and maize root growth under different tillage systems in the North China Plain. The Crop Journal, 2018, 6: 669-676.
(13) Baizhao Ren﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Exogenous 6-benzyladenine improves antioxidative system and carbon metabolism of summer maize waterlogged in the field. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 2018, 204: 175-184.
(14) Baizhao Ren﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Responses of carbon metabolism and antioxidant system of summer maize to waterlogging at different stages. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 2018, 204: 505-514.
(15) Baizhao Ren﹟, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*. Responses of nitrogen metabolism, uptake and translocation of maize to waterlogging at different growth stages. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1216.
(16) Baizhao Ren﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong*, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Regulations of 6-Benzyladenine (6-BA) on leaf ultrastructure and photosynthetic characteristics of waterlogged summer maize. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2017, 36: 743-754.
(17) Baizhao Ren﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Hui Li. Nitrapyrin improves grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of summer maize waterlogged in the field. Agronomy Journal, 2017, 109: 185-192.
(18) Baizhao Ren﹟, Lili Li, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*. Photosynthetic charateristics of summer maize hybrids with different plant heights. Agronomy Journal, 2017, 109: 1454-1462.
(19) Baizhao Ren﹟, Wei Liu﹟, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*. Effects of plant density on the photosynthetic and chloroplast characteristics of maize under high-yielding conditions. The Science of Nature, 2017, 104: 12.
(20) Baizhao Ren﹟, Yuling Zhu﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Effects of spraying exogenous hormone 6-benzyladenine (6-BA) after waterlogging on grain yield and growth of summer maize. Field Crops Research, 2016, 188: 96-104.
(21) Baizhao Ren﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Ridge tillage improves plant growth and grain yield of waterlgged summer maize. Agricultural Water Management, 2016, 177: 392-399.
(22) Baizhao Ren﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Effects of duration of waterlogging at different growth stages on grain growth of summer maize (Zea mays L.) under field conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2016, 202: 564-575.
(23) Baizhao Ren﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Root and shoot responses of summer maize to waterlogging at different stages. Agronomy Journal, 2016, 108: 1060-1069.
(24) Baizhao Ren﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Effects of waterlogging on leaf mesophyll cell ultrastructure and photosynthetic characteristic of summer maize. Plos One, 2016, 11(9): e0161424.
(25) Baizhao Ren﹟, Haiyan Cui, James J. Camberato, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao, Jiwang Zhang*. Effects of shading on the photosynthetic charateristics and mesophyll cell ultrastructure of summer maize. The Science of Nature, 2016, 103: 67.
(26) Baizhao Ren﹟, Jiwang Zhang*, Shuting Dong, Peng Liu, Bin Zhao. Effects of waterlogging on the yield and growth of summer maize under field conditions. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2014, 94: 23-31.
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