2003.03—2004.03: 天津三洋, 研发工程师2004.04—2005.07: 北京中电赛龙,研发工程师
2007.08—2012/12: 美国肯塔基大学, 博士后与助理研究员
2013.01—2018.05: 中科院沈阳自动化研究所, 研究员、教授、博士生导师,组长
2018.05—至今: 山东理工大学,特聘教授
1, Z.Z. Wang*,"Automatic localization and segmentation of the ventricle in magnetic resonance images,"IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,31(2),621-631,2021.(中科院1区top)
2, Z.Z. Wang*,"Recognition of occluded objects by slope difference distribution features,"Applied soft computing,accepted,2022.(中科院2区top)
3, Y.K. Li and Z. Z. Wang*, "RGB line pattern based stereo vision matching for single-shot 3D measurement," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,Vol. 70, 5004413, 2021. (中科院2区)
4, Z.Z. Wang*, "A new clustering methodbased on morphological operations, " Expert Systems and Applications,145,113102, 2020. (中科院1区top)
5, Z.Z. Wang*, "Robust three-dimensional face reconstruction by one-shot structured light line pattern, " Optics and Lasers in Engineering,124, 105798,2020.(中科院2区)
6, Z.Z. Wang*and Y.M. Yang, "Single shot three-dimensional reconstruction based on structured light line pattern,"Optics and Lasers in Engineering,106,10-16,2018.(中科院2区)
7, Z.Z. Wang*,"Image segmentation by combining the global and local properties,"Expert Systems and Applications, 87, 30-40, 2017. (中科院1区top)
8, Z.Z. Wang*, "Unsupervised recognition and characterization of the reflected laser lines for robotic gas metal arc welding,"IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 13(4),1866-1876, 2017. (中科院1区top)
9, Z.Z. Wang*,"A new approach for segmentation and quantification of cells or nanoparticles,"IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 12(3),962-971, 2016. (中科院1区top)
10, Z.Z. Wang*,"A semi-automatic method for robust and efficient identification of neighboring muscle cells," Patternrecognition,53,300-312, 2016. (中科院1区top)
11,Z.Z. Wang*,"An imaging and measurement system for robust reconstruction of weld pool during arc welding,"IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62(8),5109-5118, 2015. (中科院1区top)
12,Z.Z. Wang*,"An one-shot-projection method for measurement of specular surfaces,"Optics Express, 23(3), 1912-1929, 2015. (中科院2区)
13,Z.Z. Wang*,"Removal of noise and radial lens distortion during calibration of computer vision systems,"Optics Express, 23(9),11341-11356, 2015.(中科院2区)
14, Z.Z. Wang*,"Monitoring of GMAW weld pool from the reflected laser lines for real time control,"IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 10(4), 2073-2083, 2014. (中科院1区top)
15, Z.Z. Wang*,"A laser back-lighting based metal transfer monitoring system for robotic gas metal arc welding,"Robotics and Computer-integrated Manufacturing, 38, 52-66, 2016.(中科院1区top)