黄帆,王健强.Investigation on full bridge inductively coupled power transfer system。2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia, IPEMC 2012,哈尔滨,1737:1737,2012-06
李景新,牛利勇,龚敏明,王健强.An Approach to Improve Efficiency of EV Batteries Charger under Light Load。IEEE PEDG2010,安徽,合肥,2010-12
王健强,龚敏明.Design of Auxiliary Power Supply in Pitch Controller of Large-Scale Wind Turbine。IEEE PEITS2009,深圳,2009-12
王健强,黄勤河.Design of Electronic Ballast Based on Self-coupled Transformer for Low Power High Pressure Sodium Lamp。IEEE ICEMS2009,东京,2009-12
王健强,姜久春.Design of Sampling Signal Conditioning Circuits for DSP-controlled Grid-connecting Photovoltaic Inverter。IEEE PEITS2009,深圳,2009-12
王健强,李景新,张维戈.Interleaved Push-pull Converter with Very Low Input and High Output。IEEE PEITS2009,深圳,2009-12
王健强,李景新,张维戈.Study of high-capacity single-body li-ion battery charging and discharging system。IEEE PEDS2009,台北,2009-12
王健强,李景新.Design and experience of grid-connecting photovoltaic power system。2008 IEEE International Conference on sustainable energy technologies,新加坡,2008-12
王健强,姜久春.Experience on 10kW Grid-connecting Solar Power Station。11th International conference on electrical machines and systems,武汉,2008-12