1992/09-1996/06 北京化工大学高分子系,高分子材料专业 学士
1999/09-2002/06 曲阜师范大学化学系,物理化学专业 硕士
2007/09-2010/06 山东科技大学机械设计与理论专业 博士
2010/12-2012/11北京化工大学材料科学与工程学科 博士后
2017/03-2018/03 澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织 访问学者
山东省高等学校科技计划项目《DFT研究PAMAM与SiO2的相互作用机理及改性SiO2的分散性》, (J11LD11,2011/9-2014/12)
(1). 靳涛,曾荣昌,王忠卫,刘欣.一种低碳反射光节能涂料制备方法,2012.08.01, 中国,ZL201010615592.X
(2). 靳涛,曾荣昌,刘欣,张芬.改性纳米二氧化硅以及由其制备的复合涂料,2013.08.14,中国,ZL201110348076.X
(3). 靳涛,李效玉.一种粒径可控的纳米二氧化硅的制备方法,2014.04.02,中国,ZL201210164436.5
(1) Jin T., Easton C.D., Tang Y., Yin H., Hao X., Nitrogen-doped graphene oxide monoliths crosslinked by short chain aliphatic amines, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018,357:100-108 (SCI)
(2) Jin T., Easton C.D., Yin H., deVries M., Hao X., Triethylenetetramine /hydroxyethyl cellulose -functionalized graphene oxide monoliths for the removal of copper and arsenate ions, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials., 2018,19 (1) 381-395 (SCI)
(3) Jin T., Han Y., Bai R., Corrosion protection properties of nano NH2-reduced graphene oxide /epoxy composite coatings formed by self-curing on magnesium alloy, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018,18 (7) 4971-4981 (SCI)
(4) Jin T., Wang Y., Yin H., Corrosion protection properties and mechanism of epoxy/acetic acid-doped polyaniline coating on magnesium alloy, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018,18 (7) 4992-5000 (SCI)
(5) Jin T., Kong F., Bai R., Zhang R., Anti-corrosion mechanism of epoxy-resin and different content Fe2O3 coatings on magnesium alloy, Frontiers of Materials Science, 2016, 10(4): 367-374 (SCI)
(6) Jin T., Kong F., Bai R.. Structure and property Investigations of the lowest energy, poly(amidoamine)-CH2CH3 conformers, Chemistry Letters. 2015, 44(7): 943-945 (SCI)
(7) Jin T., Kong F., Effect of differently terminal groups of poly (amido-amine) dendrimers on dispersionstability of nano-silica and ab initio calculations, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2015,47: 474-481 (SCI)
(8) Jin T., Lu H., Ab initio Study of complexation process between poly (amido-amine) and nano-silicon dioxide, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 26(3):277-286. (SCI)
(9) Jin T., Zhang F., Interaction mechanism of ultrafine silica and poly(amido-amine) and dispersibility of the complexes in coatings, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2013, 76(2-3):478-485 (SCI)
(10) Jin T., Li X., Sun H., Interaction mechanisms between poly (amido-Amine) and nano-silicon dioxide, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 2012, 113:1213-1224 (SCI)
(11) Jin T., Li X., Interaction mechanism of nano-silicon dioxide modified by poly(amidoamine) dendrimers, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 25(5): 592-604. (SCI)
(12) Jin T., Study of modification mechanism of ultrafine silica modified by PAMAM, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 217:252-255. (EI)
(13) Zhang F., Jin T., Zeng R., Cui H., Song L., Cr2O3 nanoparticles modified TiO2 nanotubes for enhancing visible photoelectrochemical performance, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2014, 14(9):7022-7026 (SCI)
(14) Sun H., Wang X., Jin T., Tris(allylthiourea-[kappa]S) bromidozinc (II) bromide,Acta Crystallographica, Section E,2011, 67(5): 543-550 (SCI)
(15) Jin T., Zeng R., Structure and infrared radiation properties of metal oxides-doped cordierites using graded sintering synthesis, Advanced Materials and Processes, 2011, 313:140-143. (EI)