2008.09-2012.06山东科技大学金属材料工程 学士
2012.09-2014.06山东科技大学材料学 硕士
2014.09-2018.06山东科技大学材料加工与再制造工程 博士
1. 海洋环境下高通量非平衡熔射高熵非晶涂层结构调控及磨蚀机理,51971121
2. 基于材料基因工程的高通量并行式耐磨蚀材料研发与应用,2019JZZY010303
3. 高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目,耐磨蚀组合涂层等离子熔射制备及表征技术,2015AA03440
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,多级异质光热海水淡化多孔膜的等离子控制合成及构效,51772167
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,非平衡等离子合成CNT/TiC强化多孔材料的结构研究,51272141
1. 利用等离子熔射鱼鳞状耐磨涂层的方法[P],中国发明专利,CN104789920A.
2. 一种在石墨纤维上原位生长石墨烯的制备方法[P],中国发明专利,CN105645393A.
3. 一种二氧化锡介孔球的制备方法[P],中国发明专利,CN105540648A.
4. 一种等离子熔射梯度耐磨板及其制备方法和用途[P],中国发明专利,CN106367706A.
5. 一种基于储油二次润滑的金属工件表面氮化+淬火复合处理技术及产品[P],中国发明专利,CN106367712A.
1. Xiaojie Song, Hongzhi Cui, et al. Ti2Al(C, N) solid solution reinforcing TiAl based composites: evolution of a core-shell structure, interfaces, and mechanical properties, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, DOI: 10.1021/ acsami.8b02023 (SCI收录,IF: 7.504)
2. First-principles study of adhesion strength and stability of the TiB2/TiC interface in composite materials, Ceramics International, 44 (2018) 1756-1763. (SCI收录,IF: 2.986)
3. Effect of carbon reactant on microstructures and mechanical properties of TiAl/Ti2AlC composites, Materials Science & Engineering A, 684 (2017) 406-412. (SCI收录,IF: 3.094)
4. Lamellar structure and effect of Ti2AlC on properties of prepared in-situ TiAl matrix composites, Ceramics International, 42(12) (2016) 13586-13592. (SCI收录,IF:2.986)
5. Microstructure and evolution of (TiB2+Al2O3)/NiAl composites prepared by self-propagation high-temperature synthesis, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 26(7) (2016) 1878-1884.( SCI收录,IF:1.342)
6. The high surface energy of NiO {110} facets incorporated into TiO2 hollow microspheres by etching Ti plate for enhanced photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical activity, Applied Surface Science, 396 (2017) 1539-1545. (SCI收录,IF: 3.387)
7. Adsorption and Intercalation of Organic Pollutants and Heavy Metal Ions into MgAl-LDHs Nanosheets with Super High Capacity, RSC Advances, 6 (2016) 92402-92410. (SCI收录,IF: 3.108)
8. Phonon spectrum and thermodynamic properties of LaCoO3 based on first-principles theory, Computational Materials Science, 136 (2017) 191-197. (SCI收录,IF: 2.292)
9. Fabrication of Au decorated porous ZnO microspheres with enhanced gas sensing properties, Powder Technology, 315 (2017) 379-384. (SCI收录,IF: 2.942)