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张鑫,女,汉族,1982年3月生,山东滨州人,中共党员,博士,副教授,研究生导师。 学习及工作经历 2006.07 - 至今 滨州学院航空工程学院教师 1999.9-2003.7 曲阜师范大学物理工程学院物理学专业学习,获理学学士学位 2003.9-2006.7 曲阜师范大学物理工程学院凝聚态物理专业学习,获理学硕士学位 主持及参与项目 1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,高阶暗孤子及其相互作用的理论研究(11905016),28万,2020.01-2022.12,主持。 2. 山东省教育厅高校科技计划项目,基于二硫化钨可饱和吸收体锁模的高功率飞秒激光器研究,2万,2016.1-2020.6,主持。 获奖情况 1.变系数非线性薛定谔方程的反暗孤子相互作用,滨州市自然科学优秀学术成果二等奖,2021.3,首位。 2.第十二届山东省“发明创新奖”二等奖,2021.10,独立 3.热声效应演示仪获全国高校第十五届物理演示实验教学研讨会自制仪器三等奖,2021.9,参与 4.可见光通信演示仪获全国高校第十三届物理演示实验仪器三等奖,2017.7,参与 5.热声制冷演示仪获全国高校第十二届物理演示实验仪器三等奖,2015,参与 主讲课程 《无人机应用基础》、《导航原理与系统》




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Xin Zhang, Ming Lei, Ruge Quhe, Insights into the Adsorption of Water and Oxygen on the Cubic CsPbBr3 Surfaces A First-Principle Study, Chin. Phys. B 2021 211670 2. Xin Zhang, Ming Lei, Ruge Quhe, Chemical functionalization of monolayer bismuth oxychalcogenides, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 115 (2020) 113659 3. Xin Zhang, Yanli Yao, Shubin Wang, Guoli Ma, Ming Lei and Wenjun Liu, Q-switched all-fiber laser based on MoSe2 films with chemical vapor deposition method, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2019) 1950019 2. Xin Zhang, Hongyan Guoa, Guoli Ma, Weiwei Feng, Xunli Zhang, Wenjun Liu, Anti-dark soliton interactions for the variable-coefficient nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Optik 161 (2018) 217–220 4. Xueai Yin, Ligang Chen, Jian Wang, Xin Zhang, Guoli Ma. Investigation on breather waves and rogue waves in applied mechanics and physics. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 2021. 5. Yin X, Feng W and Zhang X, Preparation and photoelectric properties of Zn2SnO4-based composite nanomaterials. Emerging Materials Research 9(3) 2020: 991–999, 6. Xueai Yin, Weiwei Feng and Xin Zhang. Synthesis of Rare Earth Doped with Tungstate and Phosphate Luminescent Materials and Its Adoption in Light-Emitting DiodeJournal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics 15(2020): 654–662, 2020 7. Ma Guoli, Yao Yanli, Zhang Xin, Wang Shubin. Nonlinear optical properties of tungsten disulfide as saturable absorber based on Q-switched fiber laser. Optik - International Journal for Light & Electron Optics.2019. 8. Yao Yanli, Ma Guoli, Zhang Xin, Liu Wenjun. Interactions between M-typed dark solitons in nonlinear optics. Optik - International Journal for Light & Electron Optics.2019. 9. Guo Hongyan, Zhang Xin, Ma Guoli, Zhang Xunli, Yang Chunyu, Zhou Qin, Liu Wenjun. Analytic study on interactions of some types of solitary waves. Optik 2018.


