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丁庆安,男,汉族,山东梁山人,博士,学术副教授,硕士研究生导师。 学习及工作经历 2015.7 -至今 山东科技大学电子信息工程学院教师 2010.9-2015.7 山东大学信息科学与工程学院无线电物理专业学习,获理学博士学位 论文及著作 主持及参与项目 1) 2020.01~2023.12:山东省自然科学基金面上项目(省级),基于连续可控震源的煤矿井下槽波信号特征提取方法研究(ZR2020MF014),10万元,3/9,硬件设计,参与; 2) 2017.07~2020.06:山东省自然科学基金面上项目(省级),无源光网络硅基光电子集成片上系统研究(ZR2017MF070),16万,项目主持。 3) 2017.03~2018.03:企业横向项目,医院医疗设备利用效率分析和控制系统(02040101501),20万元(实到5万元),项目主持。 4) 2017.01~2018.12:矿山灾害预防控制-省部共建国家重点实验室开放基金项目,基于扩频连续震源的煤矿井下槽波精细探测系统研究,3万元,5/7,算法和软件,参与。 5) 2016.06~2018.05:山东科技大学人才引进科研启动基金项目,井下矿山地质构造槽波勘探波导模型的理论研究(2016RCJJ012),3万元,项目主持。 6) 2015.01~2018.12:国家自然基金,基于SiC衬底的GaN基大功率LED光电热耦合与光子调控的研究( 61475084), 82万元,第四位,光学结构设计和仿真,参与。 获奖情况 山东科技大学科技创新优秀指导教师(近三年指导各类竞赛获奖30余项);2015年山东大学毕业研究生优秀学术成果奖二等奖。 主讲课程 《电磁场与电磁波》、《计算机网络》、《FPGA与HDL语言》等


下一代融合无源光纤接入网系统:The NG-PON2 Hybrid Passive Optical Network Scheme; 光电子器件等效电路模型和激光器电流塑形抑制啁啾方法研究: The Equivalent Circuit Model of the photoelectronic device and Waveforms Shaping for Suppressing Relaxation Oscillations of the laser; 基于PON的微波光子系统原理研究:Microwave photonics based on PON; 光电子集成片上系统:The chip system based on the optoelectronic integration; 电磁数值计算方法和波导模式分析:Electromagnetic Numerical Computations and Wave-guide Mode Analysis;


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1) Qingan Ding1, Xudong Cheng1 , Huixin Liu1 , et al. Optimizing equivalent circuit model parameters of DFB lasers with RSM model and NSGA-II algorithm [J]. IEEE Photonics Journal 2022, 9. DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2022.3201109. 2) Qingan Ding1, Li Zheng1 , Huixin Liu1 , et al. Design and Performance Analysis of Hybrid Multidimensional OAM-DM-WDM-OFDM-PON System with High-Capacity and Long-Distance Transmission[J]. Photonics 2022, 9, 448. https://doi.org/10.3390/photonics9070448. 3) Qingan Ding1, Xiaojuan Wang1, Xudong Cheng1, et al. Continuous current-injected waveforms shaping for suppressing relaxation oscillations of direct modulation based on equivalent circuit model[J]. Optics Express, 2022, 30(11): 19273-19287. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.455371. 4) Qingan Ding., Lijun Zhang., Xiaojuan Wang., et al. Tunable multiwavelength optical comb enabled RoF‐OFDM‐PON with wavelength multiplex[J]. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2021;1–6. 2021.1. DOI: 10.1002/mop.32868. 5) Nie, Bowen; Chi, Zhijuan; Ding, Qing-an*; et al. Circuit Model for the Effect of Nonradiative Recombination in High-Speed Distributed Feedback Laser[J]. Current Optics and Photonics, Vol.4, No.5, pp.434-440, October, 2020; 6) Liu, M (Liu, Meng)[ 1,2 ] ; Li, K (Li, Kang)[ 1 ] ; Kong, FM (Kong, Fan-min)[ 1 ] ; Zhao, J (Zhao, Jia)[ 1 ] ; Ding, QA (Ding, Qing-an)[ 3 ] ; Zhang, MY (Zhang, Ming-yu)[ 1,4 ].Electrical-optical analysis of photonic crystals GaN-based high power light emitting diodes[J]. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2016, 48(5):274. 7) Ding Q., Li K., Kong F., et al. Improving the Vertical Light Extraction Efficiency of GaN-based Thin-Film Flip-Chip LED with Double Embedded Photonic Crystal [J]. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2015, 51(2). 8) Ding Q., Li K., Kong F., et al. Improving the Vertical Light-Extraction Efficiency of GaN-Based Thin-Film Flip-Chip LEDs With p-Side Deep-Hole Photonic Crystals [J]. IEEE Journal of Display Technology, 2014, 10(11): 909-916. 9) Chen, X., Kong, F., Li, K., Ding, Q., Zhang, M., & Li, W. Study of light extraction efficiency of flip-chip GaN-based LEDs with different periodic arrays[J]. Optics Communications, 2014, 314:90-96. 10) Yue, Q. , Li, K. , Kong, F. , Zhao, J. , & Ding, Q. . Analysis on the Light-Extraction Efficiency of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes With Deep-Hole Amorphous Photonic Crystals Structures[J]. Journal of Display Technology, 2014, 10(12):1070-1077. 11) 高辉,孔凡敏,李康,陈新莲,丁庆安,孙静. 双层光子晶体氮化镓蓝光发光二极管结构优化的研究.物理学报,2012(12):000523-533. 12) Liu, C., Ding, Q*., Song, J., et al, X. (2021). Performance investigation of PM-based wavelength remodulation scheme in bidirectional TWDM-PON, Journal of Optical Communications ,2021.1. https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2020-0198 13) Li X , Ding Q A* , Nie B , et al. Development and performance improvement of a novel zero cross-correlation code for SAC-OCDMA systems[J]. Journal of Optical Communications, 09 Sep 2020. https://doi.org/10.1515/joc-2020-0086 14) X. Wang, X. Cheng, Q. -a. Ding*, et al, “A Parameter Optimization Based on Equivalent Circuit Model for High-speed DFB Laser,” The 9th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN 2021), Xian, China. 15) L. Zheng, Z. Chi, J. Li, Q. -a. Ding*, et al, “Design and Performance Evaluation of OAM-DM-PON for High Capacity Communication,”2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2021), Tianjin, china, 2021, pp. 208-211 16) B. Nie, Q. -a. Ding*, C. Liu, et al, "Suppression of Relaxation Oscillations in DFB Lasers through Shaping Injection Current Waveforms," 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), Nanning, China, 2020, pp. 975-979, doi: 10.1109/ICCT50939.2020.9295676. 17) C. Liu, Q.-A. Ding*, B. Nie, et al, "Design and Simulation of OFDM-PON Combined with Polarization Multiplexing and Coherent Detection," 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering, ICECE 2019. pp. 79-83. 18) Li X , Ding Q A* , Nie B , et al. Design of variable weight 2D-MD code for spectra/spatial OCDMA systems[C]. Eleventh International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2019).(20 December 2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2542763.


ICCT,ICICN国际会议;Optical and Quantum Electronics, International Journal of Communication System, Journal of Lightwave Technology期刊审稿人;青岛昶达电子科技有限公司总经理;海信宽带多媒体技术有限公司技术顾问(2009光通信);青岛龙泰天翔通信科技有限公司技术总监(光通信产品开发2008);
