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张奎,男,医学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。四川省医学会医疗事故鉴定(医疗损害鉴定)委员会专家库成员,成都市人民检察院外聘专家。 2014年博士毕业留校至今,从事法医影像学、法医毒理学和循证医学的研究,主持科研项目3项,以第一作者、共同第一作者或通讯作者发表论文50余篇,其中SCI收录40余篇。人民卫生出版社《法医学》、《法医临床学》、《法医毒理学》慕课主讲教师。国家“十三五”规划教材《法医现场学》编者,法医学创新教材《法医影像学》编者。主编专著一部,参编专著多部。参与制定公安部标准2项。 教育简历: 2011/09-2014/07四川大学,法医学,博士 2004/09-2007/07四川大学,法医学,硕士 1999/09-2004/07四川大学,基础医学,学士


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Lu T, Shi L, Zhan MJ, Fan F, Peng Z,Zhang K(共同通讯)and Deng ZH. Age estimation based on magnetic resonance imaging of the ankle joint in a modern Chinese Han population. International journal of legal medicine. 2020; 134: 1843-1852. 2.Zhang K, Zhan M-J, Cui J-H, Luo Y-Z, Qiu L-R, Deng L-P, Li Z-L, Chen X-G and Deng Z-H. Estimation of stature from radiographically determined lower limb bone length in modern Chinese. Journal of forensic and legal medicine. 2019. 3.Zhang K, Yang W, Dai H and Deng Z. Cardiovascular risk following metformin treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Results from meta-analysis. Diabetes research and clinical practice. 2020;160:108001. 4.Zhang K, Luo Y, Dai H and Deng Z. Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Cancer Risk: Evidence from Meta-analysis. Obesity surgery. 2020;30:1265-1272. 5.Zhang K, Chen X, Zhang L and Deng Z. Fermented dairy foods intake and risk of cardiovascular diseases: A meta-analysis of cohort studies. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition. 2020;60:1189-1194.(影响因子:7.8) 6.Zhang K, Dai H, Liang W, Zhang L and Deng Z. Fermented dairy foods intake and risk of cancer. International journal of cancer. 2019;144:2099-2108. 7.Zhang K, Fan F, Tu M, Cui JH, Li JS, Peng Z and Deng ZH. The role of multislice computed tomography of the costal cartilage in adult age estimation. International journal of legal medicine. 2018;132:791-798. 8.Zhang K, Dong XA, Fan F and Deng ZH. Age estimation based on pelvic ossification using regression models from conventional radiography. International journal of legal medicine. 2016;130:1143-1148.
