1. 主编“现代养猪实用新技术”一部,参编国家级规划教材三部以及高等学校教材一部;获国家发明专利一项。
2. Rui Chen, Chao wen, Yunfeng Gu, Chao Wang,Yueping Chen, Su Zhuang* and Yanmin Zhou. Dietary betaine supplementation improves meat quality of transported broiler through altering muscle anaerobic glycolysis and antioxidant capacity. J.Sci. Food Agric. 2020,100:2656-2663.
3. Tong Xing, Zweum Zhao, Xue Zhao, Su Zhuang*, Xinglian Xu*. Phosphoproteone analysis of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins in stress-induced dysfunctional broiler pectoralis major muscle. Food Chemistry, 2020,319:126531
4. Rui Chen, Chao Wen, Yefei Cheng, Yueping Chen, Su Zhuang*, Yanmin Zhou*. Effects of dietary supplementation with betaine on muscle growth, muscle amino acid contents and meat quality in Cherry Valley ducks. J Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 2019,1-10.
5. Yuyu wang, Baozhe Wang, Qiang Liu*, Chengrui Fan, Jiaying Li, Yanmin Zhou and Su Zhuang*. Palygorskite Supplementation improve growth performance, oxidative status, and intestinal barrier function in Cherry Valley ducks. J. Poult. Sci.,2019, 56:189-194.
6. Q.Liu*, W.M. Zhang, Z.J. Zhang, Y.J. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang, L. Chen, S. Zhuang*.Effect of fiber source and enzyme addition on the apparent digestibility of nutrients and physicochemical properties of digesta in cannulated growing pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2016,216:262-272.
7. Guangjun Chang, Su Zhunag, Hans-Martin Seyfert, Kai Zhang, Tianle Xu, Di Jin, Junfei Guo and Xiangzhen Shen. Hepatic TLR4 signaling is activated by LPS from digestive tract during ASRA and epigenetic mechanism contribute to enforced TLR4 expression. Oncotarget, 2015,6(36):38575-28590.
8. Yueping Chen, Chao wen, Su Zhuang* and Yanmin Zhou*. A comparison of growth, immunity and oxidative status of broilers that differ in hatching weight at early age. J. Poult. Sci. 2015, 52:137-144.
9. S Zhunag, F B Jiang, Z X Jia and R Yan. Clostridium butyricum can used as a potential alternative for the antibiotic in Cherry Valley ducks. The Journal of Animal & Plant Science, 2015,25(5):1227-1232.
10. Guangjun Chang, Kai Zhang, Tianle Xu, Di Jin, Hans-Martin Seyfert, Xiangzhen Shen* and Su Zhuang*. Feeding a high-grain diet reduces the percentage of LPS clearance and enhance immune gene expression in goat liver. BMC Veterinary Research,2015,11:67.
11. Linfeng Li, Ping Li, Yueping Chen, Chao Wen, Su Zhuang and Yanmin Zhou. Zinc-bearing zeolite clinoptilolite improves tissue zinc accumulation in laying hens by enhancing zinc transporter gene mRNA abundance. Animal Science Journal, 2015,86:782-789.
12. Zhuang Su, Zhang Teng, Chang Guang-Jun, Yan Rui, Muhammad Naeem, Nasir Rajput and Shen Xiang-Zhen. The metabolism of volatile fatty acids by portal-drained viscera and liver of goats fed diet with different forage to concentrate ratio. Pakistan J. Zool., 2014, 46(2):391-2014.
13. Xianchao Feng, Lin Chen, Su Zhuang*, Chunbao Li, Zhenfuo Yan, Xinglian Xu, Guanghong Zhou. Effect of duck meat consumption on thyroid hormone concentrations and energy metabolism of Sprague-Dawley rats. Appetite, 2013, 69:94-101.
14. Q. Liu, Y. X. He, W.W. Sun, T.T Ji, S. Zhuang. Effect of enzyme supplementation and extruding process on the digestibility of nutrients and phenolic acids of defatted rice bran based diets in ileal-cannulated growing pigs. Livestock Science, 2020:240:104138.
15. Qiu Qin Zhang, Hu Hu Wang, Su Zhuang, Hong Mei Xiao, Xing Lian Xu and Guang Hong Zhou. Application of mathematical model for the quantification of acylated homoserine lactones produces by pseudomonas aeruginosa in chicken breast meat and broth. Journal of Food Safety, 2013, 33:481-488.
16. 颜桂花,邢恒涛,刘强,孙文恺,刘洋,庄苏*.可溶性玉米纤维对仔猪盲肠微生物多样性的影响.南京农业大学学报,2020,43(3):505-513.
17. 刘洋,孙文恺,刘强,颜桂花,邢恒涛,庄苏*.载锌凹凸棒石对断奶仔猪生长性能、器官指数、生化指标及抗氧化能力的影响.福建农林大学学报,2020,49(4):505-511.
18. 王雨雨,刘强,王保哲,范程瑞,黎佳颖,庄苏*.凹凸棒石黏土对饲料颗粒质量及樱桃谷肉鸭生长性能、屠宰性能、肌肉品质和抗氧化性能的影响.南京农业大学学报,2018,41(3):511-518.
19. 邢恒涛,颜桂花,刘强,王雨雨,王保哲,庄苏*.可溶性玉米纤维(fibersol-2)对仔猪生长性能、血清生化指标和抗氧化能力的影响. 动物营养学报,2018,49(10):2170-2179.
20. 黎佳颖,庄苏*,范程瑞,王雨雨,王保哲,刘强. 复合缓冲剂对奶山羊乳成分、血浆生化指标及激素含量的影响.动物营养学报, 2017, 29(7):2399-2106.
21. 王亚琼,刘强,姜发彬,袁庆启,颜瑞,庄苏*.胍基乙酸对樱桃谷肉鸭生产性能和抗氧化能力的影响.南京农业大学学报, 2016,39(2):269-274.
22. 姜发彬,张桂芳,庄苏*,石蕊,贾志新,沈向真.日粮精粗比对奶山羊PDV组织、肝脏中粮代谢的影响.江苏农业科学,2015,43(2):195-198.
23. 庄苏,董文超,常广军,张腾,颜瑞,沈向真.不同精粗比日粮对山羊内脏氨基酸吸收与代谢的影响..南京农业大学学报,204,37(4):137-143.
24. 庄苏,丁立人,周建国,王恬.甲酸与纤维酶和木聚糖对多花黑麦草与三叶草混合青贮料发酵品质的影响.江苏农业学报,2013,29(1):140-146.
25. 庄苏,丁立人,周建国,王恬.添加外源纤维水解酶对羊草体外瘤胃发酵酶活性及特性的影响.草业学报,2013,22(1):315-322