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鲁功达,博士,硕士研究生导师,水利水电工程系特聘副研究员。1989年生于四川遂宁,2017年获得加拿大渥太华大学土木工程专业博士学位,主要从事多场耦合数值模拟和岩土本构模型开发应用方面的研究工作,现已发表论文20余篇,其中第一和通讯作者SCI论文10余篇,EI论文3篇。 讲授课程: 弹性力学及有限元(秋季学期);专业英语(春季学期) 科研项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金, 深部高应力软岩动静荷载组合作用力学机制与爆炸破岩机理, 2020/01 - 2022/12, 25万, 在研, 主持。 2. 建设世界一流大学专项基金, 深部多尺度地下水网爆破构建技术研究, 2019/01 - 2021/12, 20万, 在研, 主持。 3. 四川大学创新火花项目, 深部应力作用下的碳酸盐岩冲击动力响应研究, 2019/01 - 2021/12, 20万, 在研, 主持。 4. 加拿大自然科学基金项目,Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical behaviour of cemented paste backfill in static and dynamic loading conditions, and application to their engineering design, 2013/09-2017/09, 3万加元, 已结题, 参与。 著作专利 (11) 鲁功达; 陶剑; 丁培培; 李西龙; 张发源; 张露; 周家文; 戚顺超。基于多场耦合模型的地下充填方法及其应用, 2020.09.18, 中国, 202010907669.4 (发明专利) (10) 鲁功达; 杨兴国; 周家文; 徐昊; 戚顺超; 范刚。一种主动围压下的岩石爆破振动测试装置及其应用, 2018.11.19, 中国, 201811377812.2 (发明专利) (9) 鲁功达; 陶剑; 杨兴国; 徐昊; 周家文; 李洪涛。一种岩石双轴压缩爆破设计方法, 2019.04.05, 中国, 201910298877.6 (发明专利) (8) 鲁功达; 杨兴国; 徐昊; 陶剑; 李洪涛; 周家文。一种岩石变形破坏模式预测方法, 2019.05.10, 中国, 201910340651.8 (发明专利) (7) 鲁功达; 杨兴国; 陶剑; 周家文; 李洪涛; 姚强。基于颗粒形状的岩石爆炸破碎效率评价方法, 2019.08.08, 中国, 201910748301.5 (发明专利) (6) 鲁功达; 张露; 张发源; 丁培培; 李西龙; 戚顺超; 周家文。一种水泥胶结材料的连续充填实验装置及其实验方法, 2020.02.13, 中国, 202010089804.9 (发明专利) (5) 鲁功达; 李西龙; 丁培培; 张发源; 张露; 戚顺超; 周家文。一种水泥胶结材料的充填速率优化方法, 2020.04.16, 中国, 202010300565.7 (发明专利) (4) 鲁功达; 丁培培; 李西龙; 张发源; 张露; 戚顺超; 周家文。一种化学反应作用下多孔介质的水压模型及方法, 2020.04.16, 中国, 202010300589.2 (发明专利) (3) 杨兴国; 鲁功达; 周家文; 范刚; 戚顺超; 徐昊。一种三轴围压下高应力软岩的爆炸加载试验装置, 2018.11.19, 中国, 201811379055.2 (发明专利) (2) 周家文;鲁功达;杨兴国;李洪涛;徐昊;戚顺超。一种基于分形维数的散粒体几何组成特征评价方法, 2019.08.28, 中国, 201910799348.4 (发明专利) (1) 周宏伟; 费文平; 鲁功达。《现代治河工程》,四川大学出版社,2019 (著作)


1. 复杂赋存环境中的岩土温度-渗流-力学-化学(THMC)耦合模型开发应用 2. 岩石爆炸冲击动力响应的试验与本构模型开发应用 3. 岩石蠕变行为的试验与本构模型开发应用


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

28) Jian Tao, Xingguo Yang, Hongtao Li, Jiawen Zhou, Shunchao Qi, Gongda Lu(*)(通讯作者). 2020. Numerical investigation of blast-induced rock fragmentation. Computers and Geotechnics, 128, 103846. (SCI, 影响因子:3.818) 27) Gongda Lu, Xingguo Yang, Shunchao Qi, Xilong Li, Peipei Ding, Jiawen Zhou(*). 2020. A generic framework for overpressure generation in sedimentary sequences under thermal perturbations. Computers and Geotechnics, 124, 103636. (SCI, 影响因子:3.818) 26) Jian Tao, Xingguo Yang, Hongtao Li, Jiawen Zhou, Gang Fan, Gongda Lu(*)(通讯作者). 2020. Effects of in-situ stresses on dynamic rock responses under blast loading. Mechanics of Materials, 145, 103374. (SCI, 影响因子:2.993) 25) Hao Xu, Xingguo Yang, Jianhai Zhang, Jiawen Zhou, Jian Tao, Gongda Lu(*)(通讯作者). 2020. A closed-form solution to spherical wave propagation in triaxial stress fields. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 128, 104266. (SCI, 影响因子:4.151) 24) Gongda Lu, XingguoYang, Shunchao Qi, Gang Fan, Jiawen Zhou(*). 2020. Coupled chemo-hydro-mechanical effects in one-dimensional accretion of cemented mine fills. Engineering Geology, 267, 105495. (SCI, 影响因子:4.779) 23) Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall(*), Zhaohuan Yang. 2019. An evolutive bounding surface plasticity model for early-age cemented tailings backfill under cyclic loading. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 117:339-356. (SCI, 影响因子:2.637) 22) Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall(*). 2018. Modelling postblasting stress and pore pressure distribution in hydrating fill mass at an early age. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 18(8), 04018090. (SCI, 影响因子:2.589) 21) Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall(*). 2017. Modelling blast wave propagation in a subsurface geotechnical structure made of an evolutive porous material. Mechanics of Materials, 108, 21-39. (SCI, 影响因子: 2.993) 20) Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall(*), Liang Cui. 2017. A multiphysics–viscoplastic cap model for simulating the blast response of cemented tailings backfill. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 9(3), 551-564. (SCI, 影响因子:2.829) 19) Gongda Lu. 2017. A model for one-dimensional deposition and consolidation of shrinking mine fills. Géotechnique Letters, 7, 347-351. (SCI, 影响因子:1.524) 18) Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall(*). 2016. A coupled chemo-viscoplastic cap model for simulating the behavior of hydrating cemented tailings backfill under blast loading. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 40, 1123-1149. (SCI, 影响因子:2.814) 17) Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall(*). 2018. State-of-the-art modelling of soil behaviour under blast loading. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 36, 3331-3355. (EI) 16) Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall(*). 2018. Simulation of blast induced liquefaction susceptibility of subsurface fill mass. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 36, 1683-1706. (EI) 15) 鲁功达, 晏鄂川(*), 王雪明, 谢良甫 高连通. 2014. 孔隙分布分形维对多孔材料抗压强度的影响研究. 岩土力学, 35(8), 2261-2268. (EI) 14) 李西龙, 张发源, 丁培培, 张露, 周家文, 鲁功达(*)(通讯作者). 2020. 尾矿连续沉积过程中超孔隙水压力演化的温度-渗流-力学-化学耦合模型. 工程地质学报, 28(5):1132-1139. 13) 鲁功达, 晏鄂川(*), 王环玲, 王雪明, 谢良甫. 2013. 基于岩石地质本质性的碳酸盐岩单轴抗压强度预测. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 43(6), 1915-1921. 12) 鲁功达, 晏鄂川(*),赵建军, 姜胜来. 2012. 优势结构面控制的岩质边坡强震破坏机制研究. 工程地质学报, 20(3), 305-310. (期刊年度优秀论文) 11) Kun Song(*), Gongda Lu, Guodong Zhang, Yiliang Liu. 2016. Influence of uncertainty in the initial groundwater table on long-term stability of reservoir landslides. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 76(3), 901-908. (SCI, 影响因子: 3.041) 10) Yuxiang Hu, Haibo Li, Gongda Lu, Gang Fan, Jiawen Zhou(*). 2021. Influence of size gradation on particle separation and the motion behaviors of debris avalanches. Landslides. (SCI, 影响因子:4.708) 9) Jiawen Zhou(*), Haibo Li, Gongda Lu, Yue Zhou, Jieyuan Zhang, Gang Fan. 2020. Initiation mechanism and quantitative mass movement analysis of the 2019 Shuicheng catastrophic landslide. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. (SCI, 影响因子:1.897) 8) Haimei Liao, Xingguo Yang, Gongda Lu, Jian Tao, Jiawen Zhou(*). 2020. Experimental study on the formation of landslide dams by fragmentary materials from successive rock slides. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79, 1591–1604. (SCI, 影响因子:3.041) 7) Haimei Liao, Xingguo Yang, Gongda Lu, Jian Tao, Jiawen Zhou(*). 2019. Experimental study on the river blockage and landslide dam formation induced by rock slides. Engineering Geology, 261, 105269. (SCI, 影响因子: 4.779) 6) Shunchao Qi, Daosheng Ling, Qiang Yao, Gongda Lu, Xingguo Yang, Jiawen Zhou(*). 2020. Evaluating slope stability with 3D limit equilibrium technique and its application to landfill in China. Engineering Geology, 280: 105939. (SCI, 影响因子:4.779) 5) Liangfu Xie, Echuan Yan(*), Jianhu Wang, Gongda Lu. 2018. Study on evolutionary characteristics of toppling deformation of reverse-dip layered rock slope based on surface displacement monitoring data. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77, 156. (SCI, 影响因子: 2.180) 4) Shunchao Qi(*), Xingguo Yang, Jiawen Zhou, Gongda Lu. 2019. Stability analysis of an unsaturated expansive soil slope subjected to rainfall infiltration. Geomechanics and Engineering, 19(1): 1-9. (SCI, 影响因子:2.670) 3) Shunchao Qi(*), Jiawen Zhou, Xingguo Yang, Gang Fan, Gongda Lu, Sai Vanapalli. 2019. The role of wetting-induced expansion of unsaturated soils in potential shallow landslides. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 7(2): 148-153. 2) Liangfu Xie(*), Echuan Yan, Xubin Ren, Gongda Lu. 2015. Sensitivity analysis of bending and toppling deformation for anti-slope based on the grey relation method. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 33(1), 35-41. (EI) 1) 王章琼, 晏鄂川(*), 鲁功达, 高连通, 张颀明, 唐睿旋. 2014. 我国大陆地下水封洞库库址区地应力场分布规律统计分析. 岩土力学, 35, 251-256. (EI) 会议报告: 2) Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall(*). 2016. Modelling blast-induced liquefaction of tailings backfill at early ages. GeoVancouver, the 69th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, Canada. 1) Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall(*). 2015. Coupled modelling of the behaviour of soft cementitious material exposed to underground mines blasting. 11th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, Ottawa, Canada.


现为Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Journal of Mountain Science以及Advances in Civil Engineering 等国际期刊审稿人
