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范碧航,女,1987年出生,吉林省长春人。自然灾害学博士,特聘副研究员 主要教育及工作经历 2015至2020年:宾夕法尼亚州立大学,博士后(合作导师:Henry Lin 教授) 2010至2015年:北京师范大学减灾与应急管理研究院,理学博士(导师:李宁 教授) 2014至2015年:International Journal of Disaster Risk Science,助理编辑 2006至2010年:东北师范大学地理科学学院, 理学学士 学术成果和主要荣誉 截至2020年10月, 发表第一或通讯作者SCI论文10篇, 1篇为川大B级刊物, 6篇为川大C级刊物, 包括一区刊物4篇, 二区刊物3篇, 篇均影响因子3.888; 共发表SCI论文22篇, 包括四川大学B级刊物3篇, C级刊物12篇, 中科院分区TOP级刊物14篇; 此外, 发表第一作者EI论文2篇, ISTP论文1篇, 中文核心期刊论文1篇; 合著EI论文1篇、中文核心期刊论文5篇; 全部论文Google Scholar总引用超过380次. 先后获得国家奖学金、北京师范大学优秀研究生、北京师范大学“京师安泰优秀研究生奖” 、东北师范大学“校长奖学金”、东北师范大学“东师奖章”等荣誉。


自然灾害,灾害风险管理,气候变化 水文土壤,农田水利,水资源管理


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Fan B, Tao W, Qin G, et al. (2020). Soil climate variation in relation to slope characteristics in a forested catchment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 290:1-17. (IF=4.651; 川大B级; 一区) 2. Fan B, Liu X, Zhu Q, et al. (2020). Exploring the interplay between infiltration dynamics and Critical Zone structures by multiscale geophysical imaging: A review. Geoderma, 374:1-16. (IF=4.848; 一区) 3. Zhang J, Wang Z, Fan B#, et al. (2020). Investigating the proper application rate of nitrogen under mulched drip irrigation to improve the yield and quality of tomato in saline soil. Agronomy, 293:2-15 (IF=2.603; 三区) 4. Zhang K, Shen J, He R, Fan B#, et al. (2019). Dynamic analysis of the coupling coordination relationship between urbanization and water resource security and its obstacle factor. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16:1-16. (IF=2.849; 三区) 5. Wang Z, Wu Q, Fan B#, et al. (2019). Effects of mulching biodegradable films under drip irrigation on soil hydrothermal conditions and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield. Agricultural Water Management, 213:477-485. (IF=4.021; 川大C级; 一区) 6. Wang Z, Fan B#, et al. (2019). Soil salinization after long-term mulched drip irrigation poses a potential risk to agricultural sustainability. European Journal of Soil Science, 70:20-24. (IF=3.742; 川大C级; 二区) 7. Wang Z, Wu Q, Fan B#, et al. (2019). Testing biodegradable films as alternatives to plastic films in enhancing cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield under mulched drip irrigation. Soil & Tillage Research, 192:196-205 (IF=4.601; 川大C级; 一区). 8. Guo L, Fan B#, Zhang J, et al. (2018). Occurrence of subsurface lateral flow in the Shale Hills Catchment indicated by a soil water mass balance method. European Journal of Soil Science, 69:771-786. (IF=3.742; 川大C级; 二区) 9. Guo L, Fan B#, Zhang F, et al. (2018). The clustering of severe dust storm occurrence in China from 1958 to 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 123:8035-8046 (IF=3.821; 川大C级; 二区) 10. Fan B, Guo L, Li N, et al. (2014). Earlier vegetation green-up has reduced spring dust storms. Scientific Reports, 4. (IF=3.998; 川大C级; 三区) 11. Fan B, Li N (2013). Do varying patterns with the same trend exist between temperature warming and climate-related natural disasters in China? Intelligent Systems and Decision Making for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response - Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, p 355-361. (EI) 12. Fan B, Li N (2012). Copula in temporal data mining: The joint return period of extreme temperature in Beijing. Proceedings of 2012 6th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science, Service Science and Data Mining, p 592-597. (EI) 13. Fan B, Li N, Wu J, et al. (2011). Analysis of Area Characteristics and Losses in DongTing Lake Region under the Influence of Flood. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Economic, Education and Management, p 149-152. (ISTP) 14. 范碧航, 李宁, 张继权 (2011). 城市高温灾害性天气影响分析与危害评估-以长春市为例. 灾害学, 26:93-97. (中文核心)
