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张文江,男,1999、2002及2007年,分获北京师范大学、北京大学及中科院地理所,本/硕/博理学学位(地学)。2007年起,在四川大学水文系从事教学科研工作,先后任讲师/副教授/教授。 目前,主要从事高寒生态水文过程、气候变化响应等研究工作。主持及参与的相关项目有: 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目: 气候变化下的青藏高原冻土脆弱性区域模拟研究 (2018-2021) 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目: 基于多源观测资料的长江源区水文过程气候变化响应研究 (2015-2018) 主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目: 基于陆面水文过程的区域干旱遥感监测预报研究 (2009-2011) 主持,中国博士后科学基金项目: 我国南方人工林碳增汇管理措施的情景模拟研究 (2010-2011) 主持,国防科工局民用航天子题: N+EOS数据融合与水循环监测技术区域验证 (2012-2013) 主持,教育部博士学科点科研基金: 区域干旱过程的监测分析 (2009-2011) 主持,长江委长科院创新项目子题: 基于遥感的长江上游干旱监测研究 (2007-2008)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Liu, L., Zhang, W., Lu Q., et al. (2020) Hydrological impacts of near-surface soil warming on theTibetan Plateau. Permafrost and Periglac Process. 1-13 (10.1002/ppp.2049) Zhang Wenjiang, Liu Li, Song Kechao. (2019) Remote sensing the orographic effects of dry-hot valley on vegetation distribution in the southeast Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Remote Sensing Tang Yi, Zhang Wenjiang*, Liu Li. (2019) Spring thaw classification based on AMSR-E brightness temperature in the central Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Remote Sensing Jiang H, Zhang W*, Yi Y, Yang K, Li G, Wang G. (2018) The impacts of soil freeze/thaw dynamics on soil water transfer and spring phenology in the Tibetan Plateau. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 50(1): e1439155. Zhang W, Yi Y., Song K. et al. (2016) Hydrological Response of Alpine Wetlands to Climate Warming in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 8(4): 336. Zhang W, Yi Y., Kimball J. et al. (2015) Climatic Controls on Spring Onset of the Tibetan Plateau Grasslands from 1982 to 2008. Remote Sensing, 7(12): 16607-16622. Zhang W-J, Lu Q, Song K et al. (2014) Remotely sensing the ecological influences of ditches in Zoige Peatland, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Int J of Remote Sensing, 5186-5197. Xu M, Wen X, Wang H, Zhang W-J et al. (2014) Effects of Climatic Factors and Ecosystem Responses on the Inter-Annual Variability of Evapotranspiration in a Coniferous Plantation in Subtropical China. PLoS ONE, 9, e85593. Shi L-L, Wang H-M, Zhang W-J, Shao Q-Q; et al. (2013) Spatial response patterns of subtropical forests to a heavy ice storm: a case study in Poyang Lake Basin, southern China,Natural Hazards, 69(3), pp 2179-2196, 2013/12. Wang Y, Wang H, Wang Z-L, Zhang W-J, Guo C, Wen X, Liu Y (2012) Optimizing manual sampling schedule for estimating annual soil CO2 efflux in a young exotic pine plantation in subtropical China. European Journal of Soil Biology, 52, 41-47. Zhang W-J, Wang Hm, Yang Ft et al. (2011) Underestimated effects of low temperature during early growing season on carbon sequestration of a subtropical coniferous plantation. Biogeosciences, 8, 1667-1678. Zhang W-J, Wang H, Wen X, Yang F, Ma Z, Sun X, Yu G (2011) Freezing-induced loss of carbon uptake in a subtropical coniferous plantation in southern China. Annals of Forest Science, 68, 1151-1161. Lu Q, Zhang W-J *, Zhang P, Wu X, Zhang F, Liu Z, Dale M (2010) Monitoring the 2008 cold surge and frozen disasters snowstorm in South China based on regional ATOVS data assimilation. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 53, 1216-1228. Gao Z, Zhang W-J, Gao W, Chang N-B (2009) Modeling the land surface heat exchange process with the aid of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiomer images. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 3, 033573. Zhang W-J, Lin J, Peng J, Lu Q (2010) Estimating Wenchuan Earthquake induced landslides based on remote sensing. Int J of Remote Sensing, 31, 3495 - 3508. Zhang W-J, Lu Q, Gao Z, Peng J (2008) Response of remotely sensed Normalized Difference Water Deviation Index to the 2006 Drought of eastern Sichuan Basin. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 51, 748-758. Ma D, Chen J, Zhang W-J, Zheng L, Liu Y (2007) Farmers\\\' vulnerability to flood risk: A case study in the Poyang Lake Region. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 17, 269-284. 张文江, 陆其峰, 高志强 (2007) 区域地表水热通量遥感的空间不均匀性分析. 自然科学进展, 17, 1383-1390. 张文江, 高志强 (2006) 青藏高原中东部水热条件及NDVI在不同海拔的空间分布格局. 地理研究, 25, 887-886.
