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熊兆锟,贵州省遵义市人,副教授,硕士生导师。任中共四川大学建筑与环境学院研究生环境二支部书记,四川省水安全与水污染控制工程技术研究中心副主任。主要从事环境工程水污染控制技术的研发工作,重点研究高级氧化技术在医院污水和有毒难降解工业废水中的应用。先后主持国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目(任务负责人)、国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后科学基金特别资助/面上资助、四川省科技厅等科研项目10余项。以第一/通讯作者在Water Research、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Environment International等环境领域权威期刊发表论文30余篇(ESI高被引论文8篇,热点论文3篇,封面文章1篇)。获中国环保产业协会环境技术进步一等奖、第一届全国博士后创新创业大赛银奖和首届川渝科技学术大会优秀论文二等奖。担任Chinese Chemical Letters青年编委、EnvironmentalFunctional Materials创刊编委、《工业水处理》青年编委。 【学习及工作经历】 2021.9-至今 四川大学,建筑与环境学院,副教授 2018.7-2021.8, 四川大学,建筑与环境学院,博士后 2013. 9-2018. 6, 四川大学环境工程专业,工学博士学位 2009. 9-2013. 6, 四川大学环境工程专业,工学学士学位 【承担的主要课程】 本科生:《物理性污染控制工程》、《泵与风机》 研究生:《水处理中高级氧化法的原理和工程应用》、《环境工程前沿技术》 【主持科研项目】 1.国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,2021YFA1202500,2022.01-2026.12,任务负责人 2.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,52200105,2023.01-2025.01,主持 3.中国博士后科学基金第12批特别资助,2019T120843,2019.06-2021.06,主持 4.中国博士后科学基金第64批面上资助,2018M643481,2018.12-2019.11,主持 5.四川省科技厅应用基础研究项目,2019YJ0091,2019.01-2021.01,主持 6.四川省科技厅创新苗子工程项目,2018057,2018.07.-2019.06,主持 7.成都市科技创新研究项目,2021-YF05-00892-SN,2021.06-2022.05,主持 8.四川大学博士后交叉学科创新启动基金项目,2019.01-2020.12,主持 9.中央高校基本科研业务费,2020.05-2020.10,主持 10.四川大学专职博士后研发基金项目,2019.01-2020.10,主持 11.国家自然科学基金面上项目,52070133,2021.01-2024.12,主研 12.四川省重大科技专项项目,2021ZDZX0012,2021.07-2026.06,主研 【专著、译著】 [1]Xiong,Z.K., Liu Y., Zhou P., Zhang H., and Lai B.*, Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation over Supported Metal Oxides, Advanced Ozonation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment: Active Catalysts and Combined Technologies. (Royal Society of Chemistry.Invited Book Chapter 2) 2022. [2] Zhou P., Liu Y.,Xiong,Z.K., Zhang H., Lai B.*, Zero Valent Iron-induced Fenton-like Oxidation Towards Water Treatment. Chemistry in the Environment, Emerging Nanotechnologies for Water Treatment. (Royal Society of Chemistry. Invited Book Chapter 12) 2021. 【获奖】 2020年中国环保产业协会科技进步一等奖 2021年第一届全国博士后创新创业大赛银奖 2020年首届川渝科技学术大会优秀论文二等奖 2021 Chinese Chemical Letters Excellent Papers Award 2022年四川大学“挑战杯”大学生创业计划竞赛金奖指导教师 第七届四川大学“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖指导教师 2020年四川大学大学生创新创业与实践教育优秀指导教师 2017年博士研究生国家奖学金 2016年博士研究生国家奖学金 2015年硕士研究生国家奖学金 【专利】 [1]赖波,熊兆锟,李友,电解-臭氧-缓蚀剂/电解-臭氧-双氧水-缓蚀剂耦合处理有毒难降解废水的方法,ZL201910970649.9 [2]赖波,熊兆锟,魏建,刘杨,张恒,李佳易,一种电絮凝-催化臭氧/双氧水反应器,ZL202021013871.4 [3]赖波,张恒,刘杨,熊兆锟,何传书,一体化有毒难降解废水处理装置及处理方法,ZL202010821497.9 [4]魏健,熊兆锟,敖蒙蒙,郭勇,赖波,段亮,一种医疗污水同步消杀除污处理一体化设备,ZL202023267050.6


1.环境催化材料的开发及其在有毒难降解工业废水中的应用研究 2.铁基材料高级氧化技术的基础与应用研究 3.医院污水同步消杀除污处理技术与设备研发


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1]Yu Y.H.,Xiong, Z.K.*, Huang B.K., Wang X.H., Du Y., He C.S., Liu Y., Yao G.,Lai, B.*,Synchronous removal of pharmaceutical contaminants and inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms in real hospital wastewater by electro-peroxone process,Environment International2022, 168, 107453. [2]Long X.,Xiong, Z.K.*, Huang R., Yu Y., Zhou P., Zhang H., Yao G.,Lai, B.*,Sustainable Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycles triggered by cocatalyst of weak electrical current inFe(III)/peroxymonosulfate system: Collaboration ofradical and non-radical mechanisms,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental2022, 317, 121716. [3] Chen Y.,Long X.H., Huang R.F.*, Zhang I.,Yao G.,Lai, B.,Xiong, Z.K.*,Highly efficient electro-cocatalytic Fenton-like reactions for the degradation of recalcitrant naphthenic acids: Exploring reaction mechanisms and environmental implications,Chemical Engineering Journal2022, 450, 138331. [4] Yang L.W.,Xiong, Z.K.*, Li J., Wu Z., Zhao X., Zhao C., Zhou Y., Qian Y.,Lai, B.*, Iron active sites encapsulated in N-doped graphite for efficiently selective degradation of emerging contaminants via peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation: Inherent roles of adsorption and electron-transfer dominated nonradical mechanisms,Chemical Engineering Journal2022, 444, 136623. [5] Wu Z.L.,Xiong, Z.K.*, Liu R., He C.S., Liu Y., Pan Z.C.,Yao G., Lai B., Pivotal roles of N-doped carbon shell and hollow structure in nanoreactor with spatial confined Co species in peroxymonosulfate activation: Obstructing metal leaching and enhancing catalytic stability,Journal of Hazardous Materials2022, 427, 128204. [6]Yu, C.X.,Xiong, Z.K.*, Zhou, H.Y., Zhou, P., Zhang, H., Huang, R.F., Yao, G., Lai, B., Marriage of membrane filtration and sulfate radical-advanced oxidation processes (SR-AOPs) for water purification: Current developments, challenges and prospects.Chemical Engineering Journal.2022, 433,133802 [7]Zhang, R.; Chen, M.;Xiong, Z.K.*,Yao, G., Lai, B.*,Highly efficient degradation of emerging contaminants by magnetic CuO@FexOy derived from natural mackinawite (FeS) in the presence of peroxymonosulfate.Chinese Chemical Letters.2022, 33, 948-952. [8] Wei J.#,Xiong, Z.K.#, Ao M.M., Guo Z., Zhang J.,Lai, B.*, Song Y.H.*, Selective degradation of sulfamethoxazole by N-doped iron-based carbon activated peroxymonosulfate: Collaboration of singlet oxygen and high-valent iron-oxo species,Separation and Purification Technology2022, 297, 121379. [9]Xiong,Z.K., Jiang Y.N., Wu Z.L., Yao G., Lai, B., Synthesis strategies and emerging mechanisms of metal-organic frameworks for sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation process: A review,Chemical Engineering Journal.2021, 421, 127863.(ESI高被引论文/热点论文) [10]Xiong,Z.K.,Li J.Y., Li Y., Yuan Y., Jiang Y.N., Yao, G.,Lai, B., Simultaneously enhanced degradation of N, N-dimethylacetamide and reduced formation of iron sludge by an efficient electrolysis catalyzed ozone process in the presence of dissolved silicate,Journal of Hazardous Materials.2021,406, 124725. [11] Huang, B.K.,Xiong, Z.K.*, Zhou, P., Zhang, H., Pan, Z.C., Yao, G., Lai, B., Ultrafast degradation of contaminants in a trace cobalt(II) activated peroxymonosulfate process triggered through borate: Indispensable role of intermediate complex.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2021, 424, 127641. [12]Li J.Y.,Xiong, Z.K.*,Yu Y.H., Wang X.H, Zhou H.Y., Huang B.K., Wu Z.L., Yu C.X., Chen T.T., Pan Z.C.,Yao G., Lai, B.*, Efficient degradation of carbamazepine by electro-Fenton system without any extra oxidant in the presence of molybdate: The role of slow release of iron ions,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 298, 120506. [13]Huang, B.K., Wu, Z.L., Zhou, H.Y., Li, J.Y., Zhou, C.Y.;Xiong, Z.K.*,Pan, Z.C., Yao, G.,Lai, B.*, Recent advances in single-atom catalysts for advanced oxidation processes in water purification.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2021, 412, 125253.(ESI高被引论文) [14]You, J.J., Zhang, C., Wu, Z., Ao, Z.M., Sun, W.,Xiong, Z.K.*, Su, S.J., Yao, G., Lai, B.*, N-doped graphite encapsulated metal nanoparticles catalyst for removal of bisphenol A via activation of peroxymonosulfate: A singlet oxygen-dominated oxidation process.Chemical Engineering Journal.2021, 415, 128890. [15]Wu Z.L., Wang Y.P.,Xiong, Z.K.*,Ao Z.M., Pu S.Y., Yao G., Lai, B.*, Core-shell magnetic Fe3O4@Zn/Co-ZIFs to activate peroxymonosulfate for highly efficient degradation of carbamazepine.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.2020, 277, 119136.(ESI高被引论文/热点论文) [16] Hong, Y.C., Zhou, H.Y.,Xiong, Z.K.*,Liu, Y., Yao, G., Lai, B.*, Heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate by CoMgFe-LDO for degradation of carbamazepine: Efficiency, mechanism and degradation pathways.Chemical Engineering Journal.2020,391, 123604. [17]Lai L.D.,Zhou, H.Y.,Zhang H.,Ao, Z.M.,Pan, Z.C.,Chen Q.X.,Xiong, Z.K.*,Yao, G.,Lai, B.*,Activation of peroxydisulfate by natural titanomagnetite for atrazine removal via free radicals and high-valent iron-oxo species.Chemical Engineering Journal.2020. 387, 124165. [18]Wang X.H., Pu X.T., Yuan Y., Xiang Y.J., Zhang Y.L.,Xiong, Z.K.*,Yao, G.,Lai, B.*, An old story with new insight into the structural transformation and radical production of micron-scale zero-valent iron on successive reactivities,Chinese Chemical Letters.2020, 31, 2634-2640. [19] Li, Y.J., Li, J., Pan, Y.,Xiong, Z.K.*,Yao, G., Xie, R.Z., Lai, B.*, Peroxymonosulfate activation on FeCo2S4modified g-C3N4(FeCo2S4-CN): Mechanism of singlet oxygen evolution for nonradical efficient degradation of sulfamethoxazole.Chemical Engineering Journal.2019,384, 123361.(ESI高被引论文/热点论文) [20]Xiong, Z.K.,Zhang, H., Zhang, W.C., Lai, B., Yao, G., Removal of nitrophenols and their derivatives by chemical redox: A review.Chemical Engineering Journal.2019,359, 13-31.(ESI高被引论文) [21]Xiong, Z.K.,Lai, B., Yang, P.,Insight into a highly efficient electrolysis-ozone process for N,N-dimethylacetamide degradation: Quantitative analysis of the role of catalytic ozonation, Fenton-like and peroxone reactions.Water Research.2018, 140, 12-23. [22]Xiong, Z.K.,Lai, B., Yang, P.,Comparative study on degradation of p-nitrophenol in aqueous solution by mFe/Cu/O3and mFe0/O3processes.Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.2018, 59, 196-207. [23]Xiong,Z.K., Lai, B., Yang, P., Enhancing the efficiency of zero valent iron by electrolysis: Performance and reaction mechanism.Chemosphere.2017, 194, 189-199. [24]Xiong, Z.K.,Lai, B., Yang, P.,Cu2+release and transfer in various Fe/Cu-based processes during wastewater treatment.Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers.2017, 80, 669-677. [25]Xiong,Z.K.,Lai, B., Yuan, Y., Cao, J.Y., Yang, P., Zhou, Y.X., Degradation of p-nitrophenol (PNP) in aqueous solution by a micro-size Fe0/O3process (mFe0/O3): Optimization, kinetic, performance and mechanism.Chemical Engineering Journal.2016. 302, 137-145. [26]Xiong, Z.K.,Cao, J.Y., Yang, D., Lai, B., Yang, P., Coagulation-flocculation as pre-treatment for micro-scale Fe/Cu/O3process (CF-mFe/Cu/O3) treatment of the coating wastewater from automobile manufacturing.Chemosphere.2016, 166, 343-351. [27]Xiong, Z.K.,Yuan, Y., Lai, B., Yang, P., Zhou, Y.X., Mineralization of ammunition wastewater by the micron-size Fe0/O3process (mFe0/O3).RSC Advances.2016, 6, 55726-55735. [28]Xiong,Z.K., Lai, B., Yang, P., Zhou, Y.X., Wang, J.L., Fang, S., Comparative study on the reactivity of Fe/Cu bimetallic particles and zero valent iron (ZVI) under different conditions of N2, air or without aeration.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2015,297, 261-268.(ESI高被引论文) [29]熊兆锟,张恒,刘杨,周鹏,何传书,黄荣夫,杜烨,赖波.基于零价铁的高级氧化技术与装备,材料导报. 2021, 35(21): 21012-21021. [30]熊兆锟,刘文,曹剑钊,刘杨,张恒,江燕妮,杨冀峰,赖波.新冠肺炎疫情对医院污水防控体系建设的影响及启示,土木与环境工程学报(中英文). 2020, 42, 125-133.


四川大学建筑与环境学院研究生环境二支部书记 四川大学建筑与环境学院工会委员 四川省水安全与水污染控制工程技术研究中心副主任 海天集团—国家企业技术中心副主任 Environmental Functional Materials编委 Chinese Chemical Letters青年编委 《工业水处理》青年编委 Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Hazardous Materials等环境领域期刊审稿人
