Jianfeng Cheng, Lili Du, Qin Zhang, Existence and uniqueness of axially symmetric compressible subsonic jet impinging on an infinite wall, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 23, 1-58, (2021)
Lili Du, Yanjuan Tang, The steady incompressible jet flows issuing from a finitely long nozzle, J. Differential Equations, 280, 355-374, (2021)
Jianfeng Cheng, Lili Du, Oblique Injection of incompressible ideal fluid from a slot into a free stream, SIAM. J. Math. Anal. 53 (1), 754-794, (2021)
Jianfeng Cheng, Lili Du, Yongfu Wang, The uniqueness of the asymmetric jet flow, J. Differential Equations, 269(4), 3794–3815, (2020)
Jianfeng Cheng, Lili Du, Wei Xiang, Steady incompressible axially symmetric Réthy flows, Nonlinearity,33,4627-4669(2020)
Lili Du, Xiaohui Wang, Steady compressible subsonic impinging flows with non-zero vorticity, J. Differential Equations, 268(6), 2587-2621, (2020)
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, Wei Xiang, Incompressible jet flows in a de Laval nozzle with smooth detachment, Arch Rational Mech Anal.,232, No. 2, 1031-1072, (2019)
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, Subsonic divided gas flow in an infinitely long branching channel, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 371, No. 3, 1859-1885, (2019)。
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, Wei Xiang, Compressible subsonic jet flows issuing from a nozzle of arbitrary cross-section, J. Differential Equations, 266, No.9, 5318–5359 (2019)
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, Yongfu Wang, The existence of steady compressible subsonic impinging jet flows, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.,229, 953–1014,(2018)
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, Compressible subsonic impinging flows, Arch Rational Mech. Anal. , 230 (2018), no. 2, 427–458.
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, Hydrodynamic jet incident on an uneven wall, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 28,No. 4, 771-827, (2018)
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, Yongfu Wang, On incompressible oblique impinging jet flows, J. Differential Equations, No. 10,4687-4748,(2018)
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, Yongfu Wang, Two-dimensional impinging jets in hydrodynamic rotational flows, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire, 34, 1355-1386, (2017)
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, Wei Xiang, Incompressible Rethy flows in two dimensions, SIAM. J. Math. Anal., 49 (5), 3427-3475, (2017)
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, Qin Zhang, Two-dimensional cavity flow in an infinitely long channel with non-zero vorticity, J. Differential Equations, 263, no. 7, 4126-4155, (2017)
Lili Du, Yongfu Wang, Collision of incompressible inviscid fluids effluxing from two nozzles, Calculus of Variations and PDEs, 56 (3), (2017)
Lili Du, Tianqiao Hu, The steady state collision of two compressible subsonic perfect flows, J. Differential Equations, 263, 6974-6999, (2017)
Chao Chen,Lili Du, Chunjing Xie, Zhouping Xin, Two-dimensional subsonic Euler flows past a wall or obstacle, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 221, no. 2, 559-602, (2016)
Lili Du, Ben Duan, Subsonic Euler flows with large vorticity through an infinitely long axisymmetric nozzle, J. of Math. Fluid Mech., 18, no. 3, 511-530, (2016)
Lili Du, Deqin Zhou, Global well-posedness of two-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic flows with partial dissipation and magnetic diffusion, SIAM. J. Math. Anal., 472(2), 1562-1589. (2015)
Lili Du, Qin Zhang, Blow up criterion of strong solution for 3D viscous liquid-gas two-phase flow model with vacuum, Physica D., 309 (1), 57-64. (2015)
Lili Du, Yongfu Wang, Mass concentration phenomenon in compressible magnetohydrodynamics flows, Nonlinearity, 28, 2959-2976. (2015)
Jianfeng Cheng,Lili Du, On two-dimensional magnetic Benard problem with mixed partial viscosity, J. of Math. Fluid Mech., 17, 769-797. (2015)
Lili Du, Chunjing Xie, Zhouping Xin, Steady subsonic ideal flows through an infinitely long nozzle with large vorticity, Comm. Math. Phys., 328, 327-354, (2014)
Lili Du, Shangkun Weng, Zhouping Xin, Subsonic irrotational flows in a finitely long nozzle with variable end pressure, Comm. In Partial Differential Equations, 39, 666-695, (2014)
Lili Du, Chunjing Xie, On subsonic Euler flows with stagnation points in two dimensional nozzles, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 63, no. 5, 1499–1523, (2014)
Lili Du, Zhouping Xin, Wei Yan, Subsonic flows in multi-dimensional nozzle, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 201, no. 3, 965--1012, (2011)
Lili Du, Ben Duan, Global subsonic Euler flows in an infinitely long axisymmetric nozzle, J. Differential Equations, 250, no. 2, 813--847, (2011)