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著作 陈晓兰,秦萍.《中国页岩气产业发展研究》,四川大学出版社,2017年8月出版,总字数24.2万字 获奖情况: 1. 2017年本科教学先进个人奖励,大学生创新创业教育优秀指导教师奖 2. 2017年牛津大学OXCEP“世界经济与公共政策”课程优秀学员称号 3. 2014年本科教学先进个人奖励,“探究式-小班化”教学质量优秀奖




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Xun Zeng, Song Jin,Xiaolan Chen*, Yang Qiu*, Association between Ambient Air Pollution and Pregnancy Outcomes in Patients undergoing in Vitro Fertilization in Chengdu, China: A retrospective study. Environmental Research, 2020, (Accepted, forthcoming)(SCI) 2.Chin-Hsien Yu, Huimin Tan, Ping Qin &Xiaolan Chen*.Local Residents’ Attitudes toward Shale Gas Exploitation: A Case Study in Sichuan, China, Society & Natural Resources, 2020, DOI:10.1080/08941920.2020.1716425.(SSCI) 3.Peng Bin,Xiolan Chen, Andrea Fracasso*, Chiara Tomasi.Firm employment growth in China: The role of marketization and regional economic factors, 2019, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1111/grow.12348. (SSCI) 4.Hai Yue Liu,Xiao Lan Chen* and Ying Wu. Political Environment and Chinese OFDI Under RMB Appreciation: A Panel Data Analysis.Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2018,54(15): 3470-3484.(SSCI) 5.Liu H, Jiang J, Zhang L*,Chen X*. OFDI Agglomeration and Chinese Firm Location Decisions under the “Belt and Road” Initiative.Sustainability, 2018,10(11):4060.(SSCI) 6.Zhang B,Chen X, Guo H*. Does central supervision enhance local environmental enforcement? Quasi-experimental evidence from China. Journal of Public Economics, 2018, 164: 70-90.(SSCI) 7.Peng Bin,Xiolan Chen*, Andrea Fracasso, Chiara Tomasi. Resource allocation and productivity across provinces in China. International Review of Economics and Finance, 2018, 57: 103-113.(SSCI) 8.Chin-Hsien Yu, Shih-Kai Huang, Ping Qin,Xiaolan Chen*, Local Residents’Risk Perceptions in Response to Shale Gas Exploitation: Evidence from China. Energy Policy, 2018. 113(Supplement C): 123-134. (SSCI) 9.Hai Yue Liu, Ying Kai Tang,Xiao Lan Chen* and Joanna Poznanska,The Determinants of Chinese Outward FDI in Countries Along“One Belt One Road”. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2017. 53(6): 1374-1387.(SSCI) 10.Xiaobing Zhang, Ping Qin* andXiaolan Chen, Strategic oil stockpiling for energy security: The case of China and India. Energy Economics, 2017. 61: 253-260.(SSCI) 11.陈晓兰,贺立龙,谭明敏.执政党领导的国家治理现代化:理论释义与中国实践[J].理论与改革, 2016(3):71-76.(CSSCI) 12.陈晓兰,沙万强,贺立龙.当前扶贫开发工作面临的问题及政策建议——来自四川省广元市苍溪县的调查报告.农村经济, 2016(1):26-31.(CSSCI)


《环境经济研究》编委,《Energy Research》编委
