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杨梦龙,副教授/副研究员杨梦龙博士2012年毕业于四川大学计算机学院,获工学博士学位。长期从事人工智能、计算机视觉、图像处理等领域的科研工作。针对智能交通、计算机视觉中的三维重建、人脸识别等多方面问题,以第一作者在IEEE Transaction on ITS、Nonlinear Analysis、CVPR等重要国际期刊和会议上发表20余篇论文,主持承担国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,参与多项国家973、863计划项目,目前为四川省科学与技术带头人后备人选。 研究经历 2015/09 – 今,副研究员,四川大学空天科学与工程学院 2012/12 – 2015/08,讲师,四川大学空天科学与工程学院 2010/07 – 2011/06,访问实习,中科院自动化所模式识别国家重点实验室生物识别与安全技术研究中心(CBSR) 科研项目 四川省重大科技专项:人工智能高性能计算专用芯片(子课题负责人) 四川省应用基础研究项目(面上):基于深度学习的无人机飞行环境立体感知技术研究 (主持) 国家自然科学基金青年基金:“基于微分几何和机器学习的立体视觉研究”(主持) 国家自然科学基金重点项目:“低能见度进近着陆助视引导系统基础理论与关键技术”(学术骨干) 973计划项目:“增强现实型混合环境的呈现”子课题“虚拟混合显示的高精度定位、配准技术与装置”(学术骨干) 863计划课题“面向动态场景感知应用示范”(学术骨干) 荣誉和奖励 2015年:获四川省科学技术奖励自然科学类二等奖“新型图像计算理论及其重大工程应用”


人工智能、计算机视觉 先进引导与飞行模拟


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Menglong Yang; Feihu Huang; Xuebin Lv , A feature learning approach for face recognition with robustness to noisy label based on top-N prediction, Neurocomputing, 330: 48~55, 2019 [2] Menglong Yang; Xuebin Lv, Learning both matching cost and smoothness constraint for stereo matching, Neurocomputing, 314: 234~241, 2018 [3] Yang Menglong, Liu Yiguang, You Zhisheng. The Euclidean embedding learning based on convolutional neural network for stereo matching[J]. Neurocomputing, 267: 195-200, 2017 [4] Tianyu Geng, Menglong Yang*, Zhisheng You, Ying Cai, Feihu Huang, “Multiscale overlapping blocks binarized statistical image features descriptor with flip-free distance for face verification in the wild”, Neural Computing and Applications, 2017 [5] Menglong Yang, Yiguang Liu*, Ying Cai, Zhisheng You, “Stereo matching based on classification of materials”, Neurocomputing, pp. 308-316, 2016 [6] Ying Cai, Menglong Yang* and Jun Li, Multiclass classification based on a deep convolutional network for head pose estimation, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2015 [7] Ying Cai, Menglong Yang*, and Ziqiang Li, Robust Head Pose Estimation Using a 3D Morphable Model, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015 [8] Yuezhou Wu, Changjiang Liu and Shiyong Lan, 3D Road Scene Monitoring Based on Real-Time Panorama, J. Applied Mathematics, 2014 [9] Menglong Yang*, Yiguang Liu, Longyin Wen, Zhisheng You and Stan Z. Li. “A Probabilistic Framework for Multitarget Tracking with Mutual Occlusions”. in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2014, pp. 1298-1305 [10] Menglong Yang*, Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You, Xiaofeng Li and Yi Zhang. “A homography transform based higher-order MRF model for stereo matching”. Pattern Recognition Letters, 40(15), pp. 66-71, 2014 [11] Menglong Yang, Yiguang Liu*, Baojiang Zhong, and Zheng Li. "Classification by Nearness in Complementary Subspaces." Pattern Analysis & Applications, 13(4), pp. 609-622, 2013 [12] Zengxi, Huang, Yiguang Liu*, Chunguang Li, Menglong Yang, and Liping Chen. "A Robust Face and Ear Based Multimodal Biometric System Using Sparse Representation." Pattern Recognition, 46(8), pp. 2156-2168, 2013 [13] Yi Zhang*, Weihua Zhang, Hu Chen, Menglong Yang, Taiyong Li and Jiliu, Zhou, Few-view image reconstruction combining total variation and a high-order norm, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 23(3), pp. 249-255, 2013 [14] Yiguang Liu, Menglong Yang* and Zhisheng You, “Video synchronization based on events alignment”, Pattern Recognition Letters, 33(10), pp. 1338-1348, 2012 [15] Menglong Yang*, Yiguang Liu and Zhisheng You, “Estimating the fundamental matrix based on last absolute deviation”, Neurocomputing, 74(11), pp. 3638-3645, 2011 [16] Menglong Yang*, Yiguang Liu and Zhisheng You, “The reliability of travel time forecasting,” IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 11(1), pp. 162-171, 2010 [17] Menglong Yang*, Yiguang Liu, Zhisheng You and Peng Sheng, “Global synchronization for directed complex networks,” Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11, pp.2127-2135, 2010 [18] Zengxi Huang, Yiguang Liu*, Ronggang Huang, and Menglong Yang. "Frameworks for Multimodal Biometric Using Sparse Coding." In Intelligent Science and Intelligent Data Engineering, 433-40: Springer, 2013 [19] Menglong Yang*, Yiguang Liu and Zhisheng You, “Investigation of fuel consumption and pollution emissions in cellular automata,” Chinese Journal of Physics, 47(5), pp. 589-597, 2009 [20] Menglong Yang*, Yiguang Liu and Zhisheng You, “A new cellular automata model considering finite deceleration and braking distance,” Chinese Physics Letters, 24(10), pp. 2910-1913, 2007
