2016年10月至今南京邮电大学,现任南京邮电大学材料科学与工程学院/信息材料与纳米技术研究院 副教授
P. Li, Y. Li, X. Zhang, J. Chen, Y. Cheng, Y. Li, Y. Ma, J. Liu, “Diameter dependent doping in horizontally aligned high-density N-doped SWNT arrays”, Nano Research 2019, 12(8), 1845-1850
P. Li, Y. Li, Z. Zhang, J. Chen, Y. Li, Y. Ma,“Capillarity-driven assembly of single-walled carbon nanotubes onto nickel wires for flexible wire-shaped supercapacitors”, Materials Science for Energy Technologies2018, 1, 91–96.
P. Li, J. Zhang, “CVD growth of carbon nanotube forest with selective wall-number from Fe-Cu catalyst”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C2016, 120 (20), 11163–11169.
P. Li, X. Zhang, J. Liu, “Aligned single-walled carbon nanotube arrays from rhodium catalysts with unexpected diameter uniformity independent of the catalyst size and growth temperature”, Chemistry of Materials 2016, 28 (3), pp 870–875.
P. Li, X. Zhang, J. Li, J. Liu, “Graphoepitaxial effect in the guided growth of SWNT arrays on quartz.”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C2015,3, 9678-9683.
P. Li, J. Zhang, “Structure Controlled Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”,Progress in Chemistry 2013,25(2/3), 167-178.
P. Li, J. Zhang,“Sorting out semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube arrays by preferential destruction of metallic tubes using water”,Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21(32), 11815-11821.