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章伟成,男,汉族,湖北武汉人,讲师,博士。本科(2003-2007)就读于华中农业大学- 植物科技学院;硕士研究生(2007-2010)就读于武汉理工大学-资源与环境学院;博士研究生(2010-2014)就读于德国弗莱贝格工业大学;博士后(2015-2017)就读于中国科学院水生生物研究所。 学术成果: 主持的课题项目: 1.国家自然科学基金-河南省联合基金项目:水虻-微生物联合降解四环素类物质的行为及降解 机制(U1804109; 2019.01-2021.12),45.0万元,主持; 2.河南省高等学校重点科研项目:PVP-纳米银杀灭肿瘤细胞的动态作用机理与应用研究 (19A330003; 2019.01-2020.12),3.0万元,主持; 3.车用生物燃料技术国家重点实验室开放课题:石墨烯海绵的制备及其在有机溶剂与油脂残留 回收中的应用(KFKT2018006; 2019.07-2020.06),5.0万元,主持; 五年内发表的学术论文(一作或(和)通讯作者): 指导大学生的获奖奖项:第十五届“挑战杯”河南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖





查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Jioalong Huang, Peng Duan, Ling Tong, Zhang, Weicheng*, 2022. Influence of polystyrene microplastics on the volatilization, photodegradation and photoinduced toxicity of anthracene and pyrene in freshwater and artificial seawater. Science of The Total Environment. (IF = 7.9) Ling Tong, Peng Duan, Xiang Tian, Jiaolong Huang, Jun ji, Zhaojin Chen, Jianwei Yang, Haiying Yu, Weicheng Zhang*, 2022. Polystyrene microplastics sunlight-induce oxidative dissolution, chemical transformation and toxicity enhancement of silver nanoparticles. Science of The Total Environment. (IF = 7.9) Ling Tong, Ke Song, Yingqi Wang, Jianwei Yang, Jun ji, Jianrong Lu, Zhaojin Chen, Weicheng Zhang*. 2022. Zinc oxide nanoparticles dissolution and toxicity enhancement by polystyrene microplastics under sunlight irradiation. Chemosphere. (IF = 7.0) Zhang, Weicheng, Song, K., Ding, R., Han, H., Yao, L., Ji, M., Chen, Z., Yu, H., Wu, Chenxi*. and Fang, Tao*. 2021. Role of polystyrene microplastics in sunlight-mediated transformation of silver in aquatic environments: Mechanisms, kinetics and toxicity. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 419. (IF = 10.58) Ding, Ruinuin, Tong, L. and Zhang, Weicheng*. 2021. Microplastics in Freshwater Environments: Sources, Fates and Toxicity. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 232(5). (IF = 2.52). Song, Ke, Ding, R., Sun, C., Yao, L. and Zhang, Weicheng*. 2021. Microparticles and microplastics released from daily use of plastic feeding and water bottles and plastic injectors: potential risks to infants and children in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (IF = 4.22) Song, Ke#, Zhang, Weicheng#*, Sun, C., Hu, X., Wang, J. and Yao, Lunguang*. 2020. Dynamic cytotoxicity of ZnO nanoparticles and bulk particles to Escherichia coli: A view from unfixed ZnO particle:Zn2+ ratio. Aquatic Toxicology. 220, 105407. (IF = 4.96) Sun, Caiyun#, Zhang, Weicheng#*, Ding, R., Wang, J. and Yao, Lunguang*. 2020. Mechanism of low concentrations of polystyrene microplastics influence the cytotoxicity of Ag ions to Escherichia coli. Chemosphere 253, 126705. (IF = 7.08) Zhang, Weicheng, Ning, B., Sun, C., Song, K., Xu, X., Fang, Tao* and Yao, Lunguang*. 2020. Dynamic nano-Ag colloids cytotoxicity to and accumulation by Escherichia coli: Effects of Fe(3+), ionic strength and humic acid. Journal Environmental Science. (China) 89, 180-193. (IF = 5.56) Zhang, Weicheng, Huang, J., Liang, L., Yao, L. and Fang, Tao*. 2019. Dual impact of dissolved organic matter on cytotoxicity of PVP-Ag NPs to Escherichia coli: Mitigation and intensification. Chemosphere 214, 754-763. (IF = 5.78) Zhang, Weicheng, Ke, S., Sun, C., Xu, X., Chen, J. and Yao, Lunguang*. 2019. Fate and toxicity of silver nanoparticles in freshwater from laboratory to realistic environments: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(8), 7390-7404. (IF = 3.22) Zhang, Weicheng, Xiao, B. and Fang, Tao*. 2018. Chemical transformation of silver nanoparticles in aquatic environments: Mechanism, morphology and toxicity. Chemosphere 191(Supplement C), 324-334. (IF = 5.11)高被引论文 Zhang, Weicheng, Chen, L. and Yao, Lunguang*. 2018. Predicting skin sensitization potential of organic compounds based on toxicity enhancement to Tetrahymena pyriformis, fathead minnow, and Daphnia magna. Journal. Immunotoxicol. 15(1), 82-89. (IF = 2.78)


Journal of Hazardous Materials. Chemosphere Environmental Science and Pollution Research environmental polluntion 等知名学术期刊的审稿人。
