1、Measurements on grinding wheels for investigating a-Fe2O3 in precision electrolytic in-process dressing grinding.2018,Vol.10(3)1–6. Advances in Mechanical Engineering(SCI)
2、Investigationof alpha-Fe2O3 in Oxide Film of Electrolytic In-process Dressing Wheel and ItsEffect on Polishing.2018,381IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering (EI)
3、Studyof a-Fe2O3 formation and its measurement in oxide films of wheel surfaceduring ELID grinding process.2017,31:25-34 Modern Physics Letters (BSCI)
4、Forming Mechanism of α-Fe2O3 in the Oxide Films on Iron-Bonded Diamond Wheel Surface by ELID Grinding.2017,723:434-438Key Engineering Materials(EI)
5、Modelinganalysis of temperatures at points in oxide film of grindingwheels.2017,170:20-25IOP Conf.(EI)
6、Mechanical behavior of iron-bondedgrinding wheel after ELID electrolysis procedure bynanoindentation.2017 IOP Conf.(EI)
9、Recent advancements in optofluidics-based single cell analysis: optical on-chip cellularmanipulation, treatment, and property detection2014,14:1230-1245Lab on aChip(SCI)
10、Microstructure, mechanical properties and creep resistance of Mg-(8%-12%) Zn-(2%-6%) Alalloys.2013,23:896-903.Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China(SCI)
12、Studyon dynamic minimum thickness of cut by nanoscratch testing.2011,291-294:1729-1732.AdvancedMaterials Research(EI)
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22、EEExperimentalstudy on the fracture mechanism of carbon nanotubes.2007 of MicroNanoChina2007(EI)
23、Research on ELID Grinding of Nano-Cemented CarbideTool.2007,Vol.329 (2007) pp 105-110. Key EngineeringMaterials (SCI)
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