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I work as an academic physician at the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust and the University of Exeter. My primary research interest lies in multi-centre pharmacogenomic studies. These studies aim to characterise the clinical and genetic factors that predispose patients to the development of drug side effects and responses to medication. I am a co-investigator for six gastroenterology pharmacogenetic studies that investigate drug side effects (PRED6) and a co-investigator for the PANTS study, a large prospective observation trial investigating the response to anti-TNF agents in Crohn's disease in over 1000 patients. I lead the data analysis team for both studies. I am particularly interested in translating the results of these studies into clinical practice. I have experience working in diverse matrix teams in both a clinical and academic environment and have extensive experience interacting with the pharmaceutical industry as an investigator for both industry and investigator sponsored trials. Qualifications 2015 - MRCP 2012 - MBBS Medicine 2009 - PhD Gastroenterology 2006 - BSc (Hons) Basic Medical Sciences with Physiology


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Ben-Horin S, Heap GA, Ahmad T, Kim H, Kwon T, Chowers Y (2015). The immunogenicity of biosimilar infliximab: can we extrapolate the data across indications?. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol, 9 Suppl 1, 27-34. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 3 Heap GA, Weedon MN, Bewshea CM, Singh A, Chen M, Satchwell JB, Vivian JP, So K, Dubois PC, Andrews JM, et al (2014). HLA-DQA1-HLA-DRB1 variants confer susceptibility to pancreatitis induced by thiopurine immunosuppressants. Nat Genet, 46(10), 1131-1134. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 44 Hunt KA, Smyth DJ, Balschun T, Ban M, Mistry V, Ahmad T, Anand V, Barrett JC, Bhaw-Rosun L, Bockett NA, et al (2012). Rare and functional SIAE variants are not associated with autoimmune disease risk in up to 66,924 individuals of European ancestry. NATURE GENETICS, 44(1), 3-5. Author URL. Nanty L, Carbajosa G, Heap GA, Ratnieks F, van Heel DA, Down TA, Rakyan VK (2011). Comparative methylomics reveals gene-body H3K36me3 in Drosophila predicts DNA methylation and CpG landscapes in other invertebrates. Genome Res, 21(11), 1841-1850. Abstract. Author URL. Trynka G, Hunt KA, Bockett NA, Romanos J, Mistry V, Szperl A, Bakker SF, Bardella MT, Bhaw-Rosun L, Castillejo G, et al (2011). Dense genotyping identifies and localizes multiple common and rare variant association signals in celiac disease. Nat Genet, 43(12), 1193-1201. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 9 Heap GA, Yang JH, Downes K, Healy BC, Hunt KA, Bockett N, Franke L, Dubois PC, Mein CA, Dobson RJ, et al (2010). Genome-wide analysis of allelic expression imbalance in human primary cells by high-throughput transcriptome resequencing. Hum Mol Genet, 19(1), 122-134. Abstract. Author URL. Dubois PC, Trynka G, Franke L, Hunt KA, Romanos J, Curtotti A, Zhernakova A, Heap GA, Adány R, Aromaa A, et al (2010). Multiple common variants for celiac disease influencing immune gene expression. Nat Genet, 42(4), 295-302. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 12 Koskinen LL, Einarsdottir E, Dukes E, Heap GA, Dubois P, Korponay-Szabo IR, Kaukinen K, Kurppa K, Ziberna F, Vatta S, et al (2009). Association study of the IL18RAP locus in three European populations with coeliac disease. Hum Mol Genet, 18(6), 1148-1155. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 1 Trynka G, Zhernakova A, Romanos J, Franke L, Hunt KA, Turner G, Bruinenberg M, Heap GA, Platteel M, Ryan AW, et al (2009). Coeliac disease-associated risk variants in TNFAIP3 and REL implicate altered NF-kappaB signalling. Gut, 58(8), 1078-1083. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 4 Heap GA, Trynka G, Jansen RC, Bruinenberg M, Swertz MA, Dinesen LC, Hunt KA, Wijmenga C, Vanheel DA, Franke L, et al (2009). Complex nature of SNP genotype effects on gene expression in primary human leucocytes. BMC Med Genomics, 2 Abstract. Author URL. Full text. Heap GA, van Heel DA (2009). Genetics and pathogenesis of coeliac disease. Semin Immunol, 21(6), 346-354. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 1 Heap GA, van Heel DA (2009). The genetics of chronic inflammatory diseases. Hum Mol Genet, 18(R1), R101-R106. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 1 Hunt KA, Zhernakova A, Turner G, Heap GA, Franke L, Bruinenberg M, Romanos J, Dinesen LC, Ryan AW, Panesar D, et al (2008). Newly identified genetic risk variants for celiac disease related to the immune response. Nat Genet, 40(4), 395-402. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 19 Smyth DJ, Plagnol V, Walker NM, Cooper JD, Downes K, Yang JH, Howson JM, Stevens H, McManus R, Wijmenga C, et al (2008). Shared and distinct genetic variants in type 1 diabetes and celiac disease. N Engl J Med, 359(26), 2767-2777. Abstract. Author URL. Article has an altmetric score of 29 Heap GA, Singh A, Bewshea C, Weedon MN, Cole A, Creed T, Greig E, Irving P, Lindsay J, Mawdsley J, et al (2014). THIOPURINE INDUCED PANCREATITIS IN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE: CLINICAL FEATURES AND GENETIC DETERMINANTS. Author URL. So K, Bewshea C, Heap GA, Muller AF, Daneshmend TK, Hart AL, Orchard TR, Irving PM, Russell RK, Wilson DC, et al (2013). 5-AMINOSALICYLATE (5-ASA) INDUCED NEPHROTOXICITY IN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE. Author URL.
