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迄今为止,已参与发表于PNAS、NE&E、EJHG和AJPA等国内外期刊的50余篇文献的研究工作,被引>1600次,H-index为16。其中,一作或通讯文献21篇,SCI/SSCI收录18篇(其中9篇SSCI)。此外,有三部在编专著得到国家“十三五”出版规划重点项目和2020国家出版基金项目支持,将在近两年内出版。 Interested in varied objects of populations from East Eurasia, including their origin and evolutionary history, the genetic background for the evolution of their physical and physiological characteristics, co-evolution between human and associated organisms, and the formation of their languages and cultural traditions. So far, I had participated in the publication of more than 50 articles in international/domestic journals such as PNAS, NE&E, EJHG, and AJPA, cited more than 1600 times, and the H-index is 16. Among them, I was listed as an important author in 21 articles, and 18 articles are included in SCI/SSCI (including 9 SSCI ones) collections of WOS. In addition, three monographs under preparation have been supported by the key projects of the national “13th Five-Year Plan” and the 2020 national publishing fund project, and will be published within two years. 学习经历 Education Background 2016.07~2018.03 博士后,法国东方语言与文化学院,巴黎 Postdoctoral Fellow, INALCO, Paris, France 2011.09~2016.06 人类生物学博士(硕博连读), 生命科学学院,复旦大学, 上海 Ph.D. of Human Biology (MD-PHD), School of Life Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China 2001.09~2005.06 工学学士,物理系,西南交通大学,成都 B.S., Physics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China 工作教学经历 2021.10至今 内蒙古师范大学民族学人类学院 教授 2021.10 to present Professor, School of Ethnology and Anthropology, Inner Mongolia Normal University 2020.08-2021.09 厦门大学社会与人类学院人类学与民族学系 副教授 2020.08-2021.10 Associate Professor, Dept. of Anthropology and Ethnology, Xiamen University 2018.09-2020.07 厦门大学社会与人类学院人类学与民族学系 助理教授 2018.09-2020.07 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anthropology and Ethnology, Xiamen University 开设课程: 《农业与畜牧业起源》(研究生); 《北亚人群起源》(本科生); 《人类学田野调查》(本科生) 《发展人类学》(本科生) 课题研究项目 Funding 主持课题 Host: 4, 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31900406,《台湾各人群精细遗传结构及混合过程》,2020/01-2022/12,在研,主持。 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 20&ZD248, Genetic fine structure of populations in Taiwan and their admixture process, 2020/01-2022/12, Ongoing; 3, 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资助项目,20720191047,《南岛语人群起源的精确时间框架研究》,2019/01-2021/12,已结题,主持。 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 20720191047, Detailed timeframe for origin of Austronesians, 2019/01-2021/12, Closed; 2, 横向项目,0640-K8219010,《商代族群历史地理研究》,2019/03-2020/03,已结题,主持。 Latitudinal project, 0640-K8219010, Ethno- and Historical Geographic studies of Shang Dynasty, Closed; 1, 国家留学基金委“未来科学家”项目,201500930088, 《遗传与语言的协同演化-东亚族群的形成历史》, 2016/07-2018/03,已结题,主持。 Future Scientists Project of China Scholarship Council, 201500930088, Co-evolution of gene and languages: on the formation of East Asian populations, 2016/07-2018/03, Closed. 参与课题 Participated: 13, 福建省社会科学基金项目,FJ2021B076,《生物人类学视野之下的畲族研究》,2021.10-2024.09,在研,参与。 Fujian Social Science Foundation Project, FJ2021B076, ‘Research on She population from the perspective of biological anthropology’, 2021.10-2024.09, Ongoing; 12, 国家社会科学基金重大项目,20&ZD248, 《多学科视角下的南岛语族的起源与形成研究》,2021.01-2025.12,在研,参与。 Major Projects of the National Social Science Foundation, 2020YFE0201600, ‘The origin and formation of Austronesian from a multidisciplinary perspective’, 2021.01-2025.12, Ongoing; 11, 科技部战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项,2020YFE0201600,《人类表型组测量技术及表型数据跨尺度关联合作研究》, 2020.06-2023.05,在研,骨干/总协调人。 Key projects of strategic international scientific and technological innovation cooperation of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, 2020YFE0201600, ‘Cooperative research on measurement technology of human phenomic and cross-scale correlation of phenotypic data’, 2020.06-2023.05, Ongoing; 10,欧洲研究理事会项目,ERC-2019-AdG, 883700-TRAM,《甘青地区的语言与人群接触》, 2021.01-2025.12,在研,参与。 European Research Council-funded research project, ERC-2019-AdG, 883700-TRAM, ‘Tracing language and population mixing in the Gansu-Qinghai area’, 2021.01-2025.12, Ongoing; 9,国家社会科学基金项目,20BYY195,《东北亚地区语言演化及其与人群混合历史的相关性研究》,2020.07-2023.06,在研,参与。 National Social Science Fund Project,20BYY195,‘The evolutionary of languages in Northeast Asia and its correlation with demographic history,2020.07-2023.06, Ongoing; 8,上海市“科技创新行动计划”“一带一路”国际合作项目,20490740100,《匈牙利人群精细遗传结构及其法医学应用》,2020.10-2023.09,在研,参与。 "The Belt and Road Initiative" international cooperation project of "Science and technology innovation project" of Shanghai Municipality, 20490740100, ‘Fine genetic structure of Hungarian and its forensic application’, 2020.10-2023.09, Ongoing; 7,上海市“科技创新行动计划”“一带一路”国际合作项目,19410740700,《哈萨克斯坦及中亚人群精细遗传结构研究》,2019.11-2021.09,在研,参与。 "The Belt and Road Initiative" international cooperation project of "Science and technology innovation project" of Shanghai Municipality, 19410740700, ‘Fine genetic structure of populations in Kazakhstan and adjacent regions’, 2019.11-2021.09, Ongoing; 6, 上海市科学技术委员会,18490750300,《丝路人类学国际联合实验室》,2018.10-2021.09,在研,骨干。 Scientific and Technology Committee of Shanghai Municipality, 18490750300, ‘International Joint Laboratory for Eurasian Anthropology’, 2018.10-2021.09, Ongoing; 5, 国家社会科学基金项目,17BKG019,《山西长子西南呈西周墓地资料整理与研究》,2017.6-2020.02,已结题,参与。 National Social Science Foundation Project, 17BKG019, ‘Data collation and Research on the Xinancheng cemetery of Shanxi province at Western Zhou Dynasty’, 2017.6-2020.02, Closed; 4, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31671297,《中国西北突厥语族人群混合起源的遗传学解析》,2016.01-2018.12,已结题,参与。 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 31671297, ‘Genetic origin and admixture of Turkic-speaking populations in northwest China’, 2016.01-2018.12, Closed; 3, 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31401060,《通过Y染色体谱系探寻汉藏语系人群分化的早期历史》,2014.01-2016.12,已结题,参与。 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 31401060, ‘Early differentiation of Sino-Tibetan populations: insights from Y-chromosome phylogeny’, 2014.01-2016.12, 240K RMB, Closed; 2, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31271338,《中国人群支系扩张和群体扩张研究》,2013.01-2015.12,已结题,参与。 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 31271338, ‘Expansion of lineages and populations in China’, 2013.01-2015.12, Closed. 1, 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划, 91131002,《农业起源与发展过程中人类酒精代谢相关基因家族的微进化》,2012.01-2015.12,已结题,参与。 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 91131002, ‘Microevolution of genes related to human alcohol metabolism in the process of agricultural origin and development’, 2012.01-2015.12, Closed. 学术专著 Books 暂无。None. 三本在编专著得到“十三五”出版规划重点项目及2020国家出版基金项目的支持: 《分子人类学的基本原理与应用》, 韦兰海, 李辉, 金力 合著 (已完稿) 《蒙古语人群的分子人类学溯源》, 韦兰海, 李辉 合著 (已完稿) 《突厥语人群的分子人类学溯源》, 韦兰海, 力提甫•托乎提 合著





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[27] Sharengaowa, Hui-Zhen Cheng, Lan-Hai Wei©(2022)The early branching of Daur language among Mongolic language group (in Chinese). Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 00(0):00-00. 沙仁高娃,程慧珍,韦兰海©(2022)达斡尔语在蒙古语族中的早期分支地位.人类学学报, 00(0):00-00. 已接收. CSSCI [26] Guanglin He€, Yunhe Zhang€, Lan-Hai Wei€, Mengge Wang, Xiaomin Yang, Jianxin Guo, Rong Hu, Chuan-Chao Wang©, Xian-Qing Zhang©(2022) The genomic formation of Tanka people, an isolated “Gypsies in water” in the coastal region of Southeast China.American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 00(0):00-00. Online: TBD. IF: 4.275. doi: TBD. 何光林€, 张云鹤€, 韦兰海€, 王萌鸽, 杨晓敏, 郭健新, 胡荣, 王传超©, 张先清©(2022)中国东南沿海“水上人家”——疍家人形成历史的基因组学研究. 美国生物人类学学报, 00(0):00-00. SCI三区/SSCI一区. [25] Pengcheng Ma, Xuan Yang, Shi Yan, Chunxiang Li, Shizhu Gao, Binghua Han, Kan Hou, Martine Robbeets, Lan-Hai Wei©, Yinqiu Cui©(2021)Ancient Y-DNA with reconstructed phylogeny provide insights into the demographic history of paternal haplogroup N1a2-F1360. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 48(0):000-000. Online: 20 August 2021. IF: 4.275. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.07.018. 马鹏程, 杨宣, 严实, 李春香, 高诗珠, 韩炳华, 侯侃, Martine Robbeets, 韦兰海©, 崔银秋©(2021)古代Y-DNA及重建的谱系树为父系单倍群N1a2-F1360的人口历史提供新见解. 遗传学报, 48(0):000-000. SCI二区/中科院期刊分区表一区. [24] Jin Sun€, Ying-Xiang Li€, Peng-Cheng Ma€, Shi Yan, Hui-Zhen Cheng, Zhi-Quan Fan, Xiao-Hua Deng, Kai Ru, Chuan-Chao Wang, Sen-Wei Tang, Gang Chen©, and Lan-Hai Wei©(2021)Shared paternal ancestry of Han, Tai‐Kadai‐speaking, and Austronesian‐speaking populations as revealed by the high resolution phylogeny of O1a‐M119 and distribution of its sub‐lineages within China. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 174(4):686-700. Online: 08 Feb. 2021. IF: 2.868. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.24240. 孙瑾€, 李鹰翔€, 马鹏程€, 严实, 程慧珍, 范志泉, 邓晓华, 茹凯, 王传超, 唐森威, 陈钢©,韦兰海©(2021)父系O1-M119的高精度谱系树及其下游支系在中国的分布揭示汉族人群、侗台语人群及南岛语人群的共同父系祖先成分. 美国体质人类学杂志, 174(4):686-700. SCI三区/SSCI一区. [23] Yi-Bing Wang, Lan-Hai Wei(2020)The continuation of the consciousness of Jin among Jurchen tribes in Yuan and Ming Dynasties (in Chinese). Manchu Minority Research, 141:25-34. 王懿冰, 韦兰海(2020)元明女真部族金源意识的延续. 满族研究, 141:25-34. [22] Jin Sun€, Peng-Cheng Ma€, Hui-Zhen Cheng, Chi-Zao Wang, Yong-Lan Li, Hong-Bin Yao, Shao-Qing Wen©, and Lan-Hai Wei©(2020)Post-last glacial maximum expansion of Y-chromosome haplogroup C2a-L1373 in northern Asia and its implications for the origin of Native Americans. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 174(2):363-374. Online: 25 Nov. 2020. IF: 2.868. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.24173. 孙瑾€, 马鹏程€, 程慧珍, 王迟早, 李咏兰, 姚宏兵, 文少卿©,韦兰海©(2020)末次盛冰期之后父系类型C2a-L1373在亚洲北部的扩散及其对美洲土著起源的启示. 美国体质人类学杂志, 174(2):363-374. SCI三区/SSCI一区. [21] Jin Sun€, Lan-Hai Wei€, Ling-Xiang Wang€, Yun-Zhi Huang, Shi Yan, Hui-Zhen Cheng, Rick Twee-Hee Ong, Woei-Yuh Saw, Zhi-Quan Fan, Xiao-Hua Deng, Yan Lu, Chao Zhang, Shu-Hua Xu, Li Jin, Yik-Ying Teo©, and Hui Li©(2020)Paternal gene pool of Malays in Southeast Asia and its applications for the early expansion of Austronesians. American Journal of Human Biology, 33(3):e23486. Online: 26 August 2020. IF: 1.937. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23486. 孙瑾€, 韦兰海€, 王凌翔€, 黄韵之, 严实, 程慧珍, 王绥喜, 苏譓諭, 范志泉, 邓晓华, 陆艳, 张超, 徐书华, 金力, 张毅颖©,李辉©(2020)东南亚地区马来人的父系遗传结构及其对南岛人早期扩张历史的启示. 美国人类生物学杂志, e23486. SCI三区/SSCI二区. [20] Bing-Li Liu€, Peng-Cheng Ma€, Chi-Zao Wang€, Shi Yan, Hong-Bing Yao, Yong-Lan Li, Yong-Mei Xie, Song-Lin Meng, Jin Sun, Yan-Huan Cai, Sarengaowa Sarengaowa, Hui Li, Hui-Zhen Cheng©, and Lan-Hai Wei©(2020)Paternal origin of Tungusic-speaking populations: Insights from the updated phylogeny of the Y-chromosome haplogroup C2a-M86. American Journal of Human Biology, 33(2):e23462. Online: 12 July 2020. IF: 1.937. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23462. 刘丙丽€, 马鹏程€, 王迟早€, 严实, 姚宏兵, 李咏兰, 谢咏梅, 孟松林, 孙瑾, 蔡妍欢, 沙仁高娃, 李辉, 程慧珍©, 韦兰海©(2020)通古斯语人群的父系起源:基于更新的Y染色体单倍群C2a-M86谱系树的见解. 美国人类生物学杂志, 33(2):e23462. SCI三区/SSCI二区. [19] Qiao Wu€, Hui-Zhen Cheng€, Na Sun, Peng-Cheng Ma, Jin Sun, Hong-Bing Yao, Yong-Mei Xie, Yong-Lan Li, Song-Lin Meng, Maxat Zhabagin, Yan-Huan Cai, Da-Ru Lu, Shi Yan, and Lan-Hai Wei©(2020)Phylogenetic analysis of the Y-chromosome haplogroup C2b-F1067, a dominant paternal lineage in Eastern Eurasia. Journal of Human Genetics, 65(10):823-829. Online: 19 May 2020. IF: 3.172. doi: 10.1038/s10038-020-0775-1. 吴巧€, 程慧珍€, 孙娜, 马鹏程, 孙瑾, 姚宏兵, 李咏兰, 谢咏梅, 孟松林, Maxat Zhabagin, 蔡妍欢, 卢大儒, 韦兰海©(2020)东欧亚人群主流父系类型C2b-F1067的谱系地理分析. 人类遗传学报, 65(10):823-829. SCI三区. [18] Qi Lu€, Hui-Zhen Cheng€, Li Li, Hong-Bin Yao, Kai Ru, Shao-Qing Wen, Mei-Sen Shi, Zhao-Shu Zeng©, and Lan-Hai Wei©(2020)Paternal heritage of the Han Chinese in Henan province (Central China): high diversity and evidence of in situ Neolithic expansions. Annals of Human Biology, 47(3):294-299. Online: 13 Apr 2020. IF: 1.533. doi: 10.1080/03014460.2020.1748226. 卢颀€, 程慧珍€, 李瓅, 姚宏兵, 茹凯, 文少卿, 石美森, 曾昭书©, 韦兰海©(2020)中国中部河南省汉族的父系遗传结构:高多样性及新石器时代原位扩张的证据. 人类生物学年鉴, 47(3):294-299. SCI三区/SSCI二区. [17] Na Sun€, Peng-Cheng Ma€, Shi Yan, Shao-Qing Wen, Chang Sun, Pan-Xin Du, Hui-Zhen Cheng, Xiao-Hua Deng, Chuan-Chao Wang©, and Lan-Hai Wei© (2019) Phylogeography of Y-chromosome haplogroup Q1a1a-M120, a paternal lineage connecting populations in Siberia and East Asia. Annals of Human Biology, 46(3):261-266. Online: 17 June 2019. IF: 1.535. doi: 10.1080/03014460.2019.1632930. 孙娜€, 马鹏程€, 严实, 文少卿, 孙畅, 杜盼新, 程慧珍, 邓晓华, 王传超©, 韦兰海©(2019)联系西伯利亚和东亚人群的Y染色体单倍群Q1a1a-M120的谱系地理研究. 人类生物学年鉴, 46(3):261-266. SCI三区/SSCI二区. [16] Chi-Zao Wang, Lan-Hai Wei, Ling-Xiang Wang, Shao-Qing Wen, Xue-Er Yu, Mei-Sen Shi©, Hui Li© (2019) Relating Clans Ao and Aisin Gioro from northeast China by whole Y-chromosome sequencing. Journal of Human Genetics, 64:75–780. doi: 10.1038/s10038-019-0622-4. Online: 31 May 2019. IF: 2.843. 王迟早, 韦兰海, 王凌翔, 文少卿, 俞雪儿, 石美森©, 李辉©(2019)用Y染色体全测序揭示中国东北的敖拉家族与爱新觉罗家族的遗传关系. 人类遗传学报, 64:75–780. SCI二区. [15] Lan-Hai Wei, Hui Li. (2019) Some textual studies about the names of Xiongnu clans (in Chinese). In: XU Dan, FU Jing-Qi (eds) Language contact and language variation. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 69-96. ISBN: 9787100166164. 韦兰海, 李辉 (2019) 关于匈奴支系名的一点考证. 见: 徐丹, 傅京起(2019)语言接触与语言变异. 北京: 商务印书馆, 69-96. [14] Qingyun Liu, Aijing Ma, Lanhai Wei, Yu Pang, Beibei Wu, Tao Luo, Yang Zhou, Hong-Xiang Zheng, Qi Jiang, Mingyu Gan, Tianyu Zuo, Mei Liu, Chongguang Yang, Li Jin, Iñaki Comas, Sebastien Gagneux, Yanlin Zhao©, Caitlin S. Pepperell©, Qian Gao© (2018) China’s tuberculosis epidemic stems from historical expansion of four strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3(2) :1982–1992. Online: 05 November 2018. doi: 10.1038/s41559-018-0680-6. 柳青云, 马爱静, 韦兰海, 逄宇,吴蓓蓓,罗涛,周杨,郑鸿翔,江琦,甘明宇,左天宇,刘梅,杨崇广, 金力, Iñaki Comas, 赵雁林©, Caitlin S. Pepperell©, 高谦©(2018)中国结核病的流行源于结核杆菌四类菌株在历史时期的扩张. 自然•生态学与进化, 3(2) :1982–1992. SCI一区/SSCI单篇收录. [13] Wei Lan-Hai€, Wang Ling-Xiang€, Wen Shao-Qing€, Yan Shi€, Canada Rebekah €, Gurianov Vladimir, Huang Yun-Zhi, Mallick Swapan, Biondo Alessandro, O'Leary Amy, Wang Chuan-Chao, Lu Yan, Zhang Chao, Jin Li, Xu Shuhua©, Li Hui©(2018)Paternal origin of Paleo-Indians in Siberia: insights from Y-chromosome sequences. European Journal of Human Genetics, 26(11):1687–1696. Online: 10 July 2018. IF: 3.650. doi: 10.1038/s41431-018-0211-6. 韦兰海€, 王凌翔€, 文少卿€, 严实€, 丽贝卡•加拿大€, 弗拉基米尔•古里亚诺夫, 黄韵之, 斯瓦潘•马利克, 亚历山德罗•比翁多, 艾米•欧莱瑞, 王传超, 陆艳, 张超, 金力, 徐书华©, 李辉©(2018)美洲土著始祖群体的父系在西伯利亚地区的旧石器时代起源过程: 基于Y染色体序列的见解. 欧洲人类遗传学报, 26(11) :1687–1696. SCI二区/SSCI单篇收录. [12] Ling-Xiang Wang€, Yan Lu€, Chao Zhang€, Lan-Hai Wei€, Shi Ya, Yun-Zhi Huang, Chuan-Chao Wang, Swapan Mallick, Shao-Qing Wen, Li Jin, Shu-Hua Xu©, Hui Li©(2018)Reconstruction of Y-chromosome phylogeny reveals two Neolithic expansions of Tibeto-Burman populations. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 293(5):1293–1300. Online: 19 June 2018. IF: 2.879. doi: 10.1007/s00438-018-1461-2. 王凌翔€, 陆艳€, 张超€, 韦兰海€, 严实, 黄韵之, 王传超, 斯瓦潘•马利克, 文少卿, 金力, 徐书华©, 李辉©(2018)重建的Y染色体谱系树揭示藏缅语人群始祖群体在新石器时代的两次扩张. 分子遗传学与基因组学, 293(5):1293–1300. SCI二区. [11] Wen-Qing Chen, Zhen Feng, Wei Jin, Yi-Jun Zhang, Qiang Wang, Pei Li, Shi-Lin Li, Lan-Hai Wei© and Gang Liu©(2018)Genetic analysis of 17 Y-STR loci from 1026 individuals of Han populations in Jilin Province, Northeast China. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 132(5):1309-1311. Online: 18 January 2018. IF: 2.094. doi: 10.1007/s00414-018-1778-8. 陈文庆, …, 张依军, 王强, 李沛, 李士林, 韦兰海©, 刘刚©(2018)中国东北吉林省汉族人群1026例17 Y-STR的遗传学分析. 国际法医学杂志, 132(5):1309-1311. SCI一区. 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Member of Editorial Board for journal "Siberian Research". Reviewer of numerous journals, including: European Journal of Human Genetics, Journal of Human Genetics, Scientific Reports, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, PLoS one, Forensic Science International-Genetics and International Journal of Legal Medicine.
