1. 陈秋生主编, 动物组织学与胚胎学. 2018,科学出版社
2. 沈霞芬主编,陈秋生副主编 家畜组织学与胚胎学. 2015,中国农业出版
3. 沈霞芬主编,陈秋生副主编 兽医组织学与胚胎学. 2009,西北农林科技大
4. 陈秋生副主编,家畜解剖生理学 . 2009,中国农业出版社
5. 彭克美主编,陈秋生副主编. 动物组织学及胚胎学. 2009,高等教育出版
6. 欧阳五庆主编,陈秋生副主编 细胞生物学. 2006,高等教育出版社
7. 陈秋生主编 兽医比较组织学(中国博士专著). 2002, 中国农业出版社
8. 王蒂主编,陈秋生参编 细胞工程学. 2011,中国农业出版社
9. 彭可美主编,陈秋生参编 动物组织学与胚胎学. 2002,中国农业出版社.
专 著:
1. 陈秋生著,兽医比较组织学,2002,中国农业出版社
2. 胡建华,陈秋生,林金杏著,斑马鱼组织细胞学彩色图谱,2018,上海科学
(1)Yufei Huang, Ping Yang, Hong Chen, Xuebing Bai, Xindong Wang, Waseem
Ali Vistro,Abdul Haseeb, Yonghong Shi, Qiusheng Chen*. A “Lamellar
structure” contributes to autophagosome biogenesis andmitophagy in
zebrafish hepatocytes. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 81(2018):83-91.
(2)Enxue Liu, Xuejing Sun, Xindong Wang, Taozhi Wang, Wenqian Li, Imran
Tarique, Ping Yang,Qiusheng Chen*. In vivo dynamic distribution of
multivesicular bodies and exosomes inspleen of DTMUV infected duck.
Veterinary Microbiology, 229 (2019) 138–146.
(3)Xuejing Sun, Wenqian Li, Enxue Liu, Haixiang Huang, Taozhi Wang,
Xindong Wang,Yonghong Shi, Ping Yang, Qiusheng Chen*. In vivo cellular
and molecular study on duck spleen infected by duckTembusu virus.
Veterinary Microbiology, 230 (2019) 32–44.
(4)Nisar Ahmed, Ping Yang, Hong Chen, Imtiaz Ali Ujjan, Abdul Haseeb,
Lingling Wang,Feroza Soomro, Shahid Faraz, Benazir Sahito, Waseem Ali,
Qiusheng Chen*. Characterization of inter-Sertoli cell tight and gap
junctions in the testis ofturtle: Protect the developing germ cells from
an immune response. Microbial Pathogenesis, 123(2018):60-67.
(5)Lingling Wang, Yu Liang, Qiusheng Chen,Nisar Ahmed, Feng Wang, Bing
Hu, and Ping Yang*. Identification and Distributionof the Interstitial
Cells of Cajalin the Abomasum of Goats. Cell Transplantation, 2018, Vol.
27(2) 335-344.
(6)Abdul Haseeb, Hong Chen, Yufei Huang, Ping Yang, Xuejing Sun,Adeela
Iqbal, Nisar Ahmed, Taozhi Wang, Noor Samad Gandahi,Xuebing Bai and
Qiusheng Chen*. Remodelling of mitochondria during spermiogenesis
ofChinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis). Reproduction,
Fertility and Development, 2018, 30, 1514–1521.
(7)Sun X, Liu E, Wang T, Zhang Q, Yang P, Ahmed N, Zhao Q, Chen
Q*.The novel histologicalevidence of
the blood-spleen barrier in duck (Anas platyrhynchos).Histol
Histopathol. (2019) 34: 33-45.
2017 年
(8)Nisar Ahmed, Ping Yang, Waqas Muhammad Yasir, Huang Yufei, Qian Zhang,
Tengfei Liu,Chen Hong, Hu Lisi, Chu Xiaoya & Qiusheng Chen*. Novel
cellularevidence of lipophagy within the Sertoli cells during
spermatogenesis in the turtle.Aging, 2017, 9(1):41-51.
(9)Qian Zhang, Yasir Waqas, Ping Yang, Xuejing Sun, Yi Liu, Nisar Ahmed,
BingChen, Quanfu Li, Lisi Hu, Yufei Huang, Hong Chen, Bing Hu and Qiusheng
Chen*.Cytological study on the regulation of lymphocyte homing in the
chicken spleenduring LPS stimulation. ncotarget, 2017,8 (5):7405-7419.
(10)Ping Yang, Xudong Zhu, Lingling Wang, Nisar Ahmed, Yufei Huang,
HongChen, Qian Zhang, Shakeeb Ullah, Tengfei Liu, Dawei Guo, Sarfaraz
Ahmed Brohi,and Qiusheng Chen*. Cellular Evidence of Telocytes as Novel
Interstitial CellsWithin the Magnum of Chicken Oviduct. Cell
Transplantation, 2017, 26(1):135–143.
(11)Tengfei Liu, Lingling Wang, Hong Chen, Yufei Huang, Ping Yang,
NisarAhmed, Taozhi Wang, Yi Liu, Qiusheng Chen*. Molecular and cellular
mechanismsof apoptosis during dissociated spermatogenesis. Frontiers in
physiology, 2017, 8:e188.
(12)Muhammad Yasir Waqas, Qian Zhang, Nisar Ahmed, Ping Yang, Abdul
Basit,Tengfei Liu, Chen Hong, Muhammad Arshad, Saif-ul rehman and
Qiusheng Chen*.Cellular evidence of exosomes in the Reproductive tract
of Chinese soft- shelled turtlePelodiscus sinensis. J. Exp. Zool. 2017,
327A:18–27, 2017..
2016 年
(13) Liu T, Chu X, Huang Y, Yang P, Li Q, Hu L, Chen H, Chen Q*.
Androgen-relatedsperm storage in oviduct of Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtle
in vivo during annual cycle.Sci Rep. 2016, 6(e20456):1-9.
(14)Hong Chen, Ping Yang, Xiaoya Chu, Yufei Huang, Tengfei Liu, Qian
Zhang,Quanfu Li, Lisi Hu, Yasir Waqas, Nisar Ahmed and Qiusheng Chen*.
Cellularevidence for nano-scale exosome secretion and interactions with
spermatozoa in theepididymis of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle,
Pelodiscus sinensis. Oncotarget,2016,6:20456.
(15)Qian Zhang, Shakeeb Ullah, Yi Liu, Ping Yang, Bing Chen, Yasir
Waqas,HuijunBao, Lisi Hu, Quanfu Li, Qiusheng Chen∗. Lymphocyte migration
in themicro-channel of splenic sheathed capillaries in Chinese
soft-shelled turtles,Pelodiscus sinensis. Micron, 2016,80:66–72.
(16)Waqas MY, Yang P, Ahmed N, Zhang Q, Liu T, Li Q, Hu L, Hong C, Chen
Q*.Characterization of the ultrastructure in the uterovaginal junction
of the hen. PoultSci. 2016, 95(9):2112-9.
(17)Waqas MY, Liu T, Yang P, Ahmed N, Zhang Q, Hu L, Hong C, Chen
Q.Morphological and ultrastructural study of the efferent ductules in the
Chinesesoft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis. J Exp Zool A Ecol Genet
(18)Tengfei Liu, Ping Yang, Hong Chen, Yufei Huang, Yi Liu, Yasir Waqas,
NisarAhmed, Xiao ya Chu & Qiusheng Chen*. Global analysis of differential
geneexpression related to long-term sperm storage in oviduct of Chinese
Soft-ShelledTurtle Pelodiscus Sinensis. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6
(19)Lisi Hu, Quanfu Li, Hao Wang, Ping Yang, Yuan Le, Qian Zhang, Tengfei
Liu,Muhammad YasirWaqas, Nisar Ahmad,Yi Liu, Qiusheng Chen*. Expression
ofTLR2/4 on epididymal spermatozoa of the Chinese soft-shelled
turtlePelodiscussinensis during the hibernation season. Anatomical
Record, 2016,299:578–1584.
(20) Nisar Ahmed, Huang Yufei, Ping Yang, Waqas Muhammad Yasir, Qian
Zhang,Tengfei Liu,Chen Hong, Hu Lisi, Chu Xiaoya & Qiusheng Chen*.
Cytological studyon Sertoli cells and their interactions with germ cells
during annual reproductive cyclein turtle. Ecology and Evolution 2016;
6(12): 4050–4064.
(21)Yufei Huang, Ping Yang, Tengfei Liu, Hong Chen, Xiaoya Chu, Nisar
Ahmad,Qian Zhang, Quanfu Li, Lisi Hu, Yi Liu, Qiusheng Chen*. Subcellular
evidence forbiogenesis of autophagosomal membrane during spermiogenesis
in vivo. Frontiers inphysiology, 2016,7:470。
2015 年
(22)Linli Zhang, Ping Yang, Xunguang Bian, Qian Zhang, Shakeeb Ullah,
YasirWaqas, Xiaowu Chen, Yi Liu, Wei Chen, Yuan Le, Bing Chen, Shuai Wang
&Qiusheng Chen*. Modification of sperm morphology during long-term sperm
storagein the reproductive tract of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle,
Pelodiscus sinensis.Scientific Reports, 2015,5(e16096):1-9.
(23)Ping Yang, Nisar Ahmad, Yufei Hunag, Shakeeb Ullah, Qian Zhang,
YasirWaqas, Yi Liu, Quanfu Li, Lisi Hu, Qiusheng Chen*. Telocytes: novel
interstitial cellspresent in the testis parenchyma of the Chinese
soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis.J. Cell. Mol. Med.,2015,19
(24) Qian Zhang, Bing Chen, Ping Yang, Linli Zhang, Yi Liu, Shakeeb Ullah,
LiWu,YasirWaqas, Yuan Le,Wei Chen, Qiusheng Chen*.Identification and
structuralcomposition of the blood-spleen barrier in chickens. The
Veterinary Journal,2015,204:110–116. [IF:2.147] [本文得到特邀评述:
Kimberley Vandevelde.Immunological barriers: Functional histology of the
spleen. Veterinary Journal,2015, 205:3-4.]
CHEN∗. Ultrastructural identification of telocytes in the muscularis
CHEN*. Novel Cellular Evidence of OviductSecretions in the Chinese
Soft-Shelled Turtle Pelodiscus sinensis. J. Exp. Zool.
(27)Ping Yang, Ya’an Liu, Yasir Waqas, Nisar Ahmed and Qiusheng
Chen*.Developmental Changes in Morphology and Distribution of AChE
Positive Neuronsin the Submucosal Plexus of the Chicken Ileum. Pak Vet
J, 2015, 35(3): 329-333.
LIU, PING YANG, YI LIU, AND QIUSHENG CHEN*. B-CellLymphoma-2 Localization
in the Female Reproductive Tract of the ChineseSoft-Shelled Turtle,
Pelodiscus Sinensis and Its RelationshipWith Sperm Storage.THE
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(29)Quanfu Li, Lisi Hu, Ping Yang, Qian Zhang, Yasir Waqas, Tengfei Liu,
LinliZhang, Shuai Wang, Wei Chen, Yuan Le, Shakeeb Ullah & Qiusheng
Chen*.Expression of TLR2/4 in the sperm-storing oviduct of the Chinese
soft-shelled turtlePelodiscus sinensis during hibernation season.
Ecology and Evolution,2015,5(19):4466–4479.
2014 年
(30)Shakeeb Ullah, Ping Yang, Linli Zhang, Qian Zhang, Yi Liu, Wei Chen,
Yasirwaqas, Yuan Le, Bing Chen and Qiusheng Chen*. Identification and
characterizationof telocytes in the uterus of the oviduct in Chinese soft
shelled turtle, PelodiscusSinensis: TEM evidence. J. Cell. Mol. Med. ,
2014,18(12): 2385-2392.
(31)Zhang L, Yang P, Liu Y, Bian X, Ullah S, Zhang Q, Chen W, Le Y, Chen
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growth andcorrelative ultrastructural observations on nuage, nuclear and
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(32)Linli Zhang, Ping Yang, Shakeeb Ullah, Xunguang Bian, Qian Zhang,
WeiChen, Yuan Le, Bing Chen, Qiusheng Chen*, Jinxing Lin, Cheng Gao and
Jianhua Hu.Fine Structure of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Spermatozoa. Pak Vet
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(33)Li Wu, Jinxiong Liu, Pucheng Chen, Yongping Jiang, Leilei Ding, Yuan
Lin,Qimeng Li, Xijun He, Qiusheng Chen∗, and Hualan Chen∗. The Sequential
TissueDistribution of Duck Tembusu Virus in Adult Ducks. BioMed Research
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2013 年
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(35)Xunguang Bian, Jameel Ahmed Gandahi, Ping Yang, Linli Zhang,
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(36) Chun-Sheng Xu, Ping Yang, Hui-Jun Bao, Xun-Guang Bian, Qiu-Sheng
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(37)Jameel Ahmed Gandahi, Noor Samad Gandahi, Ping Yang, Xun Guang
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(38) Theerawat Swangchan-Uthai, Qiusheng Chen, Sally E Kirton, Mark A
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(39)Ping YANG, Jameel Ahmed GANDAHI, Qian ZHANG, Lin-li ZHANG,Xun-guang
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2012 年
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(42)Yilin Yao, Jingxing Lin, Ping Yang, Xiaohong Chu,Cheng Gao, and
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(44)Ping Yang, Jameel Ahmed Gandahi, Xunguang Bian, Li Wu,
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(51)Yao Yilin, Xu Chunsheng, Su Zehong, Chen Xiaowu, Bao Huijun, Qin
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(1)陈微,章琳俐,杨平,刘仪,张茜,SHAKEEB Ullah,乐源,陈兵,胡建华,
高诚,陈秋生*,林金杏*. 斑马鱼端脑的微细形态与结构. 水产学报,
(3)徐春生,杨平,卞勋光,陈秋生*. 中华鳖肾组织结构的性别差异. 解剖学
(4)张 晖, 覃君慧, 柳金雄, 冯亚玫, 陈秋生*. Cdc25B mRNA 在早期鸡胚中
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(5)徐春生,刘 仪,包慧君,祁凤华,杨 平,刘海丽,初小红,陈秋生.中华鳖肾脏
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(7)柳金雄,王江,杨平,冯亚玫,徐春生,包慧君,陈秋生*. 鸡 INR 的神
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(9)柳金雄,余祖功,徐春生,冯亚玫,杨平,覃君慧,陈秋生*. 鸡肠 Remak
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(10)覃君慧,侯放亮,张晖,包慧君,周强,李梅英,初晓红,陈秋生*. 鸡
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(12)张晖,陈秋生*. 细胞周期调控因子 Cdc25 的研究进展. 中国兽医科学,
(13)冯亚玫,柳金雄,陈秋生*. 鸡 SP-mRNA 探针制备及其在 INR 的杂交反
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(15)柳金雄,冯亚玫,陈秋生*. 生长抑素前体蛋白 1 和前脑啡肽原 mRNA 在
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(16)张莉,韩向琨,陈秋生*. 中华鳖精子头部的形成. 水生生物学报,2007,
(17)韩向琨,张莉,黑乃楠,陈秋生*. 冬眠中华鳖雌、雄生殖道的精子储存.
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(20)陈秋生*,冯霞,姜生成. 牦牛肺脏高原适应性的结构研究. 中国农业科
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(26)陈秋生*. 母鸡输卵管蛋白分泌部交感节后神经元支配的逆行追踪研究.
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(27)陈秋生*,聂其灼. 中华鳖胸腺的显微与亚显微结构研究.南京农业大学学
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(29)赵巧雅,孙雪婧,王玲玲,王涛只,陈秋生*,林金杏. 铜对斑马鱼鳃的
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(30)赵巧雅,王新栋, 孙雪婧, 王玲玲, 王涛只, 陈秋生*, 林金杏. 斑马鱼鳃
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