1. 雷治海主编,动物解剖学实验教程,国家十一五规划教材,北京:中国农业
2. 雷治海主编,动物解剖学,北京:科学出版社,2015
3. 雷治海、刘英、朱明光编,骆驼解剖学,香港:天马图书有限公司,2002
4. 周浩良、雷治海、陈嘉绩主编,家畜解剖学,北京:中国农业科技出版社,
5. 董常生主编,雷治海、陈耀星副主编:家畜解剖学,第 3,4,5 版,北京:
6. 姜平主译,雷治海副主译, W.G. Wilson 编著,Wilson’s 实用肉品检验手册
(第 7 版),北京:中国农业大学出版社,2007
7. 参编:肉品学(周光宏主编)、兽医大辞典(孔繁瑶主编,1999;汪明主编,
8. 参译:兽医组织学彩色图谱(陈耀星主译)、家畜兽医解剖学教程与彩色图
1. 李晓亮,李翔,张征,雷治海. 神经介素U在体外对猪淋巴细胞活性及自然
杀伤细胞活性的影响[J]. 南京农业大学学报,2017, 40(1):157-162.
2. Ejlal Ahmed Mohammed Adam, 马志禹,李翔,李晓亮,雷治海. 兔神经介素
U及其受体的基因克隆和组织表达的研究[J]. 畜牧与兽医,2017, 49(1):
3. Guo-Min Zhang, Ming-Tian Deng, Yan-Li Zhang, Yi-Xuan Fan, Yong-Jie Wan,
Hai-Tao Nie, Zi-Yu Wang, Feng Wang, Zhi-Hai Lei. Effect of PGC-1α
overexpression or silencing on mitochondrial apoptosis of goat luteinized
granulosa cells. J Bioenerg Biomembr. 2016, 48(5):493-507.
4. Guo-Min Zhang, Shan Lan, Ruo-Xin Jia, Guang-Yao Yan, Li-Zhong Wang,
Hai-Ttao Nie, Zhi-Hai Lei, Feng Wang. Age-associated and tissue-specific
expression of osteopontin in male Hu sheep reproductive tract. Tissue Cell. 2016,
5. 王蒙蕊,雷治海. 猪侧脑室注射 NMS 对胰岛素合成与分泌的影响. 畜牧与
6. Zhiyu Ma, Juan Su, Tingting Guo, Mengmeng Jin, Xiang Li, Zhihai Lei,
Yuanlong Hou, Xiaoliang Li, Cuicui Jia, Zheng Zhang, Ejlal Ahmed.
Neuromedin B and Its Receptor: Gene Cloning, Tissue Distribution and
Expression Levels of the Reproductive Axis in Pigs. Plos One, 2016,
7. Rui Fang, Juan Su , Lucheng Zheng, Mengmeng Jin, Yuanlong Hou, Zhiyu Ma,
Tingting Guo, Shenzheng Zhu, Xueli Ma, Ejlal Ahmed, Zhihai Lei. Cloning and
distribution of neuropeptide W and its receptors in pigs. Research in veterinary
science, 2015, 101:106-116
8. Ting-ting Guo, Juan Su, Zhi-yu Ma, Jun-xiao Ma, Meng-meng Jin, Xiang Li,
Zhi-hai Lei. Cloning of Neuromedin B and its receptor in the rabbit and
generating a polyclonal antibody to the Neuromedin B protein. Gene, 2015,
9. Hou Y, Wang X, Lei Z, Ping J, Liu J, Ma Z, Zhang Z, Jia C, Jin M, Li X, Li
X, Chen S, Lv Y, Gao Y, Jia W, Su J. Heat Stress Induced Metabolic Changes and
Altered Male Reproductive Function. J. Proteome Res. 2015, 14, 1495−1503
10. Lucheng Zheng, Juan Su, Rui Fang, Mengmeng Jin, Zhihai Lei ,Yuanlong Hou,
Zhiyu Ma, Tingting Guo. Developmental changes in the role of
gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) and its receptors in the reproductive
axis of male Xiaomeishan pigs. Anim Reprod Sci. 2015, 154:113-20
11. 汪瑶,李珣,李敏婕,国梦婕,雷治海. GnIH对母猪生殖调控的研究. 中国
12. 郑路程,苏娟,房蕊,靳蒙蒙,马志禹,郭停停,侯元龙,雷治海. 促性腺
激素抑制激素在公猪下丘脑-垂体-睾丸轴的分布定位研究. 南京农业大学学
13. 雷治海,雷瑞鹏,李祥,苏娟,靳蒙蒙. 神经介素U研究进展. 畜牧与兽医,
14. Yuan Yao, Juan Su, Fan Zhang, Zhihai Lei. Effect of central and peripheral
administration of neuropeptide S on the level of serum proinflammatory
cytokines in pigs. Neuroimmunomodulation, 2014, 21(1):45-51
15. 雷瑞鹏,高清松,马志禹,郭停停,马俊晓,雷治海. 神经介素B研究进展[J].
16. Xun Li, Juan Su, Rui Fang, Lucheng Zheng, Ruipeng Lei, Xiaoye Wang, Zhihai
Lei, Mengmeng Jin,Yang Jiao, Yuanlong Hou, Tingting Guo, Zhiyu Ma. The
effects of RFRP-3, the mammalian ortholog of GnIH, on the female pig
reproductive axis in vitro. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2013,372(1-2):65-72
17. 焦洋,姜焱,王凯民,张常印,雷治海,唐泰山. 猪传染性胃肠炎、猪流行
性腹泻和猪博卡病毒多重PCR检测方法的建立[J]. 动物医学进展,2013,34
18. Guo-Rui Zhang,Rui-Song Yu,Jiang-Yong Zeng,Yu-Min Zhu,Shi-Juan Dong, Luobu Dunzhu,Se Zhu,Ciren Duoji,Zhi-Hai Lei,Zhen Li. Development of an
Epitope-Based Competitive ELISA for the Detection of Antibodies against
Tibetan Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus[J]. Intervirology, 2013, 56:55-59
19. 雷治海,苏娟,贾晓庆. 动物解剖学双语教学的体会和思考. 教育教学论坛,
2012, (44):49-50
20. 孙晓璇,雷治海,杨桂红,刘新义,叶平. 兔神经肽W及其受体NPWR1基因
克隆及分布定位. 中国农业科学,2012,45(11):2295-2305
21. Xun Li, Juan Su, Zhihai Lei, Yangyang Zhao, Mengmeng Jin, Rui Fang,Lucheng
Zheng, Yang Jiao. Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH) and its receptor in
the female pig: cDNA cloning, expression in tissues and expression pattern in the
reproductive axis during the estrous cycle. Peptides, 2012, 36: 176-185
22. 雷治海,雷瑞鹏,苏娟,贾晓庆. Xenin(类爪蟾肽)研究进展. 畜牧与兽医,
23. Guihong Yang, Juan Su, Yuan Yao, Zhihai Lei, Guorui Zhang, Yanpeng Liu, Jing
Liu, Xun Li. Distribution of neuromedin S and its receptor NMU2R in pigs.
Research in Veterinary Science,2012,92:180-186.
24. 刘倩,唐泰山,廉慧锋,王凯民,张常印,雷治海. 副结核分支杆菌 Hed蛋
白的抗原性分析及在间接 ELISA中的应用. 南京农业大学学报,2011 , 34( 1):
25. 雷治海,贾晓庆,苏娟. 以专业技能竞赛为载体,提高实践教学质量. 价值
26. 蔻芮,张常印,陈光哲,唐泰山,薛峰,徐飞,雷治海. 南京地区4株猪源耐
甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌多位点序列分型. 畜牧与兽医,2011,43(10):62-65
27. 侯玉晶,雷治海,苏娟,姚远,杨桂红,李月勤,于晓磊,刘倩. 兔神经肽S
及其受体基因的克隆、组织表达及热应激对其表达的影响. 中国农业科学,
28. Guo-rui Zhang, Jiang-yong Zeng, Yu-min Zhu, Shi-juan Dong, Se Zhu, Rui-song
Yu, Ciren Duoji, Zhi-hai Lei, Zhen Li. Development of an Indirect ELISA with
Artificially Synthesized N Protein of PPR Virus. Intervirology, 2012,55:12-20
29. Yuan Yao, Juan Su, Guihong Yang, Guorui Zhang, Zhihai Lei, Fan Zhang, Xun
Li, Rui Kou, Yanpeng Liu, Jing Liu. Effects of neuropeptide S on the
proliferation of splenic lymphocytes, phagocytosis and proinflammatory cytokine
production of pulmonary alveolar macrophages in the pig. Peptides, 2011,
30. 苏娟,姚远,杨桂红,李珣,刘延鹏,寇芮,刘晶,雷治海. Orexin B 在下
丘脑-垂体-性腺轴的分布定位及对生殖调节的体外研究. 畜牧兽医学报, 2010,41(11):1460-1466
31. Guihong Yang, Juan Su, Yuan Yao, Zhihai Lei, Guorui Zhang, Xun Li. The
regulatory mechanism of neuromedin S on luteinizing hormone in pigs. Animal
Reproduction Science, 2010, 122:367-374
32. Ning Hong-mei, Ge Ya-ming, Su Juan, Zhang Wen-long, Yao Yuan, Yang
Gui-hong, Lei Zhi-hai. Effects of orexin A on mRNA expression of various
neuropeptides in the hypothalamus and pituitary, and on serum LH levels in
ovariectomized gilts. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2010,9(9): 1362-1371
33. 林小琴,姚远,周莹珊,崔金鑫,周春燕,雷治海. 神经肽 S 及其受体在猪
免疫器官中的表达及分布. 畜牧与兽医,2010,42(8):57-62
34. 雷治海,苏娟,贾晓庆,刘延鹏. 神经肽 W 和神经肽 B 的研究进展. 畜牧与
35. Guihong Yang, Juan Su, Xun Li, Yuan Yao, Zhihai Lei, Xizhi Yang, Rui Kou,
Yanpeng Liu. Expression of NMS and NMU2R in the pig reproductive axis
during the estrus cycle and the effect of NMS on the reproductive axis in vitro.
Peptides, 2009, 30: 2206-2212.
36. Yuan Yao, Xiaoqin Lin, Juan Su, Guihong Yang, Yujing Hou, Zhihai Lei. Cloning
and distribution of neuropeptide S and its receptor in the pig. Neuropeptides,
2009, 43: 465-481
37. 雷治海,李祥瑞,贾晓庆,苏娟. 提高动物医学类本科生毕业实习及毕业论
文质量的研究与实践. 高校教育研究,2009,(15):142-143
38. 李月、朱向蕾、杨桂红、杨虹、应志豪、姚远、苏娟、雷治海. Ghrelin 及其
受体在兔淋巴器官的分布及发育性变化. 畜牧与兽医,2009,41(7):63-66
39. 雷治海,李月,苏娟,贾晓庆. Kisspeptin 的研究进展. 畜牧与兽医,2009, 41(4):96-100
40. 雷治海,杨桂红,李月勤,侯玉晶,于晓磊,刘倩. 神经介素 S 研究进展. 畜
牧与兽医. 2009,41(3):99-103
41. 贾晓庆,唐泰山,黄金华,张常印,剧世强,雷治海. 马流感病毒 RT-PCR
检测方法的建立. 畜牧与兽医,2009,41(2):63-66
42. 雷治海,李月. 促性腺激素抑制激素的研究进展. 畜牧与兽医,2008,40(9):
43. 邓碧华,王凯民,唐泰山,张常印,雷治海. 牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒套式 PCR
检测方法的建立. 中国兽医学报,2008,28(6):649-651
44. 雷治海,姚远,李月,杨桂红. 神经肽 S 研究进展. 畜牧与兽医. 2008,40(5):
45. Wenlong Zhang, Zhihai Lei, Juan Su, Shulin Chen. Expression of ghrelin in the
porcine hypothalamo–pituitary–ovary axis during the oestrous cycle. Animal
reproduction Science, 2008,109:356-367
46. Juan Su, Zhihai Lei, Wenlong Zhang, Hongmei Ning, Jihui Ping. Distribution of
orexin B and its relationship with GnRH in the pig hypothalamus. Research in
Veterinary Science,2008,85:315-323
47. 苏娟,雷治海,宁红梅,宋捷,贾翠平. Orexin B 在猪中枢神经系统的分布
定位. 畜牧兽医学报,2008, 39(3):349-354
48. 宁红梅, 雷治海, 张文龙, 苏娟,贾翠萍,宋捷,贾晓庆. Preproorexin 和
OX1R mRNA 在苏钟猪发情周期下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴中的表达. 南京农
49. 贾翠平,雷治海,宁红梅,苏娟,张文龙,贾晓庆. 青紫蓝兔体内 Ghrelin
的免疫组化定位. 动物学杂志,2007,42(4):129-134
50. 宋捷,唐泰山,张常印,雷治海,孙旭辉,王凯明. 西尼罗病毒的基因进化
分析. 动物医学进展. 2007,28(1):26-31