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教育与工作经历 2004/09–2008/06 浙江师范大学,生化学院生物科学专业 学士 2008/09–2010/06 南京农业大学,园艺学院果树学专业 硕士 2010/09–2013/06 南京农业大学,园艺学院果树学专业 博士 2014/06–2016/12 南京农业大学,园艺学院蔬菜系 讲师 2016/12–至今 南京农业大学,园艺学院蔬菜系 副教授 硕导 主持项目 2017 作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室开放课题 10 万 2016 中国博士后科学基金 8 万 2016 江苏省博士后科研资助计划项目 1 万 2015 国家自然科学基金 22.8 万 2015中央高校基本业务费 10 万


本人主要以胡萝卜为研究对象,研究其生长发育过程中的重要农艺性状。在基础研究上主要解析:1、胡萝卜颜色变化分子机制,探究其中花青苷、类胡萝卜素等重要次生代谢产 物的合成机理。2、胡萝卜瓣化型雄性不育的机理。3、胡萝卜种子毛的形成。4、胡萝卜耐抽薹的分子机理。5、胡萝卜块根膨大。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Zhi-Sheng Xu, Qing-Qing Yang, Kai Feng, Xiao Yu, Ai-Sheng Xiong* DcMYB113, a root-specific R2R3-MYB, conditions anthocyanin biosynthesis and modification in carrot, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020, doi:10.1111/pbi.13325. (2) Zhi-Sheng Xu, Qing-Qing Yang, Kai Feng, Ai-Sheng Xiong* , Changing Carrot Color: Insertions in DcMYB7 Alter the Regulation of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and Modification, Plant Physiology, 2019, 181: 195-207. (3) Zhi-Sheng Xu, Kai Feng, Ai-Sheng Xiong* , CRISPR/Cas9-mediated multiply targeted mutagenesis in orange and purple carrot plants, Molecular Biotechnology, 2019, 61:191-199. (4) Zhi-Sheng Xu, Kai Feng, Feng Que, Feng Wang, Ai-Sheng Xiong* , A MYB transcription factor, DcMYB6, is involved in regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis in purple carrot taproots, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:45324. (5) Zhi-Sheng Xu, Jing Ma, Feng Wang, Hong-Yu Ma, Qiu-Xia Wang, Ai-Sheng Xiong* ,Identification and characterization of DcUCGalT1, a galactosyltransferase responsible for anthocyanin galactosylation in purple carrot (Daucus carota L.) taproots, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:27356. (6) Zhi-Sheng Xu, Ying Huang, Feng Wang, Xiong Song, Guang-Long Wang, Ai-Sheng Xiong*, Transcript profiling of structural genes involved in cyanidin-based anthocyanin biosynthesis between purple and non-purple carrot (Daucus carota L.) cultivars reveals distinct patterns, BMC Plant Biology, 2014, 14(1):262. (7) Zhi-Sheng Xu#, Hua-Wei Tan#, Feng Wang#, Xi-Lin Hou, Ai-Sheng Xiong*, CarrotDB: a genomic and transcriptomic database for carrot, Database, 2014, 2014:bau096
