近五年发表的 SCI 文章/论文(*为通讯作者):
1. Wei, Q.Z., Fu, W.Y., Wang, Y.Z., Qin, X.D., Wang, J., Li, J., Lou, Q.F.* and Chen, J.F.* (2016) Rapid
identification of fruit length loci in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) using next-generation sequencing
(NGS)-based QTL analysis. Scientific reports, 6, 27496. 2. Zhang, Z.T., Yang, S.Q., Li, Z.A., Zhang, Y.X., Wang, Y.Z., Cheng, C.Y., Li, J., Chen, J.F. and Lou, Q.F*. (2016) Comparative chromosomal localization of 45S and 5S rDNAs and implications for genome evolution
in Cucumis. Genome, 59, 449-457
3. Zhang, Y., Cheng, C., Li, J., Yang, S., Wang, Y., Li, Z., Chen, J*. and Lou, Q*. (2015) Chromosomal structures and repetitive sequences divergence in Cucumis species revealed by comparative cytogenetic mapping. BMC genomics, 16, 730. 4. Wei, Q., Wang, Y., Qin, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., Wang, J., Li, J., Lou, Q*. and Chen, J*. (2014) An SNP-based saturated genetic map and QTL analysis of fruit-related traits in cucumber using specific-length
amplified fragment (SLAF) sequencing. BMC genomics, 15, 1158. 5. Lou, Q., Zhang, Y., He, Y., Li, J., Jia, L., Cheng, C., Guan, W., Yang, S. and Chen, J. (2014) Single-copy
gene-based chromosome painting in cucumber and its application for chromosome rearrangement analysis in Cucumis. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, 78, 169-179. 6. Wu, Z., Jia, L., Shen, J., Jiang, B., Qian, C., Lou, Q., Li, J. and Chen, J. (2014) The complete chloroplast
genome sequence of the wild cucumber Cucumis hystrix Chakr. (Cucumis, cucurbitaceae). Mitochondrial
DNA. 7. Jia, L., Lou, Q(. 共同第一), Jiang, B., Wang, D. and Chen, J. (2014) LTR retrotransposons cause expression
changes of adjacent genes in early generations of the newly formed allotetraploid Cucumis hytivus. Scientia horticulturae, 174, 171-177. 8. Li, J., Wu, Z., Cui, L., Zhang, T., Guo, Q., Xu, J., Jia, L., Lou, Q., Huang, S., Li, Z. and Chen, J. (2014)
Transcriptome comparison of global distinctive features between pollination and parthenocarpic fruit set reveals transcriptional phytohormone cross-talk in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Plant & cell physiology, 55, 1325-1342. 9. Wang, W., Feng, B., Xiao, J., Xia, Z., Zhou, X., Li, P., Zhang, W., Wang, Y., Moller, B.L., Zhang, P., Luo, M.C., Xiao, G., Liu, J., Yang, J., Chen, S., Rabinowicz, P.D., Chen, X., Zhang, H.B., Ceballos, H., Lou, Q., Zou, M., Carvalho, L.J., Zeng, C., Xia, J., Sun, S., Fu, Y., Wang, H., Lu, C., Ruan, M., Zhou, S., Wu, Z., Liu, H., Kannangara, R.M., Jorgensen, K., Neale, R.L., Bonde, M., Heinz, N., Zhu, W., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Pan, K., Wen, M., Ma, P.A., Li, Z., Hu, M., Liao, W., Hu, W., Zhang, S., Pei, J., Guo, A., Guo, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Ye, J., Ou, W., Ma, Y., Liu, X., Tallon, L.J., Galens, K., Ott, S., Huang, J., Xue, J., An, F., Yao, Q., Lu, X., Fregene, M., Lopez-Lavalle, L.A., Wu, J., You, F.M., Chen, M., Hu, S., Wu, G., Zhong, S., Ling, P., Chen, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, G., Liu, B., Li, K. and Peng, M. (2014) Cassava genome from a wild ancestor to
cultivated varieties. Nature communications, 5, 5110. 10. Lou, Q., He, Y., Cheng, C., Zhang, Z., Li, J., Huang, S. and Chen, J. (2013) Integration of high-resolution
physical and genetic map reveals differential recombination frequency between chromosomes and the genome assembling quality in cucumber. PloS one, 8, e62676.
11. Cui, L., Li, J., Zhang, T., Guo, Q., Xu, J., Lou, Q. and Chen, J. (2013) Identification and Expression Analysis of D-type Cyclin Genes in Early Developing Fruit of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Plant Mol Biol Rep, 32, 209-218. 12. Cui, L., Zhang, T., Li, J., Lou, Q. and Chen, J. (2013) Cloning and expression analysis of Cs-TIR1/AFB2:
the fruit development-related genes of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Acta Physiol Plant, 36, 139-149. 13. Iovene, M., Zhang, T., Lou, Q., Buell, C.R. and Jiang, J. (2013) Copy number variation in potato - an
asexually propagated autotetraploid species. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, 75, 80-89. 14. Bo, K., Song, H., Shen, J., Qian, C., Staub, J.E., Simon, P.W., Lou, Q. and Chen, J. (2011) Inheritance and mapping of the ore gene controlling the quantity of β-carotene in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) endocarp. Molecular Breeding. 15. Jiang, B., Lou, Q., Wu, Z., Zhang, W., Wang, D., Mbira, K.G., Weng, Y. and Chen, J. (2011)
Retrotransposon- and microsatellite sequence-associated genomic changes in early generations of a newly
synthesized allotetraploid Cucumis x hytivus Chen & Kirkbride. Plant molecular biology, 77, 225-233. 16. Jiang, B., Lou, Q.F., Wang, D., Wu, Z.M., Zhang, W.P. and Chen, J.F. (2011) Allopolyploidization induced
the activation of Ty1-copia retrotransposons in Cucumis hytivus, a newly formed Cucumis allotetraploid. Botanical Studies, 52 (2): 145-152 Bot Stud, 52.. 17. 张云霞, 娄群峰*, 李子昂, 王筠竹, 张振涛, 李季 and 陈劲枫 (2015) 基于基因组原位杂交快速构建
黄瓜变种间核型. 中国农业科学, 398-406. 18. 王晶, 娄群峰*, 魏庆镇, 李子昂, 付文苑 and 陈劲枫 (2015) 长春密刺黄瓜突变体库的构建和部分性
状分析. 核农学报, 29. 19. 武喆, 李蕾, 张婷, 张停林, 李季, 娄群峰 and 陈劲枫 (2015) 黄瓜单性结实性状的QTL定位. 中国农
业科学, 112-119. 20. 付文苑, 魏庆镇, 王晶, 王筠竹, 陈劲枫 and 娄群峰* (2015) 园艺作物果实人工驯化性状的分子基础
研究进展. 分子植物育种, 2647-2654. 21. 徐兵划, 钱春桃, 王红英, 毕研飞, 娄群峰, 张永兵, 伊鸿平 and 陈劲枫 (2014) 甜瓜蔓枯病抗性聚合
材料中防卫基因的表达分析. 南京农业大学学报, 63-68. 22. 管苇, 张云霞, 杨树琼, 陈劲枫 and 娄群峰* (2014) 黄瓜倍性材料创制及染色体组成的FISH 鉴定. 中
国农业科学, 3513-3522.
23. 张停林, 崔利, 李季, 郭勤卫, 娄群峰, 徐建 and 陈劲枫 (2014) 黄瓜异戊烯基转移酶基因(CsIPT2)的
克隆及特征分析. 南京农业大学学报, 21-26. 24. 赵娟, 沈佳, 李海梅, 娄群峰, 李季 and 陈劲枫 (2014) 甜瓜属线粒体基因组的父系遗传特性. 园艺
学报, 2250-2258. 25. 赵娟, 沈佳, 李海梅, 娄群峰, 李季 and 陈劲枫 (2015) MTG-DAPI 双染色法观察黄瓜花粉细胞半薄
切片中线粒体 DNA 的研究. 南京农业大学学报, 27-32. 26. 曹明明, 吴志明, 娄群峰, 阮氏清云 and 陈劲枫 (2013) 甜瓜属野生种 Cucumis hystrix Chakr.胞质葡
萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶基因的克隆与启动子结构分析. 南京农业大学学报, 25-30. 27. 费雨兰, 王晶, 沈佳, 陈劲枫 and 娄群峰* (2013) 不同砧木嫁接对黄瓜长势及果实品质的影响. 江苏
农业科学, 147-149. 28. 宁宇, 苗永美, 李季, 娄群峰, 翁益群 and 陈劲枫 (2013) 黄瓜转录因子 CsCBF3 的克隆及表达分析. 中国蔬菜, 30-36.孟佳丽, 娄群峰, 周晓慧, 史建磊 and 陈劲枫 (2012) 黄瓜-酸黄瓜染色体片段导入系
群体的构建及果实相关数量性状基因的定位. 中国农业科学, 1558-1567. 29. 苗永美, 宁宇, 沈佳, 贾利, 李季, 娄群峰, 翁益群 and 陈劲枫 (2013) 黄瓜 LDC 基因克隆及逆境胁
迫下的表达分析. 南京农业大学学报, 8-14. 30. 史建磊, 陈劲枫, 娄群峰, 钱春桃 and 孟佳丽 (2012) 黄瓜渐渗后代遗传变异分析及 QTL 检测. 园艺
学报, 687-694. 31. 史建磊, 娄群峰, 钱春桃, 万红建, 周晓慧 and 陈劲枫 (2011) 黄瓜染色体片段导入系的构建与遗传
评价. 南京农业大学学报, 20-24. 32. 王东, 江彪, 娄群峰 and 陈劲枫 (2011) 甜瓜属 REMAP 分子标记体系的建立及应用. 中国瓜菜, 6-9. 33. 王垒, 陈劲枫, 娄丽娜 and 娄群峰 (2011) 黄瓜ARF家族序列特征及部分成员在果实发育早期的表达
分析. 园艺学报, 717-724. 34. 王垒, 陈劲枫, 娄丽娜, 娄群峰 and 贾利 (2011) 黄瓜果实中 ARF 和 Aux/IAA 基因对外源激素的应答. 西北植物学报, 1127-1131. 35. 王垒, 娄丽娜, 闫立英, 娄群峰 and 陈劲枫 (2011) 黄瓜果实发育早期 Aux/IAA 家族部分基因的差异
表达分析. 南京农业大学学报, 13-17.