2001-06-01 至 2005-11-30 东南大学 副教授
2005-12-01 至今 南京理工大学 教授
1998-03-01 至 2001-06-01 东南大学 博士学位
1995-09-01 至 1998-02-28 东南大学 硕士学位
1989-09-01 至 1993-06-30 合肥工业大学 本科学位
1. Effect of stress on split mode gyroscope bias: An experimental study. in 2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS). 2017.
2. A Compact Low-Power Oscillation Circuit for the High Performance Silicon Oscillating Accelerometer. International Conference on Material Science,Resource and Environmental Engineering. 2017,11.
3. A Real Time Self-Temperature Compensation Method Used for MEMS Gyroscopes. International Conference on Material Science,Resource and Environmental Engineering.2017,11.
4. Sub-degree per hour Split Mode Tuning Fork Gyroscope. International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems. 2016,2.
5. A low power MEMS-ASIC silicon resonant accelerometor with sub-μg bias instability and ±30g full-scale. International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems. 2016,2.
6. Silicon vibrating beam accelerometer with ppm grade scale factor stability and tens-ppm grade full-range nonlinearity. International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems. 2016,2.
7. A 0.23 μg bias instability and 1.6μg/Hz1/2 resolution silicon oscillating accelerometer with build-in Σ-Δ frequency-to-digital converter. 2016 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI-Circuits). 2016.06.
8. A System Decomposition Model for Phase Noise in Silicon Oscillating Accelerometers. IEEE Sensors Journal. vol.13(16).pp 5259-5269.
9. A solution to high frequency oscillation in the driving loop of silicon microgyroscope. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Advanced Electronic Science and Technology.AEST2016,Aug.19-21,345-352.
10. Thermal drift optimization for silicon microgyroscope. IEEE Sensors 2016.931-933
11. An on-chip thermal stress evaluation method for silicon resonant accelerometer. IEEE Sensors 2016.340-342.
12. The Research of PNS Based on Micro Inertial Sensors, Measurement, 2016-08, SCI: 000377389600066,EI:20162202448178.
13. The Analysis and Design of Closed-loop Control System for MEMS Vibratory Gyroscopes. 20th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT 2016)
14. A 0.5°/h Bias Instability 0.067°/√h Angle Random Walk MEMS Gyroscope with CMOS Readout Circuit. IEEE Asian Solid- state Circuits Conference. 2015,11.
15. A Sub-ug Bias-Instability MEMS Oscillating Accelerometer With an Ultra-Low-Noise Read-Out Circuit in CMOS. IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits. 2015.Vol.50(9), 2113-2126.
16. Microelectromechanical resonant accelerometer designed with a high sensitivity. Journal of Sensors.2015. Vol.(15), 30293-30310.
17. Development of MEMS inertial sensors in NUST. The 5th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering. 2015. 224-230.T
18. A wafer level vacuum packaged silicon vibration beam accelerometer. IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems 2015 Proceedings.2015. 78-81.
19. Tactical grade MEMS gyro with low acceleration sensitivity. IEEE Sensors 2015. 2015. 630-633.
20. 高真空环境下硅微机械陀螺品质因数的温度特性.光学精密工程. 2015, 23(7),1990-1995.
21. 双质量振动式硅微陀螺理论和实验模态分析.光学精密工程. 2015, 23(2),467-476.
22. JIANG S D, SU Y, SHI Q, QIU An P. Analysis of impact of driving amplitude on resonance frequency of silicon microgyroscope. Advanced materials research (ISSN:10226680). 2015. Vol.989-994,2926-2930.
23.硅微陀螺仪零偏稳定性的优化.光学精密工程.2014. Vol.22(9),2381-2388.
24.具有增益补偿功能的微机械陀螺数字化驱动闭环.光学精密工程.2014. Vol.22(1),109-116.
25. Test and evaluation of a silicon resonant accelerometer implemented in SOI technology. IEEE sensors 2013. 2013.
26. Modeling of Nonlinear Stiffness of Micro-Resonator in Silicon Resonant Accelerometer. Key Engineering Materials. 2013. Vol. 562-565,374-379.
27. Temperature Self-Compensation of Micromechanical Silicon Resonant Accelerometer. Apllied Mechanics and Materials. 2013. Vol.373-375,373-381.
28. Phase noise analysis of micromechanical silicon resonant accelerometer. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical.2013. Vol.197,15-24
29.高品质因数微机械陀螺的温度自补偿方法. 光学精密工程.2013. Vol.21(11),164-170.
18. 变结构PID在微机械陀螺仪闭环驱动电路中的应用. 纳米技术与精密工程.2013.Vol.11(2),169-173.
30.脉冲密度反馈对力平衡式微机械陀螺的影响.光学精密工程.2013. Vol. 21(8),2087-2094.
31. 硅微陀螺仪正交耦合系数的计算及验证[J]. 光学精密工程, 2013, 1(21): 87-93.
32.微机械陀螺检测接口建模及前置放大器优化.光学精密工程.2013. Vol.21(7),1734-1740.
33. 硅微振动陀螺仪设计与性能测试. 光学精密工程.2013. Vol.21(5),1272-1281.
34. 双质量硅微机械陀螺固有频率温度特性研究.南京理工大学学报.2013. Vol.37(1),94-100.
35. Implementation and Experiment of Dual-mass Vibratory Gyroscope with High Quality Factor. IEEE sensors 2012. 2012. 1284-1287.
36.硅微谐振式加速度计的温度效应及补偿. 纳米技术与精密工程. 2012. Vol.10(3), 215-219.
37. Design and system level simulation of double-mass silicon micro gyroscope. Applied mechanics and materials. 2012. Vol.138-139,618-686.
38.微杠杆在硅微谐振式加速度计中的应用. 光学精密工程. 2011. Vol. 19(5),805-811.
39. Micro Leverage Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Micromechanical Silicon Oscillating Accelerometer. Advanced Materials Research. 2011. Vol.193, 4130-4134.
40. 硅微谐振式加速度计的实现及性能测试[J]. 光学 精密工程. 2010, 18(12): 2583-2589.
41. A theoretical and experimental study on temperature dependent characteristics of silicon MEMS gyroscope drive mode[C]. 2010 6th International Conference on MEMS NANO, and Smart Systems. Changsha, China. Dec, 2010. 50-54.
42. Research on MEMS Gyro Random Drift Restraining based on Simplified Sage-Husa Adaptive Filter Algorithm[C]. 2010 6th International Conference on MEMS NANO, and Smart Systems. Changsha, China. Dec, 2010. 58-61.
43. A research on temperature dependent characteristics of quality factor of silicon MEMS gyroscope[C]. 2010 International Conference on Micro Nano Devices, Structure and Computing Systems. Singapore. Nov, 2010. Advanced Materials Research. 159: 399-405.
44. Analysis and design of drive closed-loop for MEMS Vibratory Gyroscope[C]. 2010 International Conference on Micro Nano Devices, Structure and Computing Systems. Singapore. Nov, 2010. Advanced Materials Research. 159: 406-411.
45. Structure Design and Simulation of Silicon Resonant Accelerometer[C]. China International Conference on Inertial Technology and Navigation. Nanjing, China. Oct 2010. 157-162.
46. Performance Analysis and Test of Double-mass Linear Vibration Silicon Micromechanical Gyroscope[C]. China International Conference on Inertial Technology and Navigation. Nanjing, China. Oct, 2010. 104-114.
47. 一种具有广泛适应性的微机械制造方法研究[J]. 传感技术学报. 2010.07, 23(7): 922-925.
48. Nonlinear oscillation characteristics of MEMS resonator[C]. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation. Xi’an, China. Aug, 2010. 1250 – 1253.
49. 微机械陀螺的Allan方差负系数处理方法[J]. 声学与电子工程. 2009, 63: 13-16.
50. Bulk-micromachined silicon resonant accelerometer[C]. 2009 International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), Zhuhai, China, Jun, 2009. 1298-1292.
51. A Study on Device Level Vacuum Packaging for Silicon MicroGyroscopes[C]. Pro. 3rd ICMEM, Beijing, China. Oct, 2009. 1570-1575.
52. MEMS陀螺仪器件级真空封装技术[J]. 光学精密工程, 2009, 17(8), 1987-1992.
53. 硅微陀螺仪器件级真空封装[J]. 机械工程学报,2009, 45(2): 243-246.
54. 硅微谐振式加速度计数据采集系统设计[J]. 中国惯性技术学报, 2009.01, 17(1), 76-80.
55. 硅微谐振式加速度计结构设计与仿真[J]. 中国惯性技术学报, 2009.2, 17(1): 93-97.
56. Experimental study of compensation for the effect of temperature on a silicon micromachined gyroscope[J]. Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems. 2008, 222(2): 49-55.
57. 硅微陀螺仪真空封装技术研究[C]. 第六届中国惯性技术学会年会,2008.11. 310-314.
58. 双质量线振动式硅微机械陀螺仪的性能分析与测试[C]. 第六届中国惯性技术学会年会,2008.11. 325-332.
59. 硅微陀螺仪的机械耦合误差分析[J]. 光学 精密工程,2008.5, 16(5), 894-898.
60. 硅微机械陀螺仪封装应力研究[J]. 电子器件,2007, 30(6): 2294-2296.
61. Effects of Adhesive on Silicon Microgyroscopes[C]. IEEE-NEMS 2007. Bangkok, Thailand. Jan, 2007, 92-95.
62. 硅微陀螺仪的误差分析[J]. 传感技术学报. 2006, 19(5): 2182-2185.
63. 硅微振梁式加速度传感器中微杠杆结构的设计[J]. 传感技术学报. 2006, 19(5): 1987-1992.
64. 振动式微机械陀螺动态特性光学测试[J]. 光学学报. 2006, 26(2): 202-206.
65. 国外MEMS惯性技术研究进展[C]. 2006年船舶通讯导航学术会议, 中国湖北宜昌, 2006: 95-99.
66. 残余应力对z轴硅微机械振动陀螺仪性能的影响. 机械工程学报. 2005.41 (6):228-232.
67. 微机械谐振陀螺的有限元分析. 东南大学学报. 2004,34(1):38-41.
68. 等刚度法在音叉式陀螺仪谐振频率计算中的应用.2004,12(5):49-52.
69. 三自由度水平轴硅微机械陀螺陀螺结构设计与仿真.2004,2(3):225-228.
70. 硅微型微机械振动陀螺仪的计算机辅助设计. 2004, 34(2):240-243.
71. 加工应力对双线振动式陀螺仪谐振频率的影响. 中国微米/纳米学术年会. 2003.
72. 硅微机械陀螺谐振式陀螺仪. 中国惯性技术学报. 2003,11(4): 45-48.
73. 微惯性仪表技术的研究与发展. 中国惯性技术学报. 2001,9(4): 46-49.
74. 基于隧道效应的微机械角速率传感器. 中国惯性技术学报. 2000,8(4): 75-79.
75. 音叉式硅微机械振动陀螺仪的粘滞阻尼研究. 东南大学学报. 2000, 30(1):131-135.
76. 硅微机械陀螺振动轮陀螺仪原理及结构误差分析. 传感技术学报. 2000, 13(1):18-22.
77. 微型双框架角振动陀螺仪的原理及结构误差分析. 东南大学学报. 1999, 29(3):130-133.
78. 扭摆式硅微加速度计的优化设计. 仪表技术与传感. 1999(11):8-10.