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徐志刚,1990 年在南京农业大学获学士学位后入本校农学院工作,2002 年获博士学位,2008 年博士后出站。近 20 年来,致力于从事植物光生物学、作物光环境生理与调控技术以及 农业信息工程研究;从事作物光环境调控系统装备与植物工厂系统装备与栽培技术研发。 主持和承担“十三五”国家重点研发计划、“十一五”和“十二五”国家“863”计划项目、 国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金、江苏省科技支撑计划、江苏省自然科学基金项目、 农业部公益性行业科技项目和企业委托项目等课题的研究工作。 中国生物技术学会会员;国家半导体照明工程研发及产业联盟应用推广工作委员会 核心成员、农业生物照明工作组组长;中国照明学会会员;中国照明学会光生物和光化学 专 业 委 员 会 委 员 ; SCI 源 刊 Scientia Horticulturae 、 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry、Hortscience 和 botanical studies 的同行审稿人;国家科技计划高新领 域网评专家、国家自然科学基金网评专家。 获得国家发明专利授权多项,,在 SCI 期刊、国内核心期刊和 EI 源刊发表论文 30 多 篇,主编教材 2 部,参编教材 3 部,作为主要完成人获省部级科技进步奖 2 项。 国家发明专利: 1、徐志刚等. 国家发明专利:一种光谱柔性可调的 LED 光源系统, ZL 200710133284.1, 授权,(已转让至企业) 2、徐志刚等. 国家发明专利: 规模化组培苗生长环境二氧化碳浓度自动调控装置, ZL 200610097992.X ,授权,(已转让至企业) 3、徐志刚,樊小雪. 国家发明专利:一种基于 LED 节能光源的小青菜室内栽培技术, ZL201310156304.2,授权,(已转让至企业) 4、徐志刚,刘梦溪. 国家发明专利:一种借助于光源控制进行桔梗快繁的方法, ZL201310206548.7,授权,(已转让至企业) 5、徐志刚. 国家发明专利:一种光源移行的温室补光装置, ZL201110450094.9,授权 6、徐志刚,徐杰明. 国家发明专利:植物室内栽植系统,ZL201410564388.8,授权 7、徐志刚,徐杰明. 实用新型专利:植物室内栽植系统,ZL201420609852.6,授权 8、李慧敏,徐志刚,唐灿明. 国家发明专利:一种陆地棉快繁光源的控制方法, ZL201010178927.6,授权 9、唐灿明,徐志刚,李慧敏. 国家发明专利:一种陆地棉室内育苗的控制方法, ZL20102021196.2,授权 10、焦学磊,徐志刚等. 国家发明专利、实用新型专利:一种植物工厂栽培架智能 LEDs 灯架调控系统,ZL201310163011.7,授权 11、唐灿民,李慧敏,徐志刚. 国家发明专利:一种甘蓝型油菜组织培养的光源控制方法, ZL201110210419.6,授权 12、曹卫星,徐志刚等. 国家发明专利:便携式多通道作物叶片氮素营养指标无损监测装 置, ZL 200710019340.9,授权 13、曹卫星,徐志刚等. 国家发明专利:机载式作物氮素信息高密度无损采集方法, ZL200910034988.2,授权 14、宋光明,朱艳,张军,徐志刚. 国家发明专利:作物氮素无线传感网络监测系统, ZL201010501019.6,授权 奖励: 北京市科技进步三等奖1项:植物无糖组培快繁工厂化生产技术研究与应用(获奖时间: 2008.12),排名第三 中华农业科技奖二等奖 1 项:植物 LED 光环境精准调控及节能高效生产技术研究与应用 (获奖时间 2013 年 12 月)排名第三 国家科技进步一等奖 1 项:稻麦生长无损监测与精确诊断技术,2015 年,排名第十三 高等学校国家级实验教学中心建设成果一等奖 1 项:植物组培 LED 智能光控系统,2016, 排名第一 近年来实施的课题: 1)“十三五”国家重点研发计划 “设施果菜生产 LED 关键技术研究与应用示范 (2017YFB0403903)” 课题(2017-2021),实施中 2)国家自然科学基金项目“光谱分布诱导马铃薯试管薯及其调节光合产物转运的机制” (11674174)课题(2017-2020),通过验收 3)农业部公益性行业科技计划“园艺作物设施栽培光环境精准调控关键技术研究与示范” (201303108)课题(2013-2017),通过验收。 4)“十二五”国家 863 高技术研究计划项目“基于光温耦合的植物工厂节能环境控制技 术 ”(2013AA103003)课题(2013-2017),通过验收。 5)国家自然科学基金项目“设施蔬菜幼苗对不同光谱能量分布的响应机制与光控基准研 究”(30972035)课题(2010-2012),通过验收。 6)“十一五”国家“863”高技术研究计划项目“半导体 LED 光源在植物组培中的应用研 究” (2006AA03A165)课题研究(2006-2009),通过验收。 7)江苏省科技支撑计划“半导体照明在现代设施农业中应用的新技术研发与示范” (BE2011197)课题(2011-2014),通过验收。 8)“十二五”国家 863 高技术研究计划项目“LED 非视觉照明技术—LED 农业照明研究” (2011AA03A114)课题(2011-2013),通过验收。 9)“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目“现代农业与养殖业专用 LED 光源开发与示范” (2011BAE01B01)课题(2011-2014),通过验收。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Huimin Li, Zhigang Xu* , Canming Tang. Effect of light-emitting diodes on growth and morphogenesis of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plantlets in vitro. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult,2010,103:155-163 (Corresponding authors) SCI 2.Liu Mengxi; Xu zhigang* ;Yang Yang;Feng Yijie. Effects of Different Spectral Lights on Oncidium PLBs Induction, Proliferation, and Plant Regeneration. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 2011,106:1–10 (Corresponding authors) SCI 3.Liu Xiaoying, ChangTaotao, Guo Shirong, Xu Zhigang* . Regulation of chloroplast ultrastructure, cross-section anatomy of leaves and morphology of stomata of cherry tomato by different light irradiations of LEDs. HortScience, 2011, 45 (2):1-5 .(Corresponding authors) SCI 4.Huimin Li, Canming Tang , Zhigang Xu* , Xiaoying Liu. Effects of Different Light Sources on the Growth of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L.). Journal of Agricultural Science , 2012,4 (4). (Corresponding authors) SCI 5. Liu, X.Y., Chang, T.T., Guo, S.R., Xu, Z.G∗ . and Li, J. 2011. Effect of Different Light Quality of LED on Growth and Photosynthetic Character in Cherry Tomato Seedling. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 907:325-330.(Corresponding authors) SCI 6.Liu XiaoYing, Guo ShiRong, Xu ZhiGang∗ , Jiao XueLei, et al. Rgulation of the growth and photosynthesis of cherry tomato seedlings by different light irradiations of LED, African Journal of Biotechnology Journal. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11(22): 6169-6177. (Corresponding authors) SCI 7.Huimin Li, Canming Tang, Zhigang Xu∗ . The effects of different light qualities on rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) plantlet growth and morphogenesis in vitro. Scientia Horticulturae, 2013, 150:117–124. (Corresponding authors) SCI 8.Xiao-Xue Fan; Zhi-Gang Xu* ; Xiao-Ying Liu; Can-Ming Tang; Li-WenWang; Xue-lin Han Effects of light intensity on the growth and leaf development of young tomato plants grown under a combination of red and blue light. Scientia Horticulturae, 2013,153 :50–55 (Corresponding authors) SCI 9.Xiao-Xue Fan, Jie Zang, Zhi-Gang Xu* , ShiRong Guo, XueLei Jiao, XiaoYing Liu, Ying Gao. Effects of Different Light Quality on Growth, Chlorophyll Concentration and Chlorophyll Biosynthesis Precursors of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L.) Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2013, 35:2721–2726 (Corresponding authors) SCI 10.XiaoXue Fan, Zang Jie, ZhiGang Xu* , Jiao Xuelei, Liu Xiaoying, Gao Ying. Effects of different light spectra on photosynthetic structures and photosynthate of non-heading Chinese cabbage. Research on Crops 2013,14( 2) :555-560 (Corresponding authors) SCI 11.Mengxi Liu, Zhigang Xu*, Shirong Guo, Canming Tang, Xiaoying Liu, Xuelei Jao. Evaluation of leaf morphology, structure and biochemical substanceof balloon flower (Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC.) plantlets in vitro under different light spectra. Scientia Horticulturae, 2014, 174 :112–118 (Corresponding authors) SCI 12.Effects of green and red lights on the growth and morphogenesisof potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets in vitro. Xiaofeng Ma, Yongping Wang, Mengxi Liu, Jianmin Xu, Zhigang Xu. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015,190, 104–109. (Corresponding authors) SCI 13.EFFECTS OF THE SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION OF RED, BLUE, AND FAR-RED LIGHT ON THE INDUCTION OF ANOECTOCHILUS ROXBURGHII (WALL.) LINDL. ADVENTITIOUS SHOOTS. Shiwen Zhou, Ruining Li, Wenwen Huan, Zhigang Xu*, Xiaoying Liu, and Xuelei Jiao. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 2016, 16(2): 39-46. (Corresponding authors) SCI 14.Morphological, Photosynthetic, and Physiological Responses of Rapeseed Leaf to Different Combinations of Red and Blue Light satthe Rosette Stage. Chang Shengxin, Li Chunxia, Yao Xuyang, Chen Song, Jiao Xuelei, Liu Xiaoying, Xu Zhigang* and Guan Rongzhan. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 1144. (Corresponding authors) SCI 15.Effect of irradiating the leaf abaxial surface with supplemental light-emitting diode lights on grape photosynthesis. C.-X. LI, S.-X. CHANG, M. KHALIL-UR-REHMAN, Z.-G.XU * and J.-M. TAO . Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 3,2017:1-8. (Corresponding authors) SCI 16.An RNA-Seq Analysis of Grape Plantlets Grown in vitro Reveals Different Responses to Blue,Green,Red LED Light, and White Fluorescent Light. Chun-Xia Li, Zhi-Gang Xu*, Rui-QiDong, Sheng-XinChang, Lian-ZhenWang, Muhammad Khalil-Ur-Rehman1 and Jian-MinTao1*, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1-16. (Corresponding authors) SCI 17.Yun Zhang, Xun Xie, Ze-Kun Yang, Jiong-Ju Hao, Zhi-Gang Xu* and Hong-Wei Yang*. Study on the Spectrum of Photonic Crystal Cavity and Its Application in Measuring the Concentration of NaCl Solution. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES,2017,72(4):345-349. (Corresponding authors) SCI 18.Liping Lu,Taoping Hu,Zhigang Xu* . Structural characterization of astaxanthin aggregates as revealed by analysis and simulation of optical spectra. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, 2017, 185:85-92. (Corresponding authors) SCI 19. Yun Zhang, Lei Xie, Jiong-Ju Hao, Yu-Jie Liu, Bao-Liang Ma, Zhi-Gang Xu, Hong-Wei Yang. A new method study of spectral measurement and prediction based on the nonlinear solution concentration of alcohol. PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 2017, 516:32-35 20. Hui-min LI*, Can-ming Tang*, Zhi-gang XU. Effects of different light quality on growth, photosynthetic characteristic and chloroplast ultrastructure of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seedlings. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2017. 29(x): 1-6 SCI 21. Sheng-xin CHANG, Chu PU , Rong-zhan GUAN, Min PU, Zhi-gang XU*. Transcriptional and translational responses of rapeseed leaves to red and blue lights at the rosette stage. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology) , 2018 19(8):581-595 (Corresponding authors) SCI 22. X.Y. LIU , X.L. JIAO , T.T. CHANG , S.R. GUO, and Z.G. XU+ . Photosynthesis and leaf development of cherry tomato seedlings under different LED-based blue and red photon flux ratios. PHOTOSYNTHETICA , 2018,56 (4): 1212-1217 (Corresponding authors) SCI 23. Ruining Li , Wenwen Huang, Xiaoxiao Wang, Xiaoying Liu, and Zhigang Xu*. Effects of Yellow, Green, and Different Blue Spectra on Growth of Potato Plantlets In Vitro. HORTSCIENCE, 2018,53(4):541–546. (Corresponding authors) SCI 24. Tao Wen, Liangqin Chen, Weixuan Su, Ruining Li, Xuelei Jiao, Xiaoying Liu, Zhigang Xu*, and Zengxu Xiang. FLOWERING AND FLORAL DEVELOPMENT OF DENDROBIUM OFFICINALE KIMURA ET MIGO PLANTLETS IN VITRO UNDER DIFFERENT LIGHT SPECTRA. Propagation of Ornamental Plants. 2018, 18(18): 26-36. (Corresponding authors) SCI 25. Jianmin Xu, Zhiming Yan, Zhigang Xu*, Yuanhua Wang, Zhenqiang Xie. Transcriptome analysis and physiological responses of the potato plantlets in vitro under red, blue, and white light conditions. 3 Biotech, 2018, 8:394 (Corresponding authors) SCI 26. XIAOXUE FAN, BO SONG, LONGZHENG CHEN, HAI XU, ZHIGANG XU1* AND XIAOMING XU. EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT LIGHT SOURCES ON THE QUALITY AND SAFETY OF NON-HEADING CHINESE CABBAGE. Bangladesh J. Bot. 47(3): 671-676, 2018 (September). (Corresponding authors) SCI 27. Wei He, Zhi-Wu Huang, Jiang-Peng Li, Wei-Xuan Su, Lijun Gan* & Zhi-Gang Xu*. Effect of different light intensities on the photosynthate distribution in cherry tomato seedlings. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1080/14620316.2019.1575775 , (Corresponding authors) SCI 28. Zhan Wang.Yin-kun Li.Wen-zhong Guo.Zhi-gang Xu*.Li-chun Wang. Li Ma. Yield, nitrogen use efficiency and economic benefits of biochar additions to Chinese Flowering Cabbage in Northwest China. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst (2019) 113:337–348. (Corresponding authors) SCI 29. Wei He, Jin Li , Min Pu , Zhi-Gang Xu* and Lijun Gan. Response of photosynthate distribution in potato plants to different LED spectra. Functional Plant Biology, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1071/FP20131. (Corresponding authors) SCI 30. Ruining Li, Jie You, Chen Miao, Le Kong, Jiahuan Long, Yongzhe Yan, Zhigang Xu*, Xiaoying Liu*. Monochromatic lights regulate the formation, growth, and dormancy of in vitro-grown Solanum tuberosum L. microtubers. Scientia Horticulturae, 261 (2020) ,108947. (Corresponding authors) SCI 31. Xiaoying Liu, Zheng Chen, Mohammad Shah Jahan, Yixuan Wen, Xuyang Yao, Haifeng Ding , Shirong Guo andZhigang Xu*. RNA-Seq analysis reveals the growth and photosynthetic responses of rapeseed (Brassicanapus L.) under red and blue LEDs with supplemental yellow, green, or white light. Horticulture Research (2020) 7:206. (Corresponding authors) SCI 32. Wei He , Chen Miao, Jie You, Lijun Gan, Zhi-Gang Xu*. Effects of Red and Blue Light with Supplemental White Light on Growth, Carbohydrate Metabolism, and Yield of Virus-Free Potato in Plant Factories. American Journal of Potato Research, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-020-09803-2. (Corresponding authors) SCI 33. Wei He, Min Pu, Jin Li, Zhi‑Gang Xu*, Lijun Gan. Potato Tuber Growth and Yield Under Red and Blue LEDs in Plant Factories. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-020-10277-z. (Corresponding authors) SCI 34. Ruining Li, Jiahuan Long, Yongzhe Yan, Jiaming Luo, Zhigang Xu*, and Xiaoying Liu. Addition of White Light to Monochromatic Red and Blue Lights Alters the Formation, Growth, and Dormancy of In Vitro-grown Solanum tuberosum L. Microtubers. HORT SCIENCE, 2020, https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI14548-19. (Corresponding authors) SCI
