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曹德良,男,湖南省高层次人才“百人计划学者”、“芙蓉学者”,原美国南伊利诺伊州大学医学院Simmons肿瘤研究所教授(获终身席位,Tenured)。自2005年起,于美国南伊利诺伊州大学医学院Simmons肿瘤研究所,独立领导一个肿瘤分子生物学实验室,率先克隆、鉴定AKR1B10基因,并对其生物学功能,表达调控,及其在肿瘤分子诊断、细胞生长、增殖与抗药性中的作用进行了深入系统的研究,在国际上处于领先地位。近年来。擅长肿瘤细胞分子生物学、肿瘤血清标记物与肿瘤实验治疗。主持美国NIH/NCI, ACS, DOD/BCRP, Avon 基金等美国国家级科研基金7项共300余万美元。发表SCI收录科研学术论文90余篇;获得美国发明专利 3 项。 2018年,带领团队成功开发、定型,世界独家,血清AKR1B10原发性肝癌诊断试剂盒《醛酮还原酶1B10测定试剂盒(时间分辨荧光免疫分析法)》。其研究成果发表于国际肝病学领域经典、权威的《Hepatology》专业杂志。2020年,开发、定型,第二代血清AKR1B10诊断试剂盒《醛酮还原酶1B10测定试剂盒(化学发光法)》产品。目前,致力于第三代原发性肝癌早期筛查套餐产品的开发,即:AKR1B10 + AFP + AFP-L3 + DCP。该产品预计将使原发性肝癌早诊率无限接近100%,大大改善原发性肝癌的早诊早治现状。该产品的研发与产业化,先后获得湖南省、长沙市政府的资助:湖南省长株潭国家自主创新示范区专项资助500万(2018年,湖南省科技厅),曹德良博士优秀人才创办的企业建设实验室补贴100万(2017年,湖南省科技厅)及境外高层次人才创业资金专项20万(2013年,长沙市科技局)。 2021年伊始,以“高层次人才”引进,于南华大学医学院组建肿瘤分子生物学、肿瘤免疫学与肿瘤标记物研究团队。 受教育经历: 1997 年-2000 年 美国耶鲁大学博士后研究(导师:Giuseppe Pizzorno 教授) 1992 年-1996 年 香港大学获博士学位(导师:Stephen Chung 【钟森文】教授) 1986 年-1989 年 中国哈尔滨医科大学获硕士学位(导师:李璞教授、张贵寅教授) 1979 年-1984 年 中国南华大学医学院(原衡阳医学院)获学士学位 研究/工作经历: 2021年8月-至今 南华大学医学院教授、高层次人才,肿瘤分子生物学、肿瘤免疫学与肿瘤标记物研究团队带头人 2008年7月-2021年7月 美国南伊利诺伊州大学医学院 Simmons 肿瘤研究所教授(Tenured,终身席位) 2020年7月-至今 湖南省“芙蓉学者”(受聘湖南中医药大学) 2013年5月-2016年5月 湖南省“百人计划”学者(受聘湖南中医药大学) 2005年3月-2008年6月 美国南伊利诺伊州大学医学院 Simmons 肿瘤研究所助理教授 2000年4月-2005年2月 美国耶鲁大学临床肿瘤系副研究员 1989年6月-1992年8月 中国汕头大学医学院助教 1984年6月-1986年8月 中国益阳地区血吸虫防治院住院医生 教学经历 2005年2月-至今 硕士、博士、博士后导师 2005年2月-2021年7月 医学生HII(血液学、免疫学与传染病)单元导师 2009年7月-2021年7月 《高等细胞生物学》学科负责人(研究生课程) 科研成果 (A)荣誉及奖励 2003 年, American Association for Cancer Research Scholar-in-Training Award 2002 年, Bristol-Myers Squibb Science Program, Instructor 2002 年, American Association for Cancer Research Scholar-in-Training Award 2002 年, Swebilius-Yale Translational Research Award 2000 年, U.S. Department of Defense, Postdoctoral Traineeship Award 1998 年, James Hudson Brown-Alexander Brown Coxe Postdoctoral Award (C)主持科研项目/课题 国内部分 1、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81772842,LncRNA329作为新型乳腺抑癌基因的分子机制的研究,2018/01–2021/12,直接费用:60.00万元,主持。 2、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81472465,AKR1B10促乳腺癌细胞转移的分子机制的研究,2015/01–2018/12,75.00万元,主持。 3、 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81272918,AKR1B10对乳腺癌细胞糖酵解-脂质合成代谢通路的调控作用及机制的研究,2013/01–2016/12,65.00万元,主持。 4、 湖南省长株潭国家自主创新示范区专项资助500万(2018年,湖南省科技厅) 5、 曹德良博士优秀人才创办的企业建设实验室补贴100万(2017年,湖南省科技厅) 6、 境外高层次人才创业资金专项20万(2013年,长沙市科技局) 国外部分 一) 重要项目 1) Avon Foundation 07/01/2014-06/30/2017 ¥200万 AKR1B10 as a new serum marker for breast cancer This project is to develop simple, quick and cost-effective homogeneous assays to evaluate whether AKR1B10 can be used as a breast cancer marker by testing the serum samples from patients with a primary diagnosis of breast cancer. Role: CO-PI 2) IDPH/ND-2012-02155 01/01/2012-06/30/2013 ¥150万 Novel p53-MDM2 inhibitors for breast cancer treatment This funding is to support an exploratory approach of developing new p53-MDM2 inhibitors as treatment agents of human breast cancer Role: PI 3) NIH/NCI, N43CO-2011-00124 09/30/2011-06/29/2012 ¥200万 RFP No. N43CO17033-12, SBIR Phase I Topic 304 entitled: Development of blood-based methods for the detection of cancer recurrence in post-therapy breast cancer patients. This funding is to support a Phase I clinical trial to evaluate AKR1B10 as a novel serum marker for monitoring and diagnosis of recurrent breast cancer after therapy. Role: CO-PI 4) NIH/NCI, CA122622 07/01/2008-06/30/2012 ¥250万 Role of aldose reductase-like-1 in colon tumorigenesis This project is aimed to investigate the expression of aldose reductase-like-1 (i.e., aldo-keto reductase family 1 B10, AKR1B10) in inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer tissues, and its substrate specificity to dietary carbonyl carcinogens and the potential role in colon tumorigenesis. Role: PI 5) DOD/ BCRP, BC083555 06/01/2009-05/31/2012 ¥450万 Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 B10 as a Novel Target for Breast Cancer Treatment This project is aimed to validate aldo-keto reductase family 1 B10 (AKR1B10), i.e., aldose reductase-like-1 (ARL-1), as a novel biomarker and therapeutic target for breast cancer to reduce woman’s suffering and death from this disease. More details of this project follow. Role: PI 6) NIH/NCI, CA122327 09/01/2007-08/31/2010 ¥250万 Aldose reductase-like-1, a novel hepatocellular carcinoma drug resistance protein This project is aimed to investigate the enzymatic activity of aldose reductase-like-1 (i.e., aldo-keto reductase family 1 B10, AKR1B10) to anthracyclines and its effect on therapeutics of primary liver cancer with these agents. Role: PI 7) ACS/RSG-04-031-01-CCE 01/01/2004-12/31/2009 ¥500万 Mechanisms affecting fluoropyrimidine activity and tumor selectivity This project is aimed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that affect fluoropyrimidine activity and tumor selectivity, with focus on uridine phosphorylase, including its pharmacological role, transcriptional regulation, and induction in human breast and colon tumors and impacts on fluoropyrimidine anticancer therapy. Role: PI (二) 其它一般项目 TSG/SCI at SIU 10/01/2020-9/30/2021 ¥35万 “AKR1B10 as a stratification marker of ulcerative colitis” This project is to assess the potential of AKR1B10 as a new fecal biomarker to stratify subgroups of ulcerative colitis. Role: PI TSG/SCI at SIU 12/01/2015-11/30/2017 ¥60万 “AKR1B10 as a neoadjuvant treatment marker of breast cancer” This project is to assess the potential of AKR1B10 as a new serum biomarker to evaluate the neoadjuvant treatment response. Role: PI SIUSOM/Concept Development Award 02/01/2017-01/31/2018 ¥10万 “An ELISA kit for fecal AKR1B10 protein” This Award is to help market our invention AKR1B10 as a marker of bowel disease. Role: PI SIUSOM/Concept Development Award 02/01/2010-01/31/2011 ¥10万 “A Specific ARL-1 Antibody” This Award is to help market our invention, a specific ARL-1 antibody. Role: PI SIUSOM/EAM Near-Miss 02/01/2009-01/31/2010 ¥30万 “Role of uridine phosphorylase in pyrimidine metabolism” This is aimed to provide support for key research experiments to address the reviewers’ critiques of a NIH application. Role: PI SIUSOM/CRC Near-Miss 08/01/2006-07/31/2007 ¥30万 “Aldose reductase-like-1, a novel hepatocellular carcinoma drug resistance protein” This is aimed to provide support for key research experiments to address the reviewers’ critiques of a NIH application. Role: PI SIUSOM/EAM Near-Miss 04/01/2006-05/31/2007 ¥30万 “Role of aldose reductase-like-1 in colon tumorigenesis” This is aimed to provide support for key research experiments to address the reviewers’ critiques of a NIH application. Role: PI SIU/SCI 07/01/2005-06/30/2006 ¥50万 “Role of Aldose Reductase-Like-1 in Tumor Drug Resistance to Anthracyclines” This project is aimed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of an aldose reductase-like-1 involved, novel antitumor drug resistance, in order to improve the tumor therapeutic efficacy. Role: PI DOD/ BCRP, BC990760 07/01/2000-06/30/2003 ¥100万 “P53 regulation of uridine phosphorylase activity, pyrimidine salvage pathway and effects on breast cancer therapy” The main goal of this project is to investigate the interaction between p53 and uridine phosphorylase and the effect of this regulation on the activity of the pyrimidine salvage pathway in response to alterations of the nucleotide pools. Role: PI SF/YCCC at Yale 04/01/2002 - 03/31/2003 ¥50万 “Effects of genetic alterations on therapy and prognosis of breast cancers” The major goal of this project is to investigate the molecular genetic alterations of human breast cancers and their effect on the therapy and prognosis. Role: PI (D)已授权专利(美国) 1) ARL-1 SPECIFIC ANTIBODY (Patent #: US8114606,02/14/2012)【ARL-1特异性抗体;专利号:US8114606;授权日期:02/14/2012】,为发明人。 2) METHODS FOR DIAGNOSING BOWEL DISEASE (Patent #: US8551720,10/08/2013) 【肠道疾病诊断方法;专利号:US8551720;授权日期:10/08/2013】,为发明人。 3) ARL-1 SPECIFIC ANTIBODIES AND USES THEREOF (Patent #: US8685666,04/01/2014) 【ARL-1特异性抗体及其应用;专利号:US8685666;授权日期:04/01/2014】,为发明人。 (注:ARL-1即AKR1B10)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Guest-Editor for a Hot Topic Issue Anti-Lipogenesis as a Novel Strategy for Cancer Therapy, Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery (Anticancer Drug Discov). 7(2), 2012 Peer-Reviewed Papers(科研论文)(* 为通讯作者) 1. Cao, D., Zhang, Q., Tu, Y., Lu, F., Zeng, Y., Li, Y., Liu, Y. and Li, P. Prenatal diagnosis of one fetus with high Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) risks. J. Practical Eugenics, 4:5-8, 1989 2. Cao, D.,Tu, Y., Zhang, Q. Zeng, Y. and Tong, C. Methodological studies of DNA extraction from micro-CVS. J. Harbin Med. University, 2:136-137, 1989 3. Cao, D. and Zhang, Q. Advances in the studies of DMD prenatal diagnosis. Foreign Med. - Genetics, 6:291-294, 1989 4. Cao, D., Zhang, Q., Tu, Y., Lu, F., Zeng, Y., Li, Y., Liu, Y. and Li, P. Prenatal diagnosis of two fetuses with high DMD risk. Heredity & Disease, 3:140-142, 1990 5. Lu, F., Zhang, Q., Tu, Y. Cao, D.,Meng, X., and Duang, Y. Carrier detection and gene analysis in a DMD family. Chinese J. Neurol. Psychiatry, 4:231-233, 1990 6. Cao, D. Effect of probability theory on medical genetics. Medicine and Philosophy, 1:35-37, 1991 7. Cao, D. and Zhang, Q. Advances in the research of earlier diagnosis and molecular biology on Huntington Disease (review). Foreign Med. - Genetics, 4:185-189, 1991 8. Lau, E. T., Cao, D.,Lin, C., Chung, S. K., and Chung, S. M. Tissue-specific expression of two aldose reductase-like genes in mice: abundant expression of mouse vas deferens protein and fibroblast growth factor-regulated protein (FR-1) in the adrenal gland. Biochem. J., 312:609-615, 1995 (Cited: 60) 9. Cao, D., Fan, F. T. and Chung, S. M. Identification and characterization of a novel human aldose reductase-like gene. J. Biol. Chem., 273(19): 11429-11435, 1998 (Cited: 255) 10. Liu, M., Cao, D., Russell, R.L., Handschumacher, R. E., and Pizzorno, G. Expression, characterization and detection of human uridine phosphorylase and identification of variant uridine phosphorolytic activity in selected human tumors. Cancer Res. 58: 5418-5424, 1998 (Cited: 59) 11. Cao, D., Nimmakayalu, M. A., Wang, F., Handschumacher, R. E., Bray-Ward, P., and Pizzorno, G. Genomic structure, promoter region analysis, and chromosomal mapping of mouse uridine phosphorylase gene. Cancer Res. 59(19): 4997-5001, 1999 (Cited: 17) 12. Zheng, C., Wan, L., Wu, M., Cao, D., Yang, Y. The construction of PQE-ARL-1 recombinant expression plasmid and the preparation and purification of ARL-1 protein. Chin. J. Hepatol. 8(6): 365-367, 2000 13. Zheng, C. and Cao, D. Role in liver cancers of aldose reductase and aldose reductase-like gene expression. Foreign Med.- Cancer 27:221-223, 2000 14. Lee, K. W., Ko, B. C., Jiang, Z., Cao, D., and Chung, S. S. Overexpression of aldose reductase in liver cancers may contribute to drug resistance. Anticancer Drugs. 12(2): 129-132, 2001 (Cited: 38) 15. Wan, L., Chung, S. K., Yang, Y., Chung, S. S., Cao, D., Ma, M., Wu, M., Wan, Z., and Chen, X. Transgenic mice with overexpression of human scavenger receptor A on endothelial cells. Chin. Med. J. (Engl) 114: 1078-1083, 2001 16. Russell, R.L., Cao, D., Zhang, D., Handschumacher, R E., and Pizzorno, G. Uridine phosphorylase association with vimentin. Intracellular distribution and localization. J. Biol. Chem. 276(16): 13302-13307, 2001 (Cited: 17) 17. Zhang, D., Cao, D., Russell, R., and Pizzorno, G. P53-dependent suppression of uridine phosphorylase gene expression through direct promoter interaction. Cancer Res. 61:6899-6905, 2001 (Cited: 18) 18. Cao, D., Russell, R., Zhang, D., Leffert, J. J., and Pizzorno, G. Uridine phosphorylase (-/-) murine ES cells clarify the key role of this enzyme in the regulation of the pyrimidine salvage pathway and in the activation of fluoropyrimidines. Cancer Res. 62: 2313-2317, 2002 (Cited: 60) 19. Zheng, C., Wan, L., Cao, D., Wu, M., Yang, Y., Jin, J., and Zhou, S. The model's establishment of the single cell (HepG2) clones over expressed ARL-1 gene. Chin. J. Hepatol. 10(6): 465-466. 2002 20. Pizzorno, G., Cao, D., Leffert, J. J., Russell, R. L., Zhang, D., and Handschumacher, R. E. Homeostatic control of uridine and the role of uridine phosphorylase: a biological and clinical update. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1587(2-3): 133-144, 2002 (Cited: 78) 21. Yang, X. D., Tang, D. N., Wang, J., Cao, D. L. Screening of the drug resistance-associated gene in HepG2 cell line transfected with aldose reductase like gene-1 (ARL-1) Chin. J. Cancer. 22(12):1289-95, 2003 22. *Cao, D., and Pizzorno, G. Uridine phosphorylase: An important enzyme in pyrimidine metabolism and fluoropyrimidine activation. Drugs of Today. 40(5): 431-443, 2004 (Cited: 44) 23. Cao, D., Leffert, J. J. McCabe, J., Kim, B., and Pizzorno, G. Abnormalities in uridine homeostatic regulation and pyrimidine nucleotide metabolism as a consequence of the deletion of the uridine phosphorylase gene. J. Biol. Chem. 280: 21169-21175, 2005 (Cited: 38) 24. Wan, L., Cao, D., Zeng, J., Yan, R., Pizzorno, G. Modulation of uridine phosphorylase gene expression by tumor necrosis factor-{alpha} enhances the antiproliferative activity of the capecitabine intermediate 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine in breast cancer cells. Mol. Pharmacol. 69: 1389-1395, 2006 25. Jin, J., Krishack, P., and *Cao, D. Role of aldo-keto reductases in development of prostate and breast cancer. Front. Biosci. 11: 2767-2773, 2006 26. Yan, R., Wan, L., Pizzorno, G., and *Cao, D. Uridine phosphorylase in breast cancer: a new prognostic factor? Front. Biosci. 11: 2759-2766, 2006 27. Zu, X., Yan, R., Robbins, S., Krishack, P., Liao, D., and *Cao, D. Reduced 293T cell susceptibility to acrolein due to aldose reductase-like-1 protein expression. Toxicol. Sci. 97:562-568, 2007(Impact Factor:3.88) (Cited: 38) 28. Yan, R., Zu, X., Ma, J. Liu, Z., Adeyanju, M., Liao, D. and *Cao, D. Aldo-keto reductase family 1B10 gene silencing results in growth inhibition of colorectal cancer cell: Implication for cancer intervention. Int. J. Cancer. 121: 2301-2306, 2007 (Cited: 109) 29. Chang, C., Westbrook, R., Ma, J., and *Cao, D. Transforming growth factor-beta signaling in breast cancer. Front. Biosci. 12: 4393-4401, 2007 30. Ma, J., Yan, R., Zu, X., Cheng, J.M., Rao K., Liao, D.F., and *Cao, D. Aldo-keto reductase family 1 B10 affects fatty acid synthesis by regulating the stability of acetyl-CoA carboxylase-alpha in breast cancer cells. J. Biol. Chem. 283(6):3418-3423, 2008 (Cited: 101) 31. Zu, X., Yan, R., Ma, J., Liao, D. F. and,*Cao, D.AKR1B10: A potential target for cancer therapy. Biosci Hypotheses. 2: 31-33, 2009 32. Liu, Z., Zhong, L., Krishack, P.A., Robbins, S., Cao, J.X., Zhao, Y., Chung, S.S., and *Cao, D. Structure and promoter characterization of aldo-keto reductase family 1 B10 gene. Gene. 437(1-2):39-44, 2009 (Cited: 23) 33. Wang, C., Xu, C., Sun, M., Liao, D.L., and *Cao, D. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase-α inhibitor TOFA induces human cancer cell apoptosis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 385(3):302-306, 2009(Cited: 53) 34. Zhong, L., Liu, Z., Yan, R., Johnson, S., Fang, X., and *Cao, D. Aldo-Keto reductase family 1 B10 protein detoxifies alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyls at physiological levels. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 387(2):245-250, 2009 (Cited: 51) 35. Liu, J., Wen, G., and *Cao, D. Aldo-keto reductase family 1 B1 inhibitors: Old drugs with new perspectives. Recent Pat. Anticancer Drug Discov. 4:246-253, 2009 36. Wang, C., Yan, R., Luo, D., Watabe, K., Liao, D.L., and *Cao, D. Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B10 promotes cell survival by regulating lipid synthesis and eliminating carbonyls. J. Biol. Chem. 284(39):26742-8, 2009 (Cited: 85) 37. Joshi, A. and *Cao, D.TGF-β signaling, tumor microenvironment, and tumor progression: the Butterfly effect. Front. Biosci. 1;15:180-194, 2010 (Cited: ) 38. Wang, C., Rajput, S., Watabe, K., Liao, D.L., and *Cao, D. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase-α as a novel target for cancer therapy. Front. Biosci. 1;2:515-526, 2010 (Cited: 5) 39. Shen, Y., Zhong, L., Markwell, S., and *Cao, D. Thiol-disulfide exchanges modulate aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B10 activity and sensitivity to inhibitors. Biochimie. 92(5):530-7, 2010 (Cited: 21) 40. Wan, L., Cao, D., Zeng, J., Ziemba, A., and Pizzorno. Activation of Stat1, IRF-1, and NF-kappaB is required for the induction of uridine phosphorylase by tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interferon-gamma. Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids. 29(4-6):488-503, 2010 41. Luo, D.X., Cao, D, Xiong, Y., Peng, X.H., and Liao, D.F. A novel model of cholesterol efflux from lipid-loaded cells. ActaPharmacol. Sin. 31(10):1243-57, 2010. PMID: 20835267 42. Joshi, A., Rajput, S., Wang, C., and *Cao, D. Murine aldo-keto reductase family 1 subfamily B: Identification of AKR1B8 as an ortholog of human AKR1B10. Biol. Chem. 391(12):1371-8, 2010. PMID: 21087085(Impact Factor:2.71) (Cited: 13) 43. Cao, D., Ziemba, A. J., McCabe, J., Yan, R., Wan, L., Kim, B., Gach, H. M., Flynn, S., Pizzorno, G. Differential expression of uridine phosphorylase in tumors contributes to an improved fluoropyrimidines therapeutic activity. Mol. Cancer Ther. 10(12):2330-9, 2011(Impact Factor:5.579) (Cited: 12) 44. Liu, W., Furuta, E., Shindo, K., Watabe, M., Xing, F., Pandey, P.R., Okuda, H., Pai, S.K., Murphy, L.L., Cao, D., Mo, Y.Y., Kobayashi, A., Iiizumi, M., Fukuda, K., Xia, B., and Watabe, K. Cacalol, a natural sesquiterpene, induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells by modulating Akt-SREBP-FAS signaling pathway. Breast Cancer Res. Treat. 128(1):57-68, 2011. PMID: 20665104(Impact Factor: 4.085) 45. Pandey, P.R., Okuda, H., Watabe, M., Pai, S.K., Liu, W., Kobayashi, A., Xing, F., Fukuda, K., Hirota, S., Sugai, T., Wakabayashi, G., Koeda, K., Kashiwaba, M., Suzuki, K., Chiba, T., Endo, M., Fujioka., T, Tanji, S., Mo, Y.Y., Cao, D., Wilber, A.C., and Watabe, K. Resveratrol suppresses growth of cancer stem-like cells by inhibiting fatty acid synthase. Breast Cancer Res. Treat. 130(2):387-98, 2011. PMID: 21188630(Impact Factor:4.085) 46. Zu, X., Ma, j., Liu, X., Liu, F., Tan, C., Yu, L., Wang, J., Xie, Z., Cao, D., and Jiang, Y. Pro-oncogene Pokemon promotes breast cancer progression by upregulating survivin expression. Breast Cancer Res. 10;13(2):R26, 2011. PMID: 21392388(Impact Factor:5.211) (Cited: 47) 47. Shen, Y., Zhong, L., Johnson, S., and *Cao, D. Human aldo-keto reductases 1B1 and 1B10: A comparative study on their enzyme activity toward electrophilic carbonyl compounds. Chem. Biol. Interact. 191: 192-198, 2011. PMID: 21329684(Impact Factor:2.618) (Cited: 42) 48. Ma, J. and *Cao, D. Human aldo-keto reductases: structure, substrate specificity and roles in tumorigenesis. BioMol. Concepts. 2 (1-2): 115–126, 2011 DOI: 10.1515/BMC.2011.010 49. Luo, D.X., Huang, M., Ma, J., Gao, Z., Liao, D.F., and *Cao, D.Aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B10 protein is secreted through a lysosome-mediated nonclassical pathway. Biochem. J. 438(1): 71-80, 2011(Impact Factor:3.562) (Cited: 23) 50. Zhong, L., Shen, H., Huang, C., Jing, H., and *Cao, D. AKR1B10 induces cell resistance to daunorubicin and idarubicin by reducing C13 ketonic group. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 255(1):40-47, 2011(Impact Factor:3.847) (Cited: 39) 51. Luo, D.X., Peng, X., Xiong, Y., Liao, D.F., Cao, D., and Li, L. Dual role of insulin-like growth factor-1 in acetyl-CoA carboxylase-alpha activity in human colon cancer cells HCT-8: Down-regulating its expression and phosphorylation. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 357(1-2):255-262, 2011(Impact Factor:2.393) 52. 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Shen, Y. and *Cao, D.Hepatocellular carcinoma stem cells: Origins and roles in hepatocarcinogenesis and disease progression. Front. Biosci. 4:1157-69,2012(Impact Factor:2.487) 56. Bu, Y. and *Cao, D. The origin of cancer stem cells. Front. Biosci. 4:819-30, 2012(Impact Factor:2.487) 57. Luo, D. X., Tong, D. J., Rajput, S., Wang, C., Liao, D. F., Cao, D., and Maser, E. Targeting acetyl-CoA carboxylases: small molecular inhibitors and their therapeutic potential. Recent Pat. Anticancer Drug Discov. 7(2):168-184, 2012(Impact Factor:3.533) 58. Liu, J. and *Cao, D. (Editorial) Anti-lipogenesis as a novel strategy for cancer therapy.Recent Pat Anticancer Drug Discov. 7(2):149-153, 2012(Impact Factor:3.533) (Cited:) 59. Ma, J., Luo, D.X., Huang, C., Shen, Y., Bu, Y., Markwell, S., Gao, J., Liu, J., Zu, X., Cao, Z., Gao, Z., Lu, F., Liao, D.F., *Cao, D. 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学术任职 Member, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Member, American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) 学术期刊编委 2010- World Journal of Clinical Oncology 2014- Current Traditional Medicine 2021- Life-Basel (IF: 3.817) 学术期刊评审 Cancer Letters, Cancer Research, Molecular Cancer, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Regulatory Peptides, Frontier in Bioscience, Biochimica et BiophysicaActa (BBA)-Gene Structure and Expression, Molecular Biology Reports, Toxicological Science, International Journal of Cancer, Lung, FEBS Journal, Cancer Biology & Therapy, BMC Biology, Journal of Natural Products, Europe Protein & Peptide Letters, Gene, Biochemical Pharmacology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, International Journal of Biomedical Science, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, and many other journals. 科研标书评审 2006-2010 Research Advisory Committee,American Cancer Society Illinois 2009 Peer Review Panel,Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) FY09,IBD and Crohn's disease,the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) 2009 Ad Hoc Review Committee:NIH Recovery Act Grants/Challenge Grants,Chemo-Dietary Prevention study section (美国国立卫生研究院) 2009 Reviewer,American Institute of Biological Sciences 2009-2015 意大利卫生技术研究总局基金评审委员会评委 2010-2015 美国Lytmos集团James & Esther King生物医药研究所及Bankhead-Coley癌症研究中心基金评审委员会委员 2010-今 香港研究资助局(Research Grant Council, RGC)外籍评委 2010-2015 Peer Review Panel,Breast Cancer Research Program for the Department of Defense (DOD) Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)(美国国防部乳腺癌基金评审委员会委员) 2012-今 香港食物及卫生局基金评审委员会外籍评委
