My main field of interest is in childrens foot problems( podopaediatrics) and particularly in the field of paediatric rheumatology. But I am also intersted in biomechanics and podiatric research.
Ferrari J. Patient perceptions of foot disability in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: a comparison of the juvenile arthritis foot disability index and the Oxford ankle foot questionnaire for children. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2015; 8:50
Ferrari J and Pilkington C. Chronic recurrent mulitifocal osteomyelitis: The prevalence of lower limb and foot involvement. JAPMA 2014;104:6; 583-587.
Ferrari J.Hallux valgus (Bunions). Clinical Evidence. BMJ Publishing 2006
Crawford F and Ferrari J.Onychomycosis.Clinical Evicence. BMJ Publishing – July 2006
Ferrari-J, Higgins-JPT, Prior-TD.Interventions for treating hallux valgus (abductovalgus) and bunions.
The Cochrane Library, (Oxford), 2005, no. 4, Source notes: Update Software, online or CD-ROM, updated quarterly.
Ferrari J, Parslow C, Lim E, Hayward A. Joint Hypermobility: The use of a new assessment tool to measure lower limb hypermobility.Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2005;23:413-420.
Ferrari J and Watkinson D. Foot pressure measurement differences between boys and girls with reference to hallux valgus deformity and hypermobility. Foot & Ankle Int 2005; Sept 26(9):739-747.
Ferrari J, Hopkinson DA, Linney AD.Size and shape differences between male and female foot bones: Is the female foot predisposed to hallux abductovalgus deformity? Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 2004; Sept/Oct 95(5):434-452.