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• Plant tissue culture and microbial plant disease • Microbial and animal cell culture • Community ecology, especially aquatic ecology of phytoplankton • Improving methods for Learning and Teaching to large groups of mixed ability students. • Have carried out projects on carbon acquisition in phytoplankton, macroalgae and sea grasses, and the evolution of dimethyl sulphide by marine algae.


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Chromosome doubling in a Rosa rugosa Thunb. hybrid by exposure of in vitro nodes to oryzalin: the effects of node length, oryzalin concentration and exposure timeAllum JF, Bringloe DH, Roberts AV . 2007. Plant Cell Reports 26. 1977-84. Interactions of four pathotypes of Diplocarpon rosae with species and hybrids of RosaAllum JF, Bringloe DH, Roberts AV . 2010. Plant Pathology 59. 516-522.
