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【教育背景】 2015年10月-2018年12月,日本北海道大学,国际媒体与传播系,传播学博士 2014年10月-2015年9月,日本北海道大学,国际传媒与观光学院,特别研究生 2013年10月-2014年8月,中国赴日本国留学生预备学校,日语培训 2010年9月-2013年6月,东北师范大学,旅游管理系,管理学硕士 2006年9月-2010年6月,东北师范大学,旅游管理系,管理学学士 【工作经历】 2019年5月——,南开大学旅游与服务学院,师资博士后 2018年12月– 2019年3月,日本北海道大学,媒体与传播研究院,特别研究员 2018年10月– 12月,日本北海道大学,媒体与传播研究院,研究助理 2016年4月– 9月,日本北海道大学,外国语教育中心,教学助理 (英语) 【主要科研项目】 [1]基于扩展精致化预测模型的东亚各国游客的信息消费行为研究,北海道大学基础研究,2018-04至2023-03,参加。 【学会报告】 2020.01, ENTER2020: eTourism Conference, University of Surrey, UK. (Accepted) 2019.10, International Conference on Tourism and Retail Service Management 2019, Tianjin, China. 2019.06, The 15th Conference of Society for Tourism Informatics, Lizuka, Japan. 2019.01, ENTER2019: eTourism Conference Nicosia – PhD workshop, Nicosia, Cyprus. 2018.01, ENTER2018: eTourism Conference Jönköping, Jönköping, Sweden. 2017.07, The 14th Conference of Japan Information-Culturology Society (Hokkaido), Sapporo, Japan. 2017.03, Hokkaido University Communication Day 2017, Changchun, China. 2017.01, ENTER2017: eTourism Conference Rome, Rome, Italy. 2016.10, The 22nd Conference of Japan Society for Corporate Communication Studies, Sapporo, Japan. 2016.05, The 4th Annual International Conference on Marketing (ICOM), Bangkok, Thailand. 2016.05, The 13th Conference of Japan Information-Culturology Society (Hokkaido), Sapporo, Japan. 【获奖情况】 2018年6月,日本第15回観光情報学会全国大会“大会奨励賞” 2017年3月,学术优秀奖,北海道大学国际传媒与观光学院 2016年5月,“Session’s Best Presentation Award” and “Best Student Award”, The 4th Annual International Conference on Marketing. Bangkok, Thailand. 2014年10月,日本政府(文部科学省)博士生奖学金


消费者心理及行为(旅游信息处理、心理及行为) 旅游社交媒体 旅游教育


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The impact of restorative destination environments on tourists' well-being and environmentally responsible behavior: A Reasonable Person Model Tourism Management Perspectives 2022-10 | Journal article DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2022.101028 Part of ISSN: 2211-9736 CONTRIBUTORS: Hanqin Qiu; Guoquan Wang; Lianping Ren; Junjiao (Judy) Zhang; Jinwei Wang How trust in a destination's risk regulation navigates outbound travel constraints on revisit intention post-COVID-19: Segmenting insights from experienced Chinese tourists to Japan Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 2022-09 | Journal article DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2022.100711 CONTRIBUTORS: Tao Sun; Junjiao Zhang; Beile Zhang; Yixuan Ong; Naoya Ito Interpreting disaster: How interpretation types predict tourist satisfaction and loyalty to dark tourism sites Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 2021-12 | Journal article DOI: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2021.100656 CONTRIBUTORS: Jinwei Wang; Guoquan Wang; Junjiao Zhang; Xin Wang 一流本科专业建设“双万计划”背景下我国旅游教育国际认证的新思路 张俊娇 姚延波 《旅游学刊》 \ 2020年05期 Zhang J. (2019). Perceived Self-efficacy in Consumer Engagement with Online Travel Reviews: A Dual-route Persuasive Process. In Lalicic, Leung, & Kokkinaki (Eds.), Proceedings of ENTER2019 PhD Workshop (pp. 86-91). Zhang J., Ito N., & Liu J. (2018). The Role of Perceived Online Social Capital in Predicting Travel Information Engagement. In Stangl B., Pesonen J. (Eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2018 (pp. 200-213). Springer International Publishing. Zhang, J., Ito, N., Wu, W., & Li, Z. (2017). Exploring Travel Information Adoption on Social Media Among Chinese Youth: An Extended ELM with Users’ Social Presence. International Journal of Marketing and Social Policy. 1(1), 39-51. Zhang J., Ito N., Wu W., & Li Z. (2017) “Don’t Let Me Think!” Chinese Adoption of Travel Information on Social Media: Moderating Effects of Self-disclosure. In Schegg R., Stangl B. (Eds.), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017 (pp. 639-653). Springer International Publishing. Zhang, J., Ito, N., Wu, W., & Li, Z. (2016). Source or Message? Persuasive Communication of Travel Information in China: An Integrated Model Predicted by Technical Adequacy. In Abstract Proceeding of the 22nd Conference of Japan Society for Corporate Communication Studies (pp. 122-125). Sapporo, Japan.
