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天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第三层次入选者 南开大学百名青年学科带头人培养计划入选者 【行政职务】 旅游学系副主任 【教育背景】 2013年09月—2018年06月哈尔滨工业大学管理学院,管理学博士 2016年10月—2017年10月美国普渡大学管理学院,联合培养博士研究生 2010年09月—2013年06月兰州大学经济学院,经济学硕士 2006年09月—2010年06月吉林大学农学部,管理学学士 【工作经历】 2022年3月—南开大学旅游与服务学院,副教授、博士生导师 2021年1月—南开大学旅游与服务学院,副教授、硕士生导师 2020年05月—2020年12月南开大学旅游与服务学院,讲师、硕士生导师 2018年07月—2020年5月南开大学旅游与服务学院,讲师 2014年10月—2015年10月香港理工大学酒店与旅游管理学院,研究助理 【专著】 梁赛,2022,“民宿共享平台在线设计对用户行为的影响”,中国社会科学出版社(获天津市社会科学优秀成果三等奖、文化和旅游优秀成果三等奖) 【主要科研项目】 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:不完全契约视角下共享民宿市场机会主义行为形成机制及治理策略研究,2024-2027,在研,主持 2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:双向评论机制下社会压力对民宿共享平台用户在线行为的影响,2021-2023,已结题,主持 3. 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目:数字文旅的理论逻辑与现实路径研究,2024-2026,在研,子课题负责人 4. 教育部人文社科基金青年项目:互惠理论视角下旅游民宿共享平台反馈策略研究,2020-2022,已结题,主持 5. 南开大学文科发展基金青年项目:双主体视角下基于异构信息源的民宿共享平台用户信息分享激励机制研究,2021-2022,已结题,主持 6. 博士后科学基金特别资助项目:多元视角下旅游民宿共享平台用户信息分享影响因素研究,2021-2022,在研,主持 7. 博士后科学基金面上项目:旅游民宿共享平台用户在线行为的影响因素研究,2020-2021,在研,主持 8. 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金:共享经济背景下民宿在线网站用户交互行为研究,2019,已结题,主持 9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:恣纵背后:基于元需求的旅游消费行为及供给侧改革对策构建路径研究,2021-2024,在研,主要参与人 10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:网络关注影响下旅游企业多视角多尺度的案例深层推理预测,2020-2023,在研,主要参与人 11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:在线消费者评论有偏性的影响因素及其作用机制研究,2017-2020,已结题,主要参与人 12. 国家社会科学基金一般项目:多元视角下过度旅游挤出效应及其影响机制研究,2021-2023,在研,主要参与人 13. 教育部人文社科基金青年项目:基于多源数据的拥挤感知评价及其对旅游体验的影响机制研究,2020-2022,在研,主要参与人 14. 教育部人文社科基金青年项目:基于在线评论/评价的大众消费产品竞争态势分析及改进方法研究,2020-2022,在研,主要参与人 15. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:高管团队多样性对组织双元创新的作用机制和实现路径研究,2020-2022,在研,参与人 【开设课程】 本科生课程:线性代数与概率论、旅游消费者行为、管理学研究方法、创新研究方法 硕士生课程:数据库管理与数据分析、计量经济学、旅游经典文献选读、旅游电子商务(MTA) 博士生课程:旅游信息化专题、量化研究方法、旅游研究与实践前沿 【获奖情况】 1. 2023 国际酒店管理与教育委员会(Council for Hospitality Management Education, CHME)年度研究新星奖(Annual Rising Star in Hospitality Research Award) 2. 2023 南开大学校级优秀本科毕业论文(指导教师) 3. 2023 南开大学第五届“校长杯”创新创业大赛二等奖(指导教师) 4. 2022 南开大学第四届“校长杯”创新创业大赛优秀奖(指导教师) 5. 2023本科生创新科研计划“在线旅游平台分期付款对旅游者旅游意愿和满意度的影响机制研究”,南开大学二等奖(指导教师) 6. 2021本科生创新科研计划“网红经济对旅游者景区选择以及满意度的影响研究—以抖音短视频为例”,南开大学优秀奖(指导教师) 7. 2020 南开管理评论优秀外审专家 8. 2016 黄梯云奖励基金特等奖


在线市场中的消费者行为、旅游大数据挖掘与智能决策、旅游数字化平台管理与治理、P2P市场与共享经济、人工智能 团队致力于基于交叉学科视角研究旅游管理领域前沿问题,欢迎工商管理、管理科学与工程等相关专业学生以及数学、统计学、计算机科学与技术、数量经济学、金融工程等交叉学科学生报考硕士、博士研究生,具有一定计算机编程、计量经济学建模、行为实验等方法论基础者优先。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Sai Liang, Danmeng Wu, Ziru Li, Yang Yang, Hong Xu, Dexiang Yin*, 2024, “The paradox of positivity: How overly positive responses by hosts can backfire on peer-to-peer rental platforms” Journal of Travel Research, forthcoming (SSCI, ABS 4, JCR Q1). Xi Zhang, Xin Wei, Te Zhang, Sai Liang*, Yao Ma, Rob Law, 2024, “Power of sentiment expressions on peer-to-peer rental platforms: A mixed‐method approach”, Journal of Travel Research, forthcoming (SSCI, ABS 4, JCR Q1). Dongdong Wu, Hui Li, Qing Huang*, Chunlin Li, Sai Liang, 2024, “Measurement and determinants of smart destinations’ sustainable performance: a two-stage analysis using DEA-Tobit model” Current Issue in Tourism, 27(4):529-545 Yun Cheng, Sai Liang, Hongbo Cheng, Rob Law, Ning Sun*, 2024, “Between a rock and a hard place: how does the tourist crowding perception affect the decision of absolute displacement?” Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 29(1), 1-16. (SSCI, JCR Q2). 梁赛,武丹萌,殷德香, 2024,“Striking the right tone: The impact of response positivity on guest review posting behavior on peer-to-peer rental platforms” 27届管理科学与工程国际会议(ICMSE),获会议优秀论文二等奖 Sai Liang, Danmeng Wu, Ziru Li, Ziqi Guo*, Ju Feng, 2024, “From hospitality to hostility: The impact of polarity difference in managerial responses on subsequent guest satisfaction” 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences(HICSS) Xi Zhang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Sai Liang*, Yang Yang, Rob Law, 2023, “Infusing new insights: How do review novelty and inconsistency shape the usefulness of online travel reviews?” Tourism Management 96, 104703 (SSCI, ABS 4, JCR Q1). Qiang Ye, Sai Liang*, Zaiyan Wei, Rob Law, 2023, “Effects of reputation on guest satisfaction: From the perspective of two-sided reviews on Airbnb” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, forthcoming (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Zuolong Zheng, Ziying Li, Xuwen Zhang, Sai Liang*, Rob Law, Jiasu Lei, 2023, “Substitution or complementary effects between hosts and neighbors' information disclosure: Evidence from Airbnb” Journal of Business Research, forthcoming (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Sai Liang, Jing Ma*, Yang Yang, Danmeng Wu, 2023, “Does tourism growth influence destination residents’ welfare in China? The mediating effect of cuisine diversity” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, forthcoming. (SSCI, ABS 2, JCR Q2). Hui Li, Chunlin Li, Sai Liang*, Jingjing Yang, 2023,“Visual attention attraction and tourism review helpfulness- A new enhancing mechanism with profile pictures”. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 27(12), 1264–1285 (SSCI, JCR Q2, APJTR Best paper of the year 2022). Lanfei Gao, Hui Li, Sai Liang*, Jingjing Yang, Rob Law, 2022, “How does constraining description affect guest booking decisions and satisfaction?” Tourism Management 93, 104607. (SSCI, ABS 4, JCR Q1). Jing Zheng, Sai Liang, Jing Ma*, Guoqiao Liu, Yirong Wu, 2022, “Can Tourism Enhance Chinese Subjective Well-Being?” Annals of Tourism Research 93,103372. (SSCI, ABS 4, JCR Q1). Yafei Liu, Hui Li*, Sai Liang, 2022, “Any reputation is a good reputation: influence of investor-perceived reputation in restructuring on hospitality firm performance”. Annals of Tourism Research 92, 103327. (SSCI, ABS 4, JCR Q1). Sai Liang, Qiang Ye, Xiaoxia Zhang, Rob Law, Caiyan Gong*, 2022, “Motivation behind review provision in online travel communities: Do hometowner contributions matter?” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34(5), 1692-1716. (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Xiaoshu Guo, Qiang Ye, Rob Law, Sai Liang*, 2022, “Power of apologetic responses in online travel community” International Journal of Hospitality Management 103, 103208. (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Ning Sun, Sai Liang*, Hui Li, Haiyan Song, 2022, “Ex post i-deals, work-life balance, and work well-being in the hospitality industry: The moderating role of gender” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, forthcoming. (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Hui Li, Qianxia Chen, Sai Liang, Jingjing Yang, 2022, “The power of internet exposure: Influence of online news coverage on restaurant survival”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34(4), 1399-1422. (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Qianxia Chen, Hui Li*, Sai Liang, Qing Zhou, 2022, “Reap what you sow: The boomerang effect of misconduct on restaurant firm survival” International Journal of Hospitality Management 107, 103313. (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Kaiqi Yuan, Hui Li*, Sai Liang, Qianxia Chen, 2022, “Can inconsistent media coverage increase hotel survival? The bright side of controversy”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 35(6), 951-972. (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Hui Li, Chunlin Li, Sai Liang*, Jingjing Yang, 2023,“Visual attention attraction and tourism review helpfulness- A new enhancing mechanism with profile pictures”. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 27(12), 1264–1285 (SSCI, JCR Q2, APJTR Best paper of the year 2022). Zuolong Zheng, Ziying Li, Xuwen Zhang,Sai Liang*,Rob Law, “Substitution or complementary effects between hosts and neighbors' information disclosure: Evidence from Airbnb” “创新创业、知识创造、信息管理”2022年度国际学术会议(ACIEK(Winter)-IMIP2022),获会议优秀论文奖 Lanfei Gao, Hui Li, Sai Liang, 2022, “Individual hosts V.s. house agency: Influence of Multi-listing hosts on sharing accommodation survival”. 29th Annual eTourism Conference (Enter). 3rd place best proposal award. Sai Liang, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Chunxiao Li, Hui Li*, Xiaoyu Yu, 2021. “Tit for tat: understanding the responding behavior of property hosts on peer-to-peer rental platforms”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(3),1105-1126. (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Xiaoxia Zhang, Xi Zhang, Rob Law, Sai Liang*, 2021, “Identifying local bias on peer-to-peer rental platforms,” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 99(3),103072 (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). 梁赛,田佳佳,刁建超,李春晓*, 2021.“基于三维度理论的游客在线评分情感异质性及影响因素研究”.南开管理评论, 已在线发表 (国家自然基金委A类期刊) Sai Liang, Chunxiao Li, Hui Li, Hongbo Cheng*, 2021. “How do you feel about crowding at destinations? An exploration based on user-generated content”. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 20, 100606 (SSCI, JCR Q1). 叶强,梁赛*,赵大营, 2021.“中国情境下旅游用户生成内容研究综述及展望”.旅游导刊, 5(4), 16-36 (中国人民大学书报资料中心《旅游管理》全文转载,2021年12期) Sai Liang., Chunxiao Li., Xiaoxia Zhang., & Hui Li*. 2020. The snowball effect in online travel platforms: How does peer influence affect review posting decisions?. Annals of Tourism Research, 102876 (SSCI, ABS4, JCR Q1). Hui Li, Yafei Liu*, Sai Liang, Qing Zhou, 2020, “Tourism firm restructuring: Does the attention of individual investor matter?” Tourism Management, forthcoming (SSCI, ABS 4, JCR Q1). Sai Liang, Markus Schuckert*, Rob Law, Chih-Chien Chen, 2020, “The importance of marketer-generated content to peer-to-peer property rental platforms: Evidence from Airbnb.” International Journal of Hospitality Management. 84, 102329. (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1, ESI高被引论文). 李春晓,李辉,刘艳筝,梁赛, 2020.“多彩华夏:大数据视角的入境游客体验感知差异深描”.南开管理评论, 23(01), 28-39.(国家自然基金委A类期刊) 梁赛,田佳佳,李春晓*. “隐秘的情绪:在线评分背后游客不同情感维度及影响因素探究”. 2020旅游学刊中国旅游研究年会,获会议优秀论文奖 Sai Liang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Hui Li, 2020, “How to make guest reviews more informative? A case study of Airbnb,” 27th Annual eTourism Conference (Enter), Guildford, UK. Sai Liang, Hui Li, Xianwei Liu*, Markus Schuckert, 2019, “Motivators behind online information disclosure: Evidence from Airbnb hosts,” Annals of Tourism Research 76, 306-319. (SSCI, ABS 4, JCR Q1). Sai Liang, Markus Schuckert*, Rob Law, 2019, “How to improve the stated helpfulness of hotel reviews? A multilevel approach,” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 31(2), 953-977 (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1, ESI高被引论文,Emerald Highly Commended Papers Awards). Markus Schuckert, Sai Liang*, Rob Law, Wenjun Sun, 2019, “How do domestic and international high-end hotel brands receive and manage customer feedback?” International Journal of Hospitality Management 77, 528-537 (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Xianwei Liu, Jianwei Liu, Rob Law, Sai Liang*, 2019, “Power of profile name in online sharing,” International Journal of Hospitality Management 81, 30-33 (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Zili Zhang, Sai Liang, Hengyun Li, Ziqiong Zhang*, 2019, “Booking now or later: Do online peer reviews matter?” International Journal of Hospitality Management 77, 147-158 (SSCI, ABS3, JCR Q1, ESI高被引论文). Huiwen He, Chunxiao Li*, Zhibin Lin, Sai Liang, 2019, “Creating a high-performance exhibitor team: A temporary-organization perspective,” International Journal of Hospitality Management 81, 21-29 (SSCI, ABS 3, JCR Q1). Sai Liang, Hui Li, 2019, “Respond more to good targets: An empirical study of managerial response strategy in online travel websites,” 26th Annual eTourism Conference (Enter), Nicosia, Cyprus. Sai Liang, Hui Li, Hongbo Cheng, 2019, “The snowball effect in consumers’ online sharing intention: Evidence from TripAdvisor,” TTRA Europe Chapter, Bournemouth, UK. Kun Zhang, Hui Li, Sai Liang, 2019, “Discovering the Difference between Tourists and Residents: Evidences Supported by AI Technology” International Conference on Management Science &Engineering (ICMSE), Daejeon, South Korea (EI).


2023—:中国优选统筹法与经济数学研究会青年工作委员会委员 2021—:中国管理现代化研究会管理与决策科学专委会理事 2021—:中国现场统计学会旅游大数据分会理事 2020—2022:国际信息技术与旅游联合会(IFITT)理事会委员(Board Member) 2019—:中国管理现代化研究会电子商务与网络空间管理专委会理事 2020—:新加坡Viser出版社专家委员会委员 2023—:Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Nature旗下唯一人文社科期刊,SSCI JCR Q1期刊)编委 2024—:Journal of Smart Tourism期刊副主编 Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management、International Journal of Hospitality Management、International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management、Information Processing & Management、International Journal of Information Management、Journal of Electronic Commerce Research等多个SSCI期刊匿名审稿人 南开管理评论、旅游科学、海南大学学报、珞珈管理评论等多个CSSCI期刊外审专家 电子旅游领域国际会议ENTER2021、ENTER2022博士生论坛联合主席
