1.张润楚主编 (2010). 数理统计学,教育部高等学校统计专业教学指导分委员会推荐用书,科学出版社, 北京,2010.12. 出版.
2.张润楚、程轶等译 (2010). 多元统计分析导论(T.W. Anderson著),人民邮电出版社,北京,2010.12. 出版.
3.张润楚等译 (2010). 试验应用统计 (G.E.P. Box, J.S. Hunter and W.G. Hunter 著), 机械工业出版社, 北京,2010.1. 出版.
4.张润楚等译 (2009). 试验应用统计 (原著: G.E.P. Box, J.S. Hunter and W.G. Hunter (2005, Second Edition). Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation and Discovery, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. (1978, First Edition)), 机械工业出版社(China Machine Press), 北京, (see: http://www.hzbook.com/Books/4698.html), 2009 出版.
5.张润楚编著 (2006). 多元统计分析, 科学出版社, 北京,2006.9.出版 (2007, 2008, 2009,2010年重印).
6.张润楚等译(英译中) (2003). 试验设计与分析及参数优化 ( 原著: C.F.J. Wu and M. Hamada (2000), Experiments: Planning, Analysis and Parameter Design Optimization, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York), 中国统计出版社,北京, 2003.3. 出版.
7.张润楚等译(英译中) (1993). 经典位势论与概率位势论, (原著: J.L. Doob (1984), Classical Potential Theory and Its Probabilistic Counterpart, Springer-Verlag), 科学出版社, 北京, 1993 出版.
8.张润楚、张树东译 (中译英) (1992). Birth and Death Processes and Markov Chains (原著:王梓坤、杨向群(1980).生灭过程与马尔科夫链, 科学出版社, 北京), Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Science Press, Beijing, 1992 出版.
9.胡国定、张润楚 (1990). 多元数据分析方法-纯代数处理, 南开大学出版社, 天津, 1990. 出版.
已发表学术论文120余篇, 选择文章如下:
89.Zhang, R.C., Li, P. and Wei, J.L. (2011). Optimal blocking for two-level regular designs with multi block variables, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 5(1), 161-178. (SCI)
88.Li, P.F., Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2011). A theory on constructing designs with general minimum lower-order confounding,Statistica Sinica,http://www3.stat.sinica.edu.tw/ss-newpaper/ss-08-336_na.pdf. (SCI)
87.Zhang, R.C., Phoa, F.K.H., Mukerjee, R. and Xu, H. (2011). A trigonometric approach to quaternary code designs with application to one-eighth and one-sixteenth fractions, The Annals of Statistics, 39 (2), 931-955. (SCI)
86.Hu, J.W. and Zhang, R.C. (2011). Some results on two-level regular designs with general minimum lower order confounding, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2010.11.027. (SCI)
85.Zou, C.L., Liu, Y.K., Wang, Z.J. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). Adaptive Nonparametric Comparison of Regression Curves, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Method, 39, 1299-1320.
84.Cheng, Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). On construction of general minimum lower order confounding designs with N/4+1≤n≤9N/32, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 2384-2394. (SCI)
83.Wei, J.L., Yang, J.F., Li, P. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). Split-plot designs with general minimum lower-order confounding, Science in China, Series A-Mathematics, 53(4), 939-952. (SCI)
82.Li, P., Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). A cluster analysis selection strategy for supersaturated designs, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54, 1605-1612. (SCI)
81.Zhang, R.C. and Cheng Y. (2010). General minimum lower order confounding designs: An overview and a construction theory, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 1719-1730. (SCI)
80.Xu, J.J., Tan, X.M. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). A note on Phllips (1991): “A constrained maximum likelihood approach to estimating switching regressions”, Journal of Economitrics, 154, 35-41. (SCI)
79.Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). Compromise plans with clear two-factor interactions, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 26, 99-106. (SCI)
78.Yang, J.F., Liu,M.Q. and Zhang R.C. (2009). Some results on fractional factorial split-plot designs with multi-level factors, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 38, 3623-3633. (SCI)
77.Hu, J.W. and Zhang, R.C. (2009). Maximal rank minimum aberration and doubling, Statistics & Probability Letters, 79, 915-919. (SCI)
76.Zhang, R.C. and Mukerjee, R. (2009). General minimum lower order confounding in block designs using complementary sets. Statistica Sinica, 19, 1787-1802. (SCI)
75.Zhang, R.C. and Mukerjee, R. (2009). Characterization of general minimum lower order confounding via complementary sets, Statistica Sinica, 19, 363-375. (SCI)
74.Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2008). Bound on the maximum number of clear two-factor interactions for designs, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 28B(4), 949-954. (SCI)
73.Liu Y.K., Zou, C.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2008). Empirical likelihood ratio test for a change-point in linear regression model, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 37, 2551-2563. (SCI)
72.Zhang, R.C., Li, P. Zhao, S.L. and Ai, M.Y. (2008). A general minimum lower-order confounding criterion for two-level regular designs, Statistica Sinica, 18, 1689-1705. (SCI)
71.Chen, J., Tan, X.M. and Zhang, R.C. (2008). Inference for normal mixture in mean and variance, Statistica Sinica, 18, 443-465. (SCI)
70.Liu, Y.K., Zou, C.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2008). Empirical likelihood for the two-sample mean problem, Statistics & Probability Letters, 78(5), 548-556. (SCI)
69.Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2008). designs with resolution III or IV containing clear two-factor interaction components, Statistical Papers, 49, 441-454. (SCI).
68.Zhao, S.L. Zhang, R.C. and Liu, M.Q. (2008). Some results on designs with two-factor interaction components, Science in China, Series A-Mathematics, 51(7), 1297-1314. (SCI).
68.赵胜利、张润楚、刘民千 (2007). 含有纯净两因子交互作用成分的 设计的某些结果, 中国科学, A辑, 37(3): 323-340. (SCI)
67.Tan, X. M., Chen, J. H. and Zhang, R. C., (2007). Consistency of constrained maximum likelihood estimator in finite normal mixture models. 2007 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Statistical Education [CD-ROM]}, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, 2113-2119. (SCI)
66.Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2007). Bound on the Maximum number of clear two- factor interactions for designs, Mathematica Acta Scientia, 27B(3), 1-6. (SCI)
65.Yang, G.J., Lin L. and Zhang, R.C. (2007). Unbiased quasi regressions, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 28B(2), 177-186. (SCI)
64.Yang, J.F., Zhang, R.C. and Liu, M.Q. (2007). Construction of fractional factorial split-plot designs with weak minimum aberration, Statistics & Probability Letters, 77, 1567-1573. (SCI)
63. Li, P.F., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2007). designs with minimum aberration or weak minimum aberration, Statistical Papers, 48, 235-248. (SCI)
62.Liu, Y.K., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2007). Construction of multi-level supersaturated design via Kronecker product, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 2984-2992. (SCI)
61.Zi, X.M., Liu, M.Q., and Zhang, R.C. (2007). Asymmetrical factorial designs containing clear effects, Metrika, 65, 123-131. (SCI)
60.Wu, C.C. and Zhang, R.C. (2007), The asymptotic distributions of empirical likelihood ratio statistics in the presence of measurement error, Mathematica Acta Scientia, 27B(2), 232-242. (SCI)
59. Zhang, Q.Z., Zhang, R.C. and Liu, M.Q. (2006). A method for screening active effects in supersaturated designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,137, 2068-2079. (SCI)
58.Li, P.F., Chen, B.J., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2006). A note on minimum aberration and clear criteria, Statistics & Probability Letters, 76, 1007-1011. (SCI)
57.Yang, G.J. Liu, M.Q and Zhang, R.C. (2006). A note on 2^{m-p}_{IV} designs with the maximum number of clear two-factor interactions, Mathematica Acta Scientia, 26A(7), 1153-1158.
56.Chen, B.J., Li, P.F., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2006). Some results on blocked regular 2-level fractional factorial designs with clear effects. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 4436-4449. (SCI)
55.Wu, C.C. and Zhang, R.C. (2006). Empirical likelihood method under stratified random sampling using auxiliary information and the information in the strata population size, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 22(4), 401-409.
54.谭鲜明、张润楚 (2006). 高维数据判别分析中的特征选择,数学物理学报,26A(5), 647-652.
53.Zi, X.M., Zhang, R.C. and Liu, M.Q. (2006). Bounds on the maximum numbers of clear two-factor interactions for fractional factorial split-plot designs, Science in China Series A-Mathematics, 49(1), 1816-1829. (SCI)
53.訾雪旻、张润楚、刘民千 (2006). 部分因析裂区设计中纯净两因子交互效应的最大数目的界, 中国科学, A辑, 36(12): 1389-1403. (SCI)
52.Yang, J.F., Li, P.F., Liu, M.Q., and Zhang R.C. (2006), fractional factorial split-plot designs containing clear effects, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 4450-4458. (SCI)
51.Wu, C.C. and Zhang, R.C. (2006), An information-theoretic approach to the effective usage of auxiliary information from survey data, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 58, 499-509. (SCI)
50.Ai, M.Y., Yang, G.J. and Zhang, R.C. (2006). Minimum aberration blocking of regular mixed factorial designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136(4), 1439- 1511. (SCI)
49.Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2006). Minimum secondary abberation fractional factorial split-plot designs in terms of consulting designs, Science in China, Series A-Mathematics, 49 (4), 494-512. (SCI)
49.艾明要、张润楚 (2006). 用参照设计刻画最小附加部分因析裂区设计,中国科学,A辑, 36(1), 52-71. (SCI)
48.Wu, C.C. and Zhang, R.C. (2005). Empirical likelihood inferences on parameters of interest under stratified random sampling in the presence of measurement error. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 21(3), 429-440. (SCI)
47.Ai, M.Y., Li, P.F. and Zhang, R.C. (2005). Optimal criteria and equivalence for nonregular fractional factorial designs. Matrika, 62(1), 73-83. (SCI)
46.Li, P.F., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2005). Choice of optimal initial designs in sequential experiments, Metrika, 61, 127-135. (SCI)
45.Yang, G.J., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2005). Weak minimum aberration and maximum number of clear two-factor interactions in designs, Science in China, Series A-Mathematics, 48(11), 1479-1487. (SCI)
45. 杨贵军、刘民千、张润楚 (2005). 设计的弱最小低阶混杂与最多纯净两因子交互效应, 中国科学, A辑, 35(9), 1071-1080. (SCI)
44.Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2005). Characterization of minimum aberration mixed factorials in terms of consulting designs. Statistical Papers, 46(2), 157-171. (SCI)
43.Tan, X.M. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Genaralized likelihood-ratio test of the number of components in finit mixture models (Chen 1994, Lemma 1): correction, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 32(4), 469-. (SCI)
42.Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Theory of optimal blocking of nonregular factorial designs. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 32, 57-72. (SCI)
41.Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). designs containing clear main effects or clear two-factor interactions. Statistics & Probability Letters, 69, 151-160. (SCI)
40.Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Multistratum fractional factorial split-plot designs with minimum aberration and maximum estimation capacity. Statistics & Probability Letters, 69, 161-170. (SCI)
39.Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Theory of minimum aberration blocked regular mixed factorial designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , 126, 305-323. (SCI)
38.Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Projection justification of generalized minimum aberration for asymmetrical fractional factorial designs. Metrika, 60, 279-285. (SCI)
37.Lin, L. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Bootstrap wavelet in the nonparametric regression model with weakly dependent processes, Mathematica Acta Scientia, 24B, 61-70. (SCI)
36.Li, P.F., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Some theory and the construction of mixed-level supersaturated designs, Statistics & Probability Letters, 69, 105-116. (SCI)
35.林路、张润楚 (2002). 三种两样本经验 Euclidean 似然方法及其比较, 应用概率统计, 18 (4), 393-399.
34.Zhang, R.C. (2002). Optimal Blocking of and Fractional Factorial Designs, ICM 2002, Abstracts of Short Communications and Poster Sessions, 202-.
33.Lin, L. and Zhang, R.C. (2002). Profile Quasi-Likelihood, Statistics & Probability Letters, 56, 147-154. (SCI)
32.林路、张润楚 (2001). 假设检验的相对稳定性, 应用数学学报, 24(4), 616-622.
31.Lin, L. and Zhang, R.C. (2001). Blockwise Empirical Euclidean Likelihood for Weakly Dependent Processes, Statistics & Probability Letters, 53, 143-152. (SCI)
30.张润楚、马长兴 (2001). 正交表型均匀LH设计和抽样, 应用概率统计, 17(3), 243-254.
29.马长兴、张润楚 (2001). 低偏差OALHD的构造, 应用概率统计, 17 (2), 149-155.
28.刘民千、张润楚 (2001). 混合水平因子超饱和设计的构造方法, 应用概率统计, 17(4), 367-375.
27.Zhang, R.C. and Shao, Q. (2001). Minimun Aberration Designs, Statistica Sinica, 11(1), 213-223. (SCI)
26.Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2000). Construction of Optimal Supersaturated Designs Using Cyclic BIBDs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 91(1), 139-150. (SCI)
25.Zhang, R.C. and Park, D.K. (2000). Optimal Blocking of Two-Level Fractional Factorial Designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 91(1), 107-121. (SCI)
24.刘民千、张润楚 (2000). 一种构造三水平因子超饱和设计的准则和算法, 应用数学学报, 23(2), 161-171.
23.刘民千、张润楚 (2000). 一种构造 最优超饱和设计的方法, 应用数学学报, 23(1), 1-14.
22.Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2000). Computation of Values of Some E(S^2) Optimal Supersaturated Designs, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 20B(4), 558-562. (SCI)
21.马长兴、张润楚 (1999). 抽样设计偏差的大样本性质, 数学物理学报, 19(4), 439-447.
20.刘民千、张润楚 (1998). 最优超饱和设计与BIB设计的对等关系, 科学通报, 43(19), 2053-2056.
19.Chen, X.R., Fang, K.T., Zhang, R.C. and Zhu, L.X. (1997). Asymptotics in Aaddition of Ppseudo-random Ssequences, Science in China, Series A-Mathematics, 40(6), 612- 621. (SCI)
19.陈希孺、方开泰、张润楚、朱力行 (1997). 伪随机数串叠加的渐近理论, 中国科学 (A 辑), 27(4), 289-297. (SCI)
18.王兆军、张润楚 (1997). 均匀设计抽样的偏差, 数学物理学报, 17(2), 207-217.
26.Zhang, R.C. and Wang, Z.J. (1997). Constructing Orthogonal Fractional Factorial Design with the Same Confounding Structure, Science Bulletin, 42(7), 545-548.
17.王兆军、张润楚 (1997). 具有相同结构正交表的产生, 科学通报, 42(1), 21-24.
16.王兆军、张润楚 (1996). 回避多个因子水平组合的正交表存在的充要条件, 科学通报, 41(10), 878-880.
15. 王兆军、张润楚 (1996). 关于回避多个不可实施因子水平组合的正交表的构造, 应用数学学报, 19(4), 498-506.