陈大川,现任南开大学统计与数据科学学院特聘副研究员。2019年5月博士毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校。曾在知名杂志Journal of Econometrics和Journal of American Statistical Association上发表多篇论文。2018年获美国芝加哥大学Stevanovich学生奖学金。2012年获得南开大学统计学学士学位。2015-2016年在美国芝加哥大学统计学系做访问学者。
Chen, D., Mykland, P.A., and Zhang, L. (2020). The Five Trolls under the Bridge: Principal Component Analysis with Asynchronous and Noisy High Frequency Data. Journal of American Statistical Association, 115(532), 1960-1977.
Mykland, P.A., Zhang, L., and Chen, D. (2019). The Algebra of Two Scales Estimation, and the S-TSRV: High Frequency Estimation that is Robust to Sampling Times. Journal of Econometrics, 208(1), 101-119.
Li, C., and Chen, D. (2016). Estimating jump-diffusions using closed-form likelihood expansions. Journal of Econometrics, 195(1), 51-70.
Li, C., An, Y., Chen, D., Lin, Q., and Si, N. (2016). Efficient computation of the likelihood expansions for diffusion models. IIE Transactions, 48(12), 1156-1171. (IIE Transactions Operations Engineering and Analytics Best Paper Award, The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, 2018.)
Backues, S. K., Chen, D., Ruan, J., Xie, Z., and Klionsky, D. J. (2014). Estimating the size and number of autophagic bodies by electron microscopy. Autophagy, 10(1), 155-164.