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马玲,现为南开大学软件学院讲师。于2011年7月获得吉林大学工学硕士(计算机应用技术),导师是欧阳继红老师。主要研究方向为人工智能,研究工作主要是空间关系推理方法的研究。于2017年6月获得北京理工大学工学博士学位(计算机应用技术专业),导师是刘峡壁老师。攻读博士学位期间,曾赴美国埃默里大学(Emory University)生物医学工程专业学习两年,导师为Dr. Baowei Fei. 主要研究方向为图像分割、分类、检索、物体检测与识别等。目前的研究工作主要是医学图像处理与分析,包括 CT 影像、超声影像、MRI 影像、以及高光谱影像中,器官的分割、病灶的定位与检测、疾病的识别与检索等。在Journal of Biomedical Informatics,Physics in Medicine and Biology,Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,Medical Physics, 吉林大学(工学版), SPIE Medical imaging, 等国内外重要期刊及会议上以第一作者(或本人为第二作者,导师为第一作者)发表或录用论文10余篇。2017年获得北京理工大学优秀毕业生。 ⋅ 2011.09 - 2017.06,北京理工大学,工学博士,计算机应用技术专业(导师:刘峡壁老师) ⋅ 2014.11 - 2016.11,美国埃默里大学(Emory University), 访问学者(导师:Dr. Baowei Fei) ⋅ 2008.09 - 2011.07,吉林大学,工学硕士,计算机应用技术专业(导师:欧阳继红老师) ⋅ 2004.09 - 2008.07,吉林大学,理学学士,计算机科学与技术专业 参与项目: 国家自然科学基金:面向影像表现的肺部CT图像检索方法研究 北京理工大学科技创新计划重大项目培育专项计划:基于互联网搜索的医学图像内容挖掘与索引 美国NIH科研基金:RO1项目,前列腺分割项目 埃默里大学校级项目:高光谱影像癌症的检测 国家自然科学基金:动态时空推理研究




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Ling Ma, Xiabi Liu, Yan Gao, Yanfeng Zhao, Xinming Zhao, and Chunwu Zhou. A new method of content based medical image retrieval and its applications to CT imaging sign retrieval [J].Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2017, 66: 148–158. (SCI. IF:2.753). 2. Ling Ma, Xiabi Liu, and Baowei Fei. Learning with Distribution of Optimized Features for Recognizing Common CT Imaging Signs of Lung Diseases [J].Physics in Medicine and Biologys, 2017, 62(2): 612-632. (SCI. IF:2.742). 3. Ling Ma, Xiabi Liu, Li Song, Chunwu Zhou, Xinming Zhao, and Yanfeng Zhao. A new classifier fusion method based on historical and on-line classification reliability for recognizing common CT imaging signs of lung diseases [J]. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2015, 40: 39-48. (SCI. IF:1.738). 4. Xiabi Liu, Ling Ma, Li Song, Yanfeng Zhao, Xinming Zhao, and Chunwu Zhou. Recognizing common CT imaging signs of lung diseases through a new feature selection method based on Fisher criterion and genetic optimization [J]. Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of, 2015, 19(2): 635-647.(SCI. IF:3.451). 5. Ling Ma, Rongrong Guo, Zhiqiang Tian, Baowei Fei. A Random Walk based Prostate Segmentation Algorithm from 3D Ultrasound Images [J]. Medical Physics. 2017.(SCI. IF:2.617). 6. Ling Ma, Rongrong Guo, Guoyi Zhang, David S. Schuster, Baowei Fei. Combination Learning for Prostate Segmentation on 3D CT Images [J]. Medical Physics. 2017.(SCI. IF:2.617). 7. 欧阳继红, 马玲. 一种球面点投影关系的推理方法, 吉林大学学报(工学版), 2013, 43(05): 1326-1330. (EI期刊). 8. Ling Ma, Rongrong Guo, Guoyi Zhang, Funmilayo Tade, David M. Schuster, Peter Nieh, Viraj Master, and Baowei Fei. Automatic segmentation of the prostate on CT images using deep learning and multi-atlas fusion [C]. In SPIE Medical Imaging, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2017: 101332O-101332O.(国际会议) 9. Ling Ma, Guolan Lu, Dongsheng Wang, Xu Wang, Zhuo Georgia Chen, Susan Muller, Amy Chen, and Baowei Fei. Deep Learning based Classification for Head and Neck Cancer Detection with Hyperspectral Imaging in an Animal Model [C]. In SPIE Medical Imaging, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2017: 101372G-101372G. (国际会议) 10. Ling Ma, Rongrong Guo, Zhiqiang Tian, Rajesh Venkataraman, Saradwata Sarkar, Xiabi Liu, Funmilayo Tade, David M. Schuster, and Baowei Fei. Combining population and patient-specific characteristics for prostate segmentation on 3D CT images [C]. In SPIE Medical Imaging, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016: 978427-978427. (国际会议) 11. Ling Ma, Rongrong Guo, Zhiqiang Tian, Rajesh Venkataraman, Saradwata Sarkar, Xiabi Liu, Peter T. Nieh, Viraj V. Master, David M. Schuster, and Baowei Fei. Random walk based segmentation for the prostate on 3D transrectal ultrasound images [C]. In SPIE Medical Imaging, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016: 978607-978607. (国际会议) 12. Ling Ma, Xiabi Liu, Li Song, Yu Liu, Chunwu Zhou, Xinming Zhao, and Yanfeng Zhao. A new classifier fusion method based on confusion matrix and classification confidence for recognizing common CT imaging signs of lung diseases [C], In SPIE Medical Imaging. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014: 90351H-90351H-6. (国际会议) 13. Ling Ma, Xiabi Liu, Chunwu Zhou, Xinming Zhao, and Yanfeng Zhao. A Two-Stage Sliding Window Method for Region-based Lung CT Image Retrieval [C]. The workshop of MICCAI. The Fifth International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, 2014: 978427-978427. (国际会议)
