2019/06 – 今,南京林业大学风景园林学院,城乡规划,讲师;
2017/06 – 2019/05,南京农业大学园艺学院,博士后;
2013/09 – 2017/06,南京农业大学公共管理学院,土地资源管理,博士;
2011/09 – 2013/06,南京农业大学公共管理学院,土地资源管理,硕士;
2007/09 – 2011/06,南京农业大学公共管理学院,资源环境与城乡规划管理专业,本科。
1. Bo Wen, Lei Li, Yu Duan, et al. Zn, Ni, Mn, Cr, Pb and Cu in soil-tea ecosystem: The concentrations, spatial relationship and potential control. Chemosphere, 2018, 204:92-100. (SCI二区,5.108,TOP期刊)
2. Bo Wen, Shuang Ren, Yanyuan Zhang, et al. Effects of geographic locations and topographical factors on secondary metabolites distribution in green tea at a regional scale. Food Control, 2019, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.106979. (SCI二区,4.248,Top期刊)
3. Bo Wen, Yunhua Pan, Yanyuan Zhang, et al. Does the exhaustion of resources drive land use changes? Evidence from the influence of coal resources-exhaustion on coal resources–based industry land use changes. Sustainability, 2018, 10, 2698; doi:10.3390/su10082698. (SSCI,2.592)
4. Bo Wen, Xiaiolei Zhang, Shuang Ren, et al. Characteristics of soil nutrients, heavy metals and tea quality in different intercropping patterns. Agroforestry Systems, 2019, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-019-00463-8. (SCI三区,1.792)
5. Lei Li#, Bo Wen#(共同第一), Xiaolei Zhang, et al. Geographical origin traceability of tea based on multi-element spatial distribution and the relationship with soil in district scale. Food Control, 2018, 90:18-28. (SCI二区,4.248,Top期刊)
6. 文博,朱高立,夏敏,等. 基于景观安全格局理论的宜兴市生态用地分类保护. 生态学报,2017,37(11) : 3881-3891.(CSCD)
7. 文博,刘友兆,夏敏.基于景观安全格局的农村居民点用地布局优化.农业工程学报,2014,30(8):181-191. (EI)
8. 文博,刘友兆,夏敏.基于灰靶模型的宜兴市农村居民点布局适宜性评价及分类调控研究.地域研究与开发,2016,35(5): 153-157. (CSCD)
9. 夏敏,张开亮,文博,等. 煤炭资源枯竭型城市工矿用地时空变化模拟与生态风险评价——以江西省萍乡市安源区为例.地理研究,2017,36(9): 1773-1786. (CSSCI)
10. Tao Tan, Yanyuan Zhang, Bo Wen, Xinwen Zhang, Jintao Zhan. Household Consumption Distribution in Rural China: A Consistent Two-Step Estimation. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, doi.org/10.1111/cjag.12103. (SSCI)
11. 刘慧芳,毕如田,文博. 流域“地-矿”土地水资源利用冲突测度确定及土地整治策略.农业工程学报,2017,33(14): 238-249. (EI)
12. 夏敏,张子红,赵炳梓,文博,等. 快速城镇化地区镇域生态用地变化模拟及其生态系统服务价值响应.土壤,2018, 50(5): 1022-1031.(CSCD)