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副研究员,硕士生导师,入选江苏省“双创博士”和南航“长空学者”人才计划。博士就读于东南大学生物电子学国家重点实验室,主要从事表面等离激元/半导体耦合的新型光电器件及生物传感器研究;其后在中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所做博士后,研究方向为压电效应在激光模式动态、可持续调控及单模操作等方面的基础研究及其功能化。 发表学术论文、出版专著情况: 目前,共发表SCI学术论文60余篇,以第一作者和通讯作者在Materials Today(1篇),Advanced Materials(2篇),ACS Nano(3篇),ACS Photonics(2篇),Advanced Functional Materials(1篇),Advanced Science(1篇),Appl. Phys. Lett.(3篇)等知名刊物发表学术论文20余篇。共计被引2000余次,H因子28。参与编写系列专著1部。 承担的科研项目情况: 主持国家自然科学青年基金1项,中国博士后基金面上资助(一等)1项,江苏省“双创博士”人才项目1项;参与国家自然科学基金2项,北京市自然科学基金重点专题项目1项。 获奖及专利情况: 申请国家发明专利5项,授权2项。分别于2012年和2015年获得硕士和博士研究生国家奖学金;2014年获得江苏省优秀硕士论文奖。 教育经历 2013.9 -- 2016.12东南大学 生物医学工程 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位 2010.9 -- 2013.6扬州大学 微电子学与固体电子学 硕士研究生毕业 工学硕士学位 2006.9 -- 2010.6扬州大学 微电子学与固体电子学 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位 2003.9 -- 2006.6六合区程桥高级中学 普通高中毕业 工作经历 2019.9 -- 至今南京航空航天大学 理学院 副研究员 在职 2017.5 -- 2019.8中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所 博士后 出站 2017.3 -- 2017.5中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所 访问学者 专利 [1] 卢俊峰.一种测试氧化锌微腔热光系数的方法: [2] 卢俊峰.一种基于热光效应动态调控激光模式的方法: [3] 卢俊峰,阚彩侠.一种折射率的测试方法: [4] 卢俊峰,姜明明,阚彩侠.一种波长可动态调控的电致发光器件及其调控方法: [5] 徐春祥,卢俊峰,石增良等.一种氧化锌-银复合微腔结构表面增强拉曼基底制备方法:ZL201710800337.4[p]. [6] 曾祥华,卢俊峰.ZnS一维纳米同质超晶格结构的制备方法:ZL201210388122.3[p]. 科研项目 [1] 动态调控频率上转换ZnO回音壁模激光及其应用研究 [2] 氧化锌单模**输出与动态调制 [3] 等离激元耦合的氧化锌回音壁模激光与应力传感研究 [4] 动态调控相干光发射及其应用研究 授课信息 大学物理Ⅲ /2020-2021 /秋学期 /64课时 /0.0学分 /08201460 大学物理Ⅰ(2) /2020-2021 /春学期 /32课时 /0.0学分 /08201570 大学物理Ⅰ(2) /2020-2021 /春学期 /32课时 /0.0学分 /08201570.20 获奖信息 [1] 硕士研究生国家奖学金 [2] 博士研究生国家奖学金 [3] 江苏省优秀硕士学位论文


[1] 纳尺度等离子体激光及动力学过程 [2] 激光模式动态调控与单模设计 [3] 低维半导体光电功能材料制备与器件



查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Junfeng Lu, Chunxiang Xu, Caofeng Pan, Zhong Lin Wang, et al. “Dynamic Regulating of Single-Mode-Lasingin ZnO Microcavity by Piezoelectric Effect”, Materials Today, 2019, 24, 33-40. 2.Junfeng Lu, Chunxiang Xu, Caofeng Pan, Zhong Lin Wang, et al. “Two-photon-pumped whispering-gallery mode lasing and dynamic regulation”. Advanced Science, 2019, 6, 1900916. 3.Junfeng Lu, Chunxiang Xu, Caofeng Pan, Zhong Lin Wang, et al. “Piezoelectric Effect Tuning on ZnO Microwire Whispering-Gallery Mode Lasing”, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 11899-11906. 4.Junfeng Lu, Chunxiang Xu, Caofeng Pan, et al. “Plasmon-Induced Accelerated Exciton Recombination Dynamics in ZnO/Ag Hybrid Nanolasers”. ACS Photonics, 2017, 4, 2419-2425. 5.Junfeng Lu, Chunxiang Xu, et al. “Plasmon-Enhanced Whispering Gallery Mode Lasing from Hexagonal Al/ZnO Microcavity”, ACS Photonics, 2015, 2, 73-77. 6.Wenda Ma, Junfeng Lu*, Caofeng Pan, et al. “Piezoelectricity in Multilayer Black Phosphorus for Piezotronics and Nanogenerators”. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 1905795. (* Contributed equally) 7.Zheng Yang*, Junfeng Lu*, Caofeng Pan, et al. “The Controllable Growth of Aligned Monocrystalline CsPbBr3 MW Arrays for Piezoelectric-induced Dynamic Modulation of Single-Mode Lasing”. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(18), 1900647. (* Contributed equally) 8.Wenda Ma*, Junfeng Lu*, Caofeng Pan, et al. “Crystal Orientation-Related Dynamic Tuning of the Lasing Spectra of CdS Nanobelts by Piezoelectric Polarization”. ACS Nano, 2019, 13(5), 5049-5057. (* Contributed equally) 9.Yiyao Peng*, Junfeng Lu*, Caofeng Pan, et al. “Dynamically Modulated GaN Whispering Gallery Lasing Mode for Strain Sensor”. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 1905051. (* Contributed equally) 10.Jitao Li,* Junfeng Lu,* Chunxiang Xu, et al. “Single Mode ZnO Whispering-Gallery Submicron Cavity and Graphene Improved Lasing Performance”. ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 6794-6800. (* Contributed equally) [1] Junfeng Lu,Caixia Kan,Chunxiang Xu.Dynamically regulated electroluminescence via strain engineering[J].Optics Letters,2022,47(6):1323-1326 [2] Yiyao Peng,Junfeng Lu,Caofeng Pan.Self-powered high-performance flexible GaN/ZnO heterostructure UV photodetectors with piezo-phototronic effect enhanced photoresponse[J].Nano Energy,2022,94:106945 [3] Junfeng Lu,Wei Liu,Mingming Jiang等.Dynamic regulating of lasing mode in a whispering-gallery microresonator by thermo-optic effect.Applied Physics Letters,2021,119:131103 [4] Junfeng Lu,Yiyao Peng,Wei Liu等.Photoelectric dual-mode strain sensing based on piezoelectric effect.Journal of luminescence,2021,238:118237 [5] Fangtao Li,Caofeng Pan,Junfeng Lu等.Wavelength tunable single-mode lasing from cesium lead halide perovskite microwires[J].Applied Physics Letters,2021,118:071103 [6] Fangtao Li,Rongming Wang,Junfeng Lu等.Single-mode lasing of CsPbBr3 perovskite NWs enabled by the Vernier effect[J].Nanoscale,2021,13:4432-4438 [7] Wenda Ma,Junfeng Lu.Piezoelectricity in multilayer black phosphorus for piezotronics and nanogenerators[J].Advanced materials,2020(32):1905795 [8] Qiushuo Chen,Junfeng Lu.Strain-modulated high-quality ZnO cavity modes on different crystal orientations[J].Nanotechnology,2020(31):225202 [9] Junfeng Lu.Dynamic Regulating of Single-Mode-Lasing in ZnO Microcavity by Piezoelectric Effect[J].Materials Today,2019,24:33-40 [10] Junfeng Lu.Two-photon-pumped whispering-gallery mode lasing and dynamic regulation[J].Advanced Science,2019:1900916 [11] Zheng Yang,Junfeng Lu.Controllable Growth of Aligned Monocrystalline CsPbBr3 Microwire Arrays for Piezoelectric-induced Dynamic Modulation of Single-Mode Lasing.Advanced Materials,2019,31:1900647 [12] Wenda Ma,Junfeng Lu.Crystal Orientation-Related Dynamic Tuning of the Lasing Spectra of CdS Nanobelts by Piezoelectric Polarization[J].ACS Nano,2019,13:5049-5057 [13] Yiyao Peng,Junfeng Lu.Dynamically Modulated GaN Whispering Gallery Lasing Mode for Strain Sensor[J].Advanced Functional Materials,2019:1905051 [14] Fangtao Li,Junfeng Lu.Controlled fabrication, lasing behavior and excitonic recombination dynamics in single crystal CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite cuboids[J].Science Bulletin,2019,64:698-704 [15] Junfeng Lu.Piezoelectric Effect Tuning on ZnO Microwire Whispering-Gallery Mode Lasing[J].ACS Nano,2018,12:11899-11906


担任Advanced Optical Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,Applied Physics Letters, Nanotechnology等学术期刊审稿人
