伏洋洋,男,1991年2月生,博士,副研究员。2018年6月毕业于苏州大学,获得光学博士学位,2018年7月加入南京航空航天大学。自2013年起主要从事电磁/声学超构材料和超构表面方面的基础理论研究和新型器件设计研究,主要研究内容包括:零折射率超构材料、渐变折射率超构材料、Patity-Time(PT)对称超构材料以及共轭超构材料等,取得了一系列的研究成果,在包括 Nature Reviews Materials, Nature Communications,Science Advances,Phys. Rev. Appl.,Phys. Rev. Mater.,Phys. Rev. A, New J. Phys., Opt. Express, Opt. lett., Appl. Phys. Lett.等国际期刊发表SCI论文30余篇(大部分为第一/共同第一作者),引用400余次。部分成果获2018年江苏省教育科学研究成果奖(高校自然科学类)二等奖(排名第3);2017年苏州市自然科学研究论文奖一等奖(排名第2);多次在国际学术会议上作学术报告;为Opt. Express、Opt. Lett.、NJP等期刊审稿人。
My current research mainly focuses on fundamental study on wave propagation in materials with properties not available in nature and exploit the interaction of wave fields with complicated structures/materials to learn things for potential device design.
Special research areas are
1. Electromagnetic metamaterials/metasurfaces
2. Acoustic metamaterials/metasurfaces
3. Surface plasmons
4. Parity-time symmetry
2013.9 -- 2018.6苏州大学 光学 博士研究生毕业 理学博士学位 导师:陈焕阳/徐亚东
2009.9 -- 2013.6苏州大学 物理学 大学普通班毕业 本科 导师:陈焕阳
2018.7 -- 2019.7南京航天航空大学 理学院 副研究员
[1] 基于声学相位渐变超构表面的新型声学器件设计研究
[2] 声学相位渐变超构表面的衍射机制研究
[3] 基于零折射率金属光栅的电磁与声波调控
电动力学 /2020-2021 /春学期 /56课时 /0.0学分 /08203340.01
[1] 电磁/声学超构材料
[2] Parity-time symmetry
[3] 等离激元(SPPs)
[1] 伏洋洋,,等.Multifunctional reflection in acoustic metagratings with simplified design.Appl Phys Lett,2019
[2] Yangyang Fu#,*, Chen Shen#, Xiaohui Zhu#, Junfei Li, Youwen Liu, Steven A. Cummer*, Yadong Xu*, Sound vortex diffraction via topological charge in phase gradient metagratings, Science Advances 6, eaba9876 (2020).[J]
[3] Yanyan Cao, Bocheng Yu, Yangyang Fu, Lei Gao and Yadong Xu, Phase-Gradient Metasurfaces Based on Local Fabry–Pérot Resonances, Chin. Phys. Lett. 37. 097801(2020).[J]
[4] Yangyang Fu*, Jiaqi Tao, Ailing Song, Youwen Liu, and Yadong Xu*, Controllably asymmetric beam splitting via gap-induced diffraction channel transition in dual-layer binary metagratings,Frontiers of Physics 15, 52502 (2020).[J]
[5] Shan Zhu,Yanyan Cao, Yangyang Fu*, Xiaochao Li, Lei Gao*, Huanyang Chen, and Yadong Xu*,Switchable bifunctional metasurfaces: nearly perfect retroreflection and absorption at the terahertz regime, Optics letters 45,3989(2020).[J]
[6] Yue Fei , Youwen Liu*, Daxing Dong, YongQing Fan, Yangyang Fu*,Broadband unidirectional near-zero reflection induced by logical combination of parity-time symmetric photonic crystal, Optics Communications 474, 126123 (2020)[J]
[7] Yulian Liu, Shan Zhu, Qingjia Zhou, Yanyan Cao, Yangyang Fu*, Lei Gao*, Huanyang Chen and Yadong Xu*, Enhanced third-harmonic generation induced by nonlinear field resonances in plasmonic-graphene metasurfaces, Optics Express 28,13234(2020)[J]
[8] Daxing Dong, Youwen Liu*, Yue Fei, Yongqing Fan, Junsheng Li, and Yangyang Fu,Enhancing the Faraday rotation in the monolayer phosphorus base of magneto-photonic crystals ,Optical Materials 102,109809(2020).[J]
[9] Daxing Dong, Youwen Liu*,Yue Fei,Yongqing Fan,Junsheng Li and Yangyang Fu, Polarization beam splitter based on extremely anisotropic black phosphorus ribbons,Optics Express 28,8371(2020)
[10] Shan Zhu, Yanyan Cao, Yangyang Fu*, Lei Gao, Xiaochao Li, Huanyang Chen, and Yadong Xu*,3D broadband waveguide cloak and light squeezing in terahertz regime, Optics Letters 45, 653(2020).[J]
[11] Yangyang Fu, Yue Fei, Daxing Dong, and Youwen Liu, Photonic spin Hall effect in PT symmetric metamaterials,Frontiers of Physics 14(6), 62601 (2019).[J]
[12] Daxing Dong, Youwen Liu*, Yongqin Fan, Yue Fei, Junsheng Li, and Yangyang Fu,Tunable THz reflection-type polarizer based on monolayer phosphorene, Applied Optics 58, 9643(2019).[J]
[13] Lang Zhou, Yuangang Lu*, Yangyang Fu, Haixia Ma, and ChaolingDu,Design of a hybrid on-chip waveguide with giant backward stimulated Brillouin scattering, Optics Express 27,24953(2019).[J]
[14] Yanyan Cao#,Yangyang Fu#,Qinjia Zhou, Xin Ou,Lei, Gao*,Huanyang Chen*, and Yadong Xu*,Mechanism Behind Angularly Asymmetric Diffraction in Phase-Gradient Metasurfaces,Physical Review Applied 12,024006(2019).[J]
[15] Yangyang Fu#,Chen Shen#,Yanyan Cao#,Lei Gao, Huanyang Chen, C. T. Chan*, S. A. Cummer*, and Yadong Xu*, Reversal of transmission and reflection based on acoustic metagratings with integer parity design, Nature Communications 10,2326(2019).[J]
目前为Opt. Express、Opt. Lett.、JAP、Sci. Rep.等期刊审稿人