1. Daxin Dong, Youwen Liu, et al., Polarization beam splitter based on extremely anisotropic black phosphorus ribbons, Optics Express, 2020, 28 (6):8371.
2. Daxin Dong, Youwen Liu, et al., Enhancing the Faraday rotation in the monolayer phosphorus base of magneto-photonic crystals, Optical Materials, 2020, 102:109809.
3. Yuncai Feng,Youwen Liu, et al., Design of narrowband perfect absorber for enhancing photoluminescence in atomically thin WSe2, Optics Communications, 2020, 454:124443.
4. Yaoyao Shi, Youwen Liu, et al., Extending the imaging range through scattering layers to the entire correlation range, Applied Optics, 2020, 59(6):1633.
5. Yaoyao Shi, Youwen Liu, et al., Imaging through motional scattering layers via PSF reshaping and deconvolution, Optics Communications, 2020, 461:125295.
6. Yunji Meng, Renxia Ning, Kun Ma, Youwen Liu, Self-splitting of spatial solitons in a nonlinear fractional Schrodinger equation with a longitudinal potential barrier, Optics Communications, 2019, 440: 68.
7. Yangyang Fu, Yue Fei, Daxin Dong, Youwen Liu, Photonic spin Hall effect in PT symmetric metamaterials, Frontiers of Physics, 2019, 14(6):62601.
8. Daxin Dong, Youwen Liu, et al., Tunable THz reflection-type polarizer based on monolayer phosphorene, Applied Optics, 2019, 58(35): 9643.
9. Yaoyao Shi, Youwen Liu, et al., Speckle rotation decorrelation based singleshot video through scattering media, Optics Express, 2019, 27(10): 14567.
10. Yaoyao Shi, Youwen Liu, et al., Multiple-image double-encryption via 2D rotations of a random phase mask with spatially incoherent illumination, Optics Express, 2019, 27(18): 26050.
11. Daxin Dong, Youwen Liu, et al., Designing a nearly perfect infrared absorber in monolayer black phosphorus, Applied Optics, 2019, 58(14): 3862.
12. Yunji Meng, Renxia Ning, Kun Ma, Zheng Jiao, Youwen Liu, Self-splitting of spatial solitons in a nonlinear fractional Schrödinger equation with a longitudinal potential barrier, Optics Communications, 2019, 440:68.
13. Yue Fei, Youwen Liu, et al., Multiple adjustable optical Tamm states in one-dimensional photonic quasicrystals with predesigned bandgaps,Optics Express, 2018, 26(26): 34872.
14. Yuncai Feng,Youwen Liu,et al., Tunable plasmonic filter based on graphene-layered waveguide,Modern Physics Letters B, , 2018:1850110.
15. Yuncai Feng,Youwen Liu,et al., Tunable Multichannel Plasmonic Filter Based on a Single Graphene Sheet on a Fibonacci Quasiperiodic Structure,Plasmonics, 2018, 13:653–659.
16. Yuncai Feng,Youwen Liu,et al., Design of an ultrasensitive SPR biosensor based on a graphene-MoS2 hybrid structure with a MgF2 prism,Applied Optics, 2018, 57(14):3639.
17. Junsheng Li, Youwen Liu,et al., Light-induced absorption and optical damage in Sc-, Mg-, and Zn-doped near-stoichiometric LiNbO3,Journal of Nonlinear optical & Materials, 2018,27(3):1850030.
18. Kai Gao, Hongli Shen, Youwen Liu, et al., Fabrication of black silicon by Ni assisted chemical etching, Material Research Express, 2018, 5: 015020.
19. Kai Gao, Hongli Shen, Youwen Liu, et al., Enhanced etching rate of black silicon by Cu/Ni Co-assisted chemical etching process, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,2018, 88:250–255.
20. Quntao Tang, Honglie Shen, Hanyu Yao, Kai Gao, Ye Jiang, Wangyang Yang, Youwen Liu, Cu-assisted chemical etching of bulk c-Si: A rapid and novel method to obtain 45 μm ultrathin flexible c-Si solar cells with asymmetric front and back light trapping structures, Solar Energy 170 (2018) 263–272.
21. Xiaohua Wang, Wanying Ding, Haixia Zhu, Chenglin Liu, Youwen Liu, Tunable broadband, wide-angle, and polarizationdependent perfect infrared absorber based on planar structure containing phase-change material, Applied Optics,2018, 57(30):8915.
22. Yaoyao Shi, Youwen Liu, Jiming Wang, Tong Wu, Non-invasive depth-resolved imaging through scattering layers via speckle correlations and parallax, Applied Physics Letters, 2017 110(23):231101.
23. Yuncai Feng, Youwen Liu, et al., An ultra-compact tunable intersection structure based on graphene nanoribbon, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2017,50(18): 185101.
24. Sen Hua, Youwen Liu, et al., Propagation of an Airy-Gaussian-Vortex beam in a chiral medium, Optics Communications, 2017, 388: 29-37.
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