[1] 2005.9-2010.7
中科院数学与系统科学研究院 | 计算数学 | 博士研究生毕业 | 理学博士学位
[2] 2001.9-2005.6
武汉大学 | 应用数学 | 大学本科毕业 | 理学学士学位
[1] 2010.6-至今
数值代数 /2020-2021 /春学期 /48课时 /0.0学分 /08102240
[1] 随机算法及应用
[2] 线性与非线性数值代数
[3] 微分代数方程组的数值方法
[4] 数值偏微分方程
[1]A geometric probability randomized Kaczmarz method for large scale linear systems[J].Applied Numerical Mathematics,2021,164:139-160. (独立作者)
[2]Randomized Generalized Singular Value Decomposition[J].Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation,2021,3:137-156. (合作者: Wei Wei et al.)
[3]A fast null-space method for the unsteady Stokes equations[J].Computers & Mathematics with Applications,2020,80:1459-1477. (独立作者)
[4]Successive linear Newton interpolation methods for solving the large-scale nonlinear eigenvalue problems[J].Applied Mathematics and Computation,2020,387:124663. (合作者: Xiaoping Chen et al.)
[5]A novel method to compute all eigenvalues of the polynomial eigenvalue problems in an open half plane[J].Computational and Applied Mathematics,2019,38:28. (合作者: Xiaoping Chen et al.)
[6]A relaxed generalized-PSS preconditioner for saddle-point linear systems from steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations[J].Computers & Mathematics with Applications,2018,76:1906-1922. (独立作者)
[7]Numerical contour integral methods for unsteady Stokes equations.Computers & Mathematics with Applications,2018,75:4414-4426. (独立作者)
[8]The WR-HSS iteration method for a system of linear differential equations and its applications to the unsteady discrete elliptic problem[J].Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2017,315:208-227. (独立作者)
[9]On convergence of the WR-HSS iteration method for a system of linear differential equations[J].Computers & Mathematics with Applications,2017,73:2470-2481. (独立作者)
[10]On solvability and waveform relaxation methods of linear variable-coefficient differential-algebraic equations[J].Journal of Computational Mathematics,2014,32:696-720. (独立作者)