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2020年-至今:武汉工程大学材料科学与工程学院,高分子材料与工程专业,讲师 2017年-2020年:华中科技大学化学与化工学院,材料物理与化学专业,博士后 2012年-2017年:华中科技大学化学与化工学院,材料物理与化学专业,博士学位 2008年-2012年:长江大学化学与环境工程学院,高分子材料与工程专业,学士学位


功能高分子材料 电催化 微生物降解 腐蚀电化学 能源器件


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Huan Yang, Lanqian Gong, HongmingWang, Chungli Dong, Kai Qi, Junlei Wang, Hongfang Liu, Xingpeng Guo, and Bao YuXia. Microorganism Corrosion Formation of Nickel-Iron Hydroxides for EfficientOxygen Evolution. Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 5075.(TOP,1区, IF: 14.919) Huan Yang, Xiaotong Han, AbdoulkaderIbro Douka, Lei Huang, Lanqian Gong, Ho Seok Park, and Bao Yu Xia. Advanced OxygenElectrocatalysis in Energy Conversion and Storage. Advanced Functional Materials. 2020, 30, 2007602.(TOP, 1区, IF: 18.808) Huan Yang, Kai Qi, Lanqian Gong,Wanli Liu, Shahid Zaman, Xingpeng Guo, Yubing Qiu, Bao Yu Xia. Lead OxideEnveloped in N-Doped Graphene Oxide Composites for Enhanced High-RatePartial-State-of-Charge Performance of Lead-Acid Battery. ACS SustainableChemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 11408-11413. (TOP, 1区, IF: 8.198) Huan Yang, Shenghua Chen, LanqianGong, Shahid Zaman, Kai Qi, Xingpeng Guo, Yubing Qiu, and Bao Yu Xia. OnlineElectrochemical Behavior Analysis on the Negative Plate of Lead-Acid Batteriesduring the High-Rate Partial-State-of-Charge Cycle. Electrochimica Acta,2020, 354, 136776. (TOP, 2区, IF: 6.901) Huan Yang, Yubing Qiu, XingpengGuo. Lead Oxide/Carbon Black Composites Prepared with a New Pyrolysis-PicklingMethod and Their Effects on the High-Rate Partial-State-of-Charge Performanceof Lead-Acid Batteries.Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 235, 409-421. (TOP, 2区, IF: 6.901) Huan Yang, Yubing Qiu, XingpengGuo. Effects of PPy, GO and Ppy/GO Composites on the Negative Plate and on theHigh-Rate Partial-State-of-Charge Performance of Lead-Acid Batteries.ElectrochimicaActa, 2016, 215, 346-356. (TOP, 2区, IF: 6.901) Huan Yang, Yubing Qiu. XingpengGuo. Prediction of State-of-Health for Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries by aCurve Model Based on Charge-Discharge Tests. Energies, 2015,8,12474-12487. (SCI, IF: 3.004) Lanqian Gong, Huan Yang,Hongming Wang, Ruijuan Qi, Junlei Wang, Shenghua Chen, Bo You, Zehua Dong,Hongfang Liu, and Bao Yu Xia. Corrosion formation and phase transformation ofnickel-iron hydroxide Research Article nanosheets array for efficient wateroxidation. Nano Research, 2021, 14,4528-4533 (TOP, 1区, IF: 8.897) Abdoulkader Ibro Douka, HuanYang, Lei Huang, Shahid Zaman, Ting Yue, Wei Guo, Bao Yu Xia. TransitionMetal/Carbon Hybrids for Electrocatalysis in Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries. EcoMat, 2021, 3, e12067. Shahid Zaman,Lei Huang,Abdoulkader Ibro Douka, Huan Yang,Bo You,and Bao Yu Xia.Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts toward Practical Fuel Cells: Progress andPerspectives. Angewandte Chemie-InternationalEdition, 2021, 60, 2-23. (TOP, 1区, IF: 15.336) Lanqian Gong, Huan Yang,Abdoulkader Ibro Douka, Ya Yan, and Bao Yu Xia. Recent Progress on NiFe-BasedElectrocatalysts for Alkaline Oxygen Evolution. AdvancedSustainable Systems, 2020, 5, 2000136. Abdoulkader Ibro Douka, YangyangXu, Huan Yang, Shahid Zaman, Ya Yan, Hongfang Liu, Manzola Abdou Salam,and Bao Yu Xia. A Zeolitic-Imidazole Frameworks-Derived InterconnectedMacroporous Carbon Matrix for Efficient Oxygen Electrocatalysis in RechargeableZinc-Air Batteries. Advanced Materials,2020, 32, 2002170. (TOP, 1区, IF:30.849) Jing Pan, YangYang Xu, HuanYang, Zehua Dong, Hongfang Liu, and Bao Yu Xia. Advanced Architectures andRelatives of Air Electrodes in Zn-Air Batteries. AdvancedScience, 2018, 5, 1700691. (TOP, 1区, IF: 16.806)
