1989.3 - 1993.5 哈尔滨工业大学 焊接 博士研究生毕业 工学博士学位
1986.9 - 1989.3 哈尔滨工业大学 焊接 硕士研究生毕业 工学硕士学位
1982.9 - 1986.7 哈尔滨工业大学 焊接 大学本科毕业 工学学士学位
2001.10 - 2002.3 英国剑桥大学 材料科学与冶金系 访问学者
2006.2 - 至今 南京航空航天大学
1993.5 - 2006.2 哈尔滨工业大学
焊接冶金与金属焊接性 /2020-2021 /春学期 /40课时 /0.0学分 /06103830.01
先进连接技术及其数字化 /2020-2021 /春学期 /32课时 /0.0学分 /06104670
çæ¥æºè½åä¸æ°ååæ¢è®¨ /2019-2020 /秋学期 /16课时 /0.0学分 /0610104T.01s
[1] 魏艳红,余枫怡,余枫怡等.The evolution of polycrystalline solidification in the entire weld: A phase-field investigation.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019
[2] 魏艳红,宋树崎,宋树崎等.槽焊接头摆动焊热过程与残余应力的数值分析.机械制造文摘(焊接分册),2019
[3] 魏艳红,,魏艳红等.基于轨道交通行业的焊接专家系统设计与实现.电焊机,2019
[4] 魏艳红,,等.焊接温度场计算方法及软件程序设计.机械制造文摘(焊接分册),2019
[5] 魏艳红,魏艳红,魏艳红等.轨道车辆大型结构件焊接变形及残余应力有限元分析.焊接,2019
[6] 魏艳红,魏艳红,魏艳红等.承压设备焊接工艺专家系统的设计与开发?.焊接,2019
[7] 魏艳红,刘湘波,刘湘波等.Effect of stamping dimensional deviations on residual stresses and deformation of resistance spot welded steel sheets.Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2019
[8] 魏艳红,,等.基于轨道交通行业的焊接专家系统设计与实现.电焊机,2019
[9] 魏艳红,,等.Effect of stamping dimensional deviations on residual stresses and deformation of resistance spot welded steel sheets.JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019
[10] 魏艳红,,等.Phase-field investigation of dendrite growth in the molten pool with the deflection of solid/liquid interface.Comput Mater Sci,2019
[11] 魏艳红,,等.Building framework for selecting finite element models of complex large welded structure of railway vehicles.Simul. Model. Pract. Theory,2019
[12] 魏艳红,,等.Improved THINC/SW scheme for computing incompressible two-phase flows.Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids,2019
[13] 魏艳红,王少刚,王少刚等.Welding parameter optimization of electron beam welded GH4169 superalloy based on orthogonal experiment and numerical simulation.Mater. Res. Express,2019
[14] 魏艳红,,魏艳红等.Effect of the misorientation angle and anisotropy strength on the initial planar instability dynamics during solidification in a molten pool.Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.,2019
[15] 魏艳红,,等.The evolution of polycrystalline solidification in the entire weld: A phase-field investigation.Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.,2019
[16] 魏艳红,,等.A coupled THINC/QQ and LS framework for simulating incompressible free-surface flows with surface tension.Comput. Fluids,2019
[17] 魏艳红,,等.基于PTS光栅扫描仪的模具点云获取工艺研究.机械制造文摘(焊接分册),2018
[18] 魏艳红,,等.Finite Element Simulation of Welding Process Based on Reverse Engineering.Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao,2018
[19] 魏艳红,Chen, Jicheng,Chen, Jicheng等.Thermoelectric currents and thermoelectric-magnetic effects in full-penetration laser beam welding of aluminum alloy with magnetic field support.Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.,2018
[20] 魏艳红,魏艳红,魏艳红等.Onset of Curved Dendrite Growth in an Al-Cu Welding Pool: A Phase Field Study.JOM,2018